Not bad, but there is room for improvement.
A. It would be better to use the base cliff tile here.
B. This particular tile choice makes the cliff look like it just... ends. If there is a tile that offers a more gradual transition, I would suggest using it.
C. What are the ends of this bridge connected to?
D. Not an error
per se, but it seems a bit unnatural for the grass to form a perfect right able around the corners.
E. It is ill-advised to use ladder tiles on corners. It just comes out looking weird.
F. See A.
There's also the matter of the water. There is no visible shore, and that one little segment where there's only two inches of space between the two sides is a glaring issue. I would also take a second look at the waterfall.
Nothing particularly wrong with the second screenshot other than the lack of detail. I would suggest adding a few more decorative tiles to spruce things up. The same can be said of the first one as well.