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Like Hellsing? Don't know what it is? Look Here.

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Well Ok... Most of you don't know me and I don't know you. I find