I'm modifying Window_Help and realized a problem that the system doesn't refresh the enemy name for the enemy selection. What I mean is that when you select the first enemy in a troop it'll display say "Ghost" but (if you have a troop with more than one type of enemy) when you move the enemy cursor/selection to the second enemy say "Angel", the window will still say "Ghost." Mind you, that this has nothing to do with anything i've modified...it's just a flaw or bug, if you will, in the system.
How this affects me (besides the small fact that I'm a perfectionist and can't stand to have such an error in my game) is that I am modifying the window to display the enemy's HP & SP. So the problem lies in that when a player selects a different enemy, other than the first one, it will display the first enemy's (again the "Ghost's") HP & SP even though the cursor is currently on the second enemy ("Angel").
Any ideas on how to fix this?...b/c it's driving me insane!
here's the script:
# ** Window_Help
# This window shows skill and item explanations along with actor status.
class Window_Help < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
super(0, 0, 640, 64)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
# * Set Text
# text : text string displayed in window
# align : alignment (0..flush left, 1..center, 2..flush right)
def set_text(text, align = 0)
# If at least one part of text and alignment differ from last time
if text != @text or align != @align
# Redraw text
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, self.width - 40, 32, text, align)
@text = text
@align = align
@actor = nil
self.visible = true
# * Set Actor
# actor : status displaying actor
def set_actor(actor)
if actor != @actor
draw_actor_name(actor, 4, 0)
draw_actor_state(actor, 140, 0)
draw_actor_hp(actor, 284, 0)
draw_actor_sp(actor, 460, 0)
@actor = actor
@text = nil
self.visible = true
# * Set Enemy
# enemy : name and status displaying enemy
def set_enemy(enemy)
text = enemy.name
state_text = make_battler_state_text(enemy, 112, false)
if state_text != ""
text += " " + state_text
set_text(text, 1)