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Screenshot Thread

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Level 60
So... what did you actually want it do then? (Hard to comment much on it without knowing that....) :P

Level 102
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He wanted it to look like Crysis.

Level 60
He wanted it to look like Crysis.

That line needs more bloom, then.

Level 57
Noun. The act of illuminating.
Contestant - GIAW 9
I was going for the crysis look yeah.

Nah seriously, It is just supposed to draw in a different direction, thus the function is broken.

Level 64
RMRK Junior

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
That's nice but the background looks like mud and sewage.

Two things notes: The sub-menu text and character name gradients are become too white; looks washed out to me. I also question your use of roman numerals for levels, as that could get a little unwieldy.

Otherwise I like the composition.

Level 60
So... these are some screenshots from an early tech demo that we're working on in preparation for a second game project (which we may end up completing well before the first that we posted screenshots of, honestly, since this one has a more clear-cut design goal and completed storyline).

Just the title screen. If there are no save files present, the Continue option disappears completely.

The options menu. This is available from the title screen and in-game, since the game uses some resource-heavy scripts.

Just showing the message banner, which updates with information as the game is played. If the health of your party is getting low, for instance, it'll show messages related to the status of individual members when combat is imminent.

The game is using a heavily modified version of Vampyr's Verus Tempus Proelium ABS with some greatly enhanced AI and a number of removed features to help with the frame rate.

Just showing the overhauled and simplified main menu. The inventory functions as both the item menu and equipment menu.

Actor selection when using a skill. If the skill only applies to the user, no selection window is shown; likewise, if it applies to the whole party, the skill simply activates.

The save window. Only slightly overhauled, but we prefer it to the default. :)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 11:34:39 PM by Fall From Eden »

Level 71
Looks really nice, by visual blood do you mean like call of duty? If so dang it...  :mad:

Level 85
I solve practical problems.
For taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
They all Look so good :3

Level 60
Looks really nice, by visual blood do you mean like call of duty? If so dang it...  :mad:
Yes, pretty much exactly. Basically, as you take damage, the screen gets "bloodier" until it starts to "crack." Once it gets to the cracking point, you're just about done for. ;) We just didn't want any of the standard numeric ways of seeing how much health or mana you have in-game, so we're using a few different methods of doing things. (Marc is going to release a number of the custom scripts we're using, by the way, if anyone wants any of them.)

By the way, something not shown in any of the screenshots is that character graphics also change based on the amount of damage that's been dealt to them for both enemies and allies, so you can also keep track of the health of your allies by watching and healing them when they're visibly wounded or when a message comes across the banner to alert you that their health is getting low. Enemies will also start defending more and run away when their health gets low. :)

Honestly, though, a lot of the design choices are because the game focuses almost entirely on a single character. So really, he's the only one who has an inventory you can access, equipment you can change, and he's the only one you can control in combat. The other members of your party are entirely AI-controlled. That's why Marc originally started modifying the VTP ABS: the ally and enemy AI was too simplistic, and there were just too many features sucking up processing power that we weren't going to use for the game we're making.

They all Look so good :3
Awww, thank you. :3 We should probably post some of what it looks like with all of the fanciness disabled for good measure, though. (We still think it still looks preeetty good, by the way.) :P

Last Stop
Level 88
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Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 92011 Biggest Drama WhoreBronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
sorry but having a number for health makes games better and deaths less ambigous because you know exactly how much health you have left.

Level 60
sorry but having a number for health makes games better and deaths less ambigous because you know exactly how much health you have left.
Which also makes for a relatively comfortable gaming experience. We're aiming for it to be more ambiguous, but not frustratingly so... if that makes sense. "Better" is a relative term, as well; I (Eden) like games that keep me guessing more in terms of my condition, as it makes me more on-edge about potential encounters. If others don't feel as though these systems work well for them, though, we'd certainly consider changing it back to a numeric system; after all, we want other people to enjoy what we make, too. :)

I just don't really agree that a number for health automatically makes a game better. That depends on what the game is trying to do, don't you think?

Level 71
I think it's a good idea, are you also doing it by health percentage? I'm trying to write a script with a different graphic every five percent of the characters health.

