Well, yeah... Since I have the highest post count (right now exactly 4000) again (except for Zypher who has 7000 fake posts (¬_¬) ) and my old welcome topic got deleted...
Hi, I am Blizzard, my real name's Boris Miki?, I'm from Croatia (that's in Europe !_! ). I'm 20, I go to college and I have too many intererests:
I do stuff in Photoshop (wallpapers, some spriting, graphic design, etc.), FruityLoops (making Techno/Trance music and obviously I listen to that kind of music =P), I program in C, C++, RGSS Ruby and some other languages...
I am quite a well known scripter amongst the RPG Maker communities, since many of my scripts are used in various games.
Except for that I work on a Bandai-Namco sponsored project called "The World R:2", which is supposed to be a sequel of "The World". TW is a 2D MMO RPG while R:2 will be a 3D MMO RPG. Since it's more of a community project, I won't get paid until the project is finished and goes online.
Currently I don't have a girlfriend, because I don't have the time *points to the part about too many interests*. I don't want to have one if I don't have the time to be together with her.
Well, that's pretty much all.
Here are 2 pics of me.
Me, summer 2006:
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h316/bblizzard/boris.jpg Me, autumn 2006 (the cool version
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h316/bblizzard/teh_blizzard.png BTW, they are outdated, I don't wear a beard anymore. !_!
So, yeah, I hope I'll have some fun here.