CodeMaster:Thanks! I won't be using the map, so I'm not worried about all the clutter. But I appreciate the comment!~
modern algebra:Thank you. Collaborating on it was such a blast, too. A great experience overall.
Strak:Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean, exactly. Is there something wrong with it, or is it just the placement you're wondering about?
Ryosis:Yes, I did want feedback on the tiles (and thank you!)
I wouldn't use any of my mapping examples as actual maps, because they're way too busy and they're not designed with gameplay in mind. However, the example maps serve two important purposes: 1) to show how well the tiles fit together and 2) to demonstrate how the tiles are meant to be used. Although using my tiles seems very obvious to me, I've caught a few instances where someone used them wrong. For example, my inner tiles have a wall lamp/sconce. Based on the shape and the shadow, it's very obvious to me that it goes against the wall. But I've seen people use it in lieu of table lamps. So, I've made a couple example maps that show which lamp goes on the wall and which goes on tables. It's much easier to explain little things like that with a visual aid.