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Screenshot Thread

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Level 83
King in the North!
I like it! I don't know if I think the 200x sprites look weird or anything, but there are other people with better opinions/views on the matter. It looks fun too xD

And are they fighting a boulder? :P

I agree with the others; its a bit too dark. It looks pretty good other than that :D

That looks absolutely amazing! I really love the colours used, works incredibly well. :33
If it looks that good in WIP form, I cannot wait to see the finished version!
Winter is Coming

Hey... my name's... Sashikinaroji...
Level 83
fear me...
OotM time!

I've worked on this thing til my eyes are crossed..still loads to do..but a WIP shot.

I love this: I think the only thing that would make it better, other than the obvious (which is aligning the pics just right), would be to make the  character sprites be the animations you have for status ailments when they have them... just a thought...
Ok, DON'T EXPECT HELP FROM ME~! I will perhaps rant a bit, but don't expect me to do graphics for you, even if I say I will... I won't.

pokeball NPCOfflineMale
Level 84
Asking you to rescue princesses since '05
@ Joy, it feels that Simon's head is just a little too large to me, maybe other than that the item select bar could go all the way to the left edge...

But honestly, it looks next to perfect the way it is, just figured I should to a perfectionist for criticism.
Why do 1 lined nameless NPCs never get taken seriously?

Level 71
Tear Down the Wall!
@ Joy, it feels that Simon's head is just a little too large to me, maybe other than that the item select bar could go all the way to the left edge...

But honestly, it looks next to perfect the way it is, just figured I should to a perfectionist for criticism.

I think it's his hair.  The spiked part seems too much.
coming soon to a pc near you

Lemme smang it gurl
Level 71
RMRK Junior
i don't think it's the hair personally. maybe if the portrait was cropped differently so more of his face could be visible? right now a nicely sized chunk of the left side of his face is cut off. dunno, that's what i would do.

pokeball joyOfflineFemale
Level 85
I heard the voice of the salt in the desert
2012 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)Project of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2011 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)Winner - 2011 Winter Project of the Season2010 Best RPG Maker User (Graphical)2010 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2010 Best Artist2014 Best RPG Maker User - Mapping2014 Best RPG Maker User - Graphics2014 Best Artist2013 Best RPG Maker User (Graphical)2013 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2010 Most Attractive Female Member2010 Most Unsung Member
I posted this in irc, but here it is for non irc-ers.

still need too change the vocab, but thinking this is gonna be the final, graphics wise.

Level 83
Look at me, runnin' and all
Project of the Month winner for August 2009
Still lovely, but there are some things that I would do different.

I don't know how to call 'em in English, so when I say "RED THING", I mean the strokes that you can see in the right upper corner of each of the faces and that come out of the windows.

I think you should get rid of the RED THING that comes out of the Menu Options window. It doesn't have a purpose (or at least, that's what it looks like) and it looks like it's not aligned to the middle of the options window. I think it's a bit redundant, if you know what I mean.

Also, the location should be next to location, not beneath it. If you make the letters a little bit smaller, they could fit next to "Location:", which in my opinion, would look better.

As for the time and amount of Sil, those letters should be a couple of pixels lower, I think.

And maybe, just a suggestion, you could put a 1px stroke around each of the faces, so that you can see the seperation more clearly?

But as always, the style is beautiful and I love the colors, health/sp/exp bars, red stamp on the lower left corner, font and characters. :D

Level 71
Tear Down the Wall!
I would agree about the ribbons.  They are beautiful but they seem to be a bit much and they get in the way of the faces.
coming soon to a pc near you

Level 83
Look at me, runnin' and all
Project of the Month winner for August 2009

Level 91
Something I've been working on that is really going to speed up Vengeance development. Just a shame players won't even know it exists, haha. Only I ever see this screen!

All conversations are modular. Imagine it like this.

Message 1
Message 2
Message 3 - only show if switch 9 is on
Message 4
Message 5 - only show if switch 9 is off and item 4 is held
Message 6 - only show if switch 9 is off and switch 10 is on
Message 7

pokeball joyOfflineFemale
Level 85
I heard the voice of the salt in the desert
2012 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)Project of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2011 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)Winner - 2011 Winter Project of the Season2010 Best RPG Maker User (Graphical)2010 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2010 Best Artist2014 Best RPG Maker User - Mapping2014 Best RPG Maker User - Graphics2014 Best Artist2013 Best RPG Maker User (Graphical)2013 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2010 Most Attractive Female Member2010 Most Unsung Member
Japur and Thunderwave: The ribbons on the faces are there to hold status ailment icons, and the one on the right is to alleviate some deadspace.

