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Screenshot Thread

Started by :), March 09, 2007, 03:49:58 AM

0 Members and 4 Guests are viewing this topic.


Woo hoo my first rm2k3 screenshot..., anyway here's a  test screenshot of my untitled game, just finished making the hero's face too  ;D, please tell me what you think about it all so far.

Forgot to add that the Legend of zelda style bulletin was made by me but it is temporary until i make something better.

The right eye for the face portrait has been edited, seemed like it was popping out a tad before (as you can see here), also check out the 2k3 section for a goblin face i put up.

Been improving my work, here's a better look.


There is much open space in the map, although I don't know much about rm2k3.

Excuse the ugly sprite.


I like it, has a nice atmosphere thing going on.

That screenshot of mine was a test actually, did not have enough to make a good map with it then  :)


@006 - I really like that :P. 'Specially the atmosphere, but overall, it looks really good :P
9/10 ;8
Your conscience.


Ocean's Dreams blog! Contains RPG Design topics, Game updates and others!
Also check out my tumblr for smaller but more frequent updates!

Karo Rushe

Quote from: 006 on May 02, 2008, 10:28:03 AM
There is much open space in the map, although I don't know much about rm2k3.
Excuse the ugly sprite.
8/10 There's some Edges that looks square. mostly the curve on to the cave. Overall, nice screenshot.

Quote from: Ocean on May 04, 2008, 08:11:20 PM

By this side <- there's an error with the road.  It looks as thou they both connect, but it's awkward, as I can see, it's suppose to be above the road? or was that intentionally?

Other than that, luve it's simplicity =X 8.9/10


No, I just forgot to change that. The white railing is supposed to go over the blue ones, but I haven't made it do so yet.

Ocean's Dreams blog! Contains RPG Design topics, Game updates and others!
Also check out my tumblr for smaller but more frequent updates!

Karo Rushe

I see that . . . =X & off-LUCKY STAR FTW!

Post some old Screenies

The Shadow

modern algebra

Nice Dining Hall Caro.

And great map as always, Shadow. Keep up the good work.

The Shadow

Thx Modern :)

New screenshot:

(I have changed the chest in this picture, so ignore the chest)

Karo Rushe

Nice one, except, well, you fix it anyways =p


I hate the Space Tile set, never knew how to make it look great. =__=;;

Knight Rider

It ain't great but testing my new tileset.

Karo Rushe

[spoiler=Port of Oakvale Town In Albion][/spoiler]

I got tired of the Space Tile & went over a few "Chapters" ahead -.-;; still, love it <3

Quote from: AlienSoldier on May 21, 2008, 02:12:26 AM
It ain't great but testing my new tileset.

Are you modding that? :V

Knight Rider


this screenshot is very empty! its alot of space...but..what are on  a mountain hight?

Wild line
Projects in progsess/Demo/Finished

Wild Line -,26936.msg340116.html#msg340116
Forsaken Legends - The Black Fire -,28741.0.html

European Army - No Demo

Karo Rushe

That mountain is too square, toooo square.  Nature is balance & different in every aspect!

& yes, it's toooooo empty around it, need some trees or rocks & effects around it.

Code Geass

I've never posted here before? well, heres some screens of a FE game I was working on a few weeks ago, I'm halting it till the start of summer though :P it's mainly for fun as I'm a huge FE fan XD


yeah, the lips does move for the busts in the left portion of the text box itself.
And this is the focus thingy, where if the cursor is on the character he goes into a different animation.



Awesome! That looks great! Fire Emblem FTW.


That game would be awesome!
Are using a different maker, Sim...something (Can't remember)

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Code Geass

still using xp :P I'm just fooling around with the ZTBS, I'm hopeing to customize the hud next, but, first it's exams XD glad you like it though :tpg:


Quote from: Caro Ru Lushe on May 22, 2008, 03:46:53 AM
That mountain is too square, toooo square.  Nature is balance & different in every aspect!

& yes, it's toooooo empty around it, need some trees or rocks & effects around it.

thanks for the tip!
Projects in progsess/Demo/Finished

Wild Line -,26936.msg340116.html#msg340116
Forsaken Legends - The Black Fire -,28741.0.html

European Army - No Demo

Karo Rushe

Your welcome.

Caro tries VX:

This is seriously not working for me. <sigh>

Restaurant Sackboy

Quote from: Naith on May 21, 2008, 01:55:01 PM

Wild line
Are you doing with.
A screenshot of Zul'Aman?


9/10 on the last screen shot and I will upload mine here.
"If you build it, they will play it"