Still lovely, but there are some things that I would do different.
I don't know how to call 'em in English, so when I say "RED THING", I mean the strokes that you can see in the right upper corner of each of the faces and that come out of the windows.
I think you should get rid of the RED THING that comes out of the Menu Options window. It doesn't have a purpose (or at least, that's what it looks like) and it looks like it's not aligned to the middle of the options window. I think it's a bit redundant, if you know what I mean.
Also, the location should be next to location, not beneath it. If you make the letters a little bit smaller, they could fit next to "Location:", which in my opinion, would look better.
As for the time and amount of Sil, those letters should be a couple of pixels lower, I think.
And maybe, just a suggestion, you could put a 1px stroke around each of the faces, so that you can see the seperation more clearly?
But as always, the style is beautiful and I love the colors, health/sp/exp bars, red stamp on the lower left corner, font and characters.