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How do I add custom battlers?

Started by tinnybell, March 05, 2007, 11:46:17 PM

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When I try adding a custom battler graphic, it keeps the white box around it. How do I fix this?
Tinnybell, bringing noob wherever she goes.
~Using RMXP~


press f10, click battlers click import locate file and click on white, then click ok.
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Quote from: Nouman on March 05, 2007, 11:47:11 PM
press f10, click battlers click import locate file and click on white, then click ok.

It does not let me click on white like when I import a tileset.
Tinnybell, bringing noob wherever she goes.
~Using RMXP~


Does the file have a .png extension?


Tinnybell, bringing noob wherever she goes.
~Using RMXP~


I switched it to a PNG file and it worked, but when I went to add another PNG pic it did the same error of not letting me choose a colour.
Tinnybell, bringing noob wherever she goes.
~Using RMXP~


Hmmm, i remember certain extensions being "damaged" by certain programs... the bitmap file with an alpha channel NOT being recognized because of weird compression, or color system, or something. Even rmxp will react weirdly with those wacky compressions. To be sure, format the bitmap like that:
If you have photoshop, re-save it in "PNG" with an alpha layer, then when the file extension preferences shows up, select:
first box: none
second box: adaptable (last choice)
If you don't have a good bitmap editor... then you're in trouble, and should get one quickly.
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