A new experiment in mapping a dense forest. Still very very WIP, I never finished putting in the groundcover in the background, but I think the idea comes across. I'd be adding some different tree trunks as well as pixeling the water.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Most Mature Member2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Best Use Of Avatar And Signature Space
That looks gorgeous joy. You make me never want to make another map for RPG Maker ever again :)

@mouse - I like, but wouldn't it be better to allow for more conditions? IE. a possibility of requiring a number of switches to be on? Definitely a good idea to make a GUI for that stuff though :)

Level 73
2012 Best RPG Maker User (Graphical)2012 Best Artist2011 Best RPG Maker User (Graphical)Winner - 2011 Summer Project of the Season
That looks so natural, Joy! I love seeing your screenshots because they're always so inspirational and motivating :)
My current project:

Level 85
I solve practical problems.
For taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
gasp : O awesome joy!

Level 91
Personally I think it would look better without the lighting, but that's just me. Lovely graphics though.

Level 84
This text is way too personal.
Bronze - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - GIAW Halloween
Gonna bandwagon and say that looks amazing joy!

Level 71
Entity Humanoid Interface
@Joy: That's one of the finest mapping I've seen in a RMVX game man.
Though, I agree with Japur and Wave. The ribbon really looks outta place there, just the ribbon over the character's head.

@Mouse: Yup you should consider what Algebra proposed. More switch, more condition for an super epikz hidden quest :D
I support \\(>O<)b

Level 91


Level 71
Tear Down the Wall!
Japur and Thunderwave: The ribbons on the faces are there to hold status ailment icons, and the one on the right is to alleviate some deadspace.

I understand why you did that, but the ribbons seem out of place. The status ailments don't look like they are on the ribbon.  They look like an afterthought to me.  But the different length from the last image is what made this more noticeable.  Please don't get me wrong, your work is fantastic.  I am just trying to explain what I see is awkward.  What if you removed the ribbons and let the ailment icons exist in a 2 x something grid, without the grid boxes obviously.

As for the height issue, if the height is based on how tall they are than the sprites should show that also.  I think if you move the first guy over a bit to the left, he may look better, because the ribbon blocks his eye.

But believe me it's awesome.  I think people are just being picky because they care.
coming soon to a pc near you

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
The ribbon isn't blocking his eye. Though the bottom right one does look unneeded, I personally would be fine with the open space it'd leave with it removed.

Level 71
Tear Down the Wall!
I meant on the previous version because the ribbon issue wasn't that noticeable.
coming soon to a pc near you

Level 85
Winter is here.
Damn joy, that map is absolutely gorgeous. The water is very well done. The only complaint I have is that the sun shafts kind of detract from the overall presentation; don't get rid of them completely, mind you, but I would consider making them less obstructive. I would also add more trees (or tree trunks, rather) toward the top of the map to give the illusion of thicker foliage. Other than that, the map is beautiful. Excellent work as always. The same goes for the menu, though I would personally darken a few elements and adjust their saturation as well to give it some contrast. As it stands, it seems to lack depth, at least in my opinion. It may also help to make the text a little more readable; at the moment it doesn't stand out enough. Just something I think you should consider.
Eddard Stark art by Teiiku

A-pow 2015
Level 81
2014 Best RPG Maker User - GraphicsFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2013 Most Unsung MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.a^2 + b^2 = c^2How can I help you? :DSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 9Bronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
XP tiles in VX.
Kind of a WIP, so it's a little sparse right now.

Spoiler for:

my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
2014 Zero to Hero2014 Most Missed Member2014 Best IRC Quote2012 Zero To HeroSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantContestant - GIAW 9For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Zero to Hero
Those are some of the best XP-VX conversion maps I've ever seen. I especially like the water.
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

A-pow 2015
Level 81
2014 Best RPG Maker User - GraphicsFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2013 Most Unsung MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.a^2 + b^2 = c^2How can I help you? :DSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 9Bronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
Aw, you're too kind.  :D
I think I might look for a better waterfall graphic though.