Level 60
I think it's a good idea, are you also doing it by health percentage? I'm trying to write a script with a different graphic every five percent of the characters health.
Marc: It's done by percentage based on the number of HUD graphics defined in the script's module. So if five graphics are defined in the module, it shows one graphic per 20% of health with each graphic starting at 0% opacity and moving to 100% opacity as that graphic reaches the minimum number of its specified percentage range. If the designer specified ten graphics in the module, a new graphic would start to fade in for every 10% of health drained.

Essentially, for five graphics in the module, a health of 125/200 (or 62.5%) would show the picture for 75%-100% damage at 100% opacity while the picture for 50%-75% opacity would be shown at 50% opacity. :)

Last Stop
Level 88
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Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 92011 Biggest Drama WhoreBronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
I see no problem with a visual representation such as that of health, however i feel that without a supplementary number or bar it can be frustrating when you're right on that ragged edge in a dire situation and you're not sure if that last hit will kill you or if you'll be able to run for it because of ambiguity.

which i guess is your point, but there's a reason stuff like dead space and resi 4 and 5 have health bars now.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 07:19:05 AM by Strike_Reyhi »

Level 58
RPG Maker Master
Hi there,
Here ist my best watercave I ever made xD It is the PotM (=Picture of the Month) in the german community RPG Studio: http://www.rpg-studio.de/picture_of_the_month/april-2012.html

Here's the screen:

PS: I search a designer for my game ;)

Level 85
I solve practical problems.
For taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
That looks great : O I'm just curious as to where you located that pink crab :P, and as a minor quip, i think theres soemthing wrong with the waterfalls, they don't seem right.

Sperm Donor Extraordinaire
Level 77
Bronze - GIAW 9
That looks great :)

I finally have something nice to show...

my map window that I scripted all by myself (that's the real shocker, there since I'm such an RGSS noob)  I've still got some work on it to do but as of right now, it functions almost exactly how I wanted it to complete with reading data off of map notes.  Woo me!  I guess all that time of C#, VB and a few other programming languages helped out in the end XD

UPDATE: did some more work on it.  Now it's possible to choose which floor you want to view if the floor is available
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 06:48:42 PM by Lethrface »
I am out of fucks to give.  In fact, I think you owe ME some fucks.  I have insufficient fucks in the fucking account.

Level 60
Maps that look like that combined with the project name of "sh" makes me think "Silent Hill." This is a good thing. 8)

How much of that is generated by the script, by the way? I'm assuming the red graphic on the map is the player's current X and Y position, and of course, the selection window to determine which floor you want to view... is the rest of the map a picture that gets chosen based on the map you're on?

Sperm Donor Extraordinaire
Level 77
Bronze - GIAW 9
Essentially it is a map that is drawn out in Photoshop and placed in a folder structure that allows for the user to organize there maps based on the location.  The current player location is just pointing out the players current room they are in but does not determine the x and y positioning within the room.  Unfortunately I haven't been ablle to figure out how I can. Let the player know what doors are locked or open or blocked but I plan on trying eventually.  The menu screen has changed slightly ancestors I posted this but it may change Aaron bunch more soon since my friend is getting his copy of ace soon and he is pretty awesme with scripting whereas I'm just a noob with rgss lol.  For the most part though it is finished and functions better than I originally intended. Lol

Typing on my phone is hard lol
I am out of fucks to give.  In fact, I think you owe ME some fucks.  I have insufficient fucks in the fucking account.

Sperm Donor Extraordinaire
Level 77
Bronze - GIAW 9
Playing with Khas Awesome Light Effects for my game.  So-far, I'm loving the flexibility.  I'm going to have a bunch of light effects by the time the game is complete.
I am out of fucks to give.  In fact, I think you owe ME some fucks.  I have insufficient fucks in the fucking account.

Last Stop
Level 88
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Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 92011 Biggest Drama WhoreBronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
light eminating beer gut

Small Bat Dev
Level 76
2012 Best Artistf*ck u >:(2011 Best Artist2010 Best NewbieParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Most Attractive Female MemberBronze - Game In A Week VII
light eminating beer gut

this is my favorite thing you've said ever.

Sperm Donor Extraordinaire
Level 77
Bronze - GIAW 9
light eminating beer gut

lmao yeah, it looks like that from the screenshot...the only thing I wish is that it was possible to make the light effects a characterset so that you could make it move because it is meant to be a flashlight but the damn thing is just as good as a static image lol
I am out of fucks to give.  In fact, I think you owe ME some fucks.  I have insufficient fucks in the fucking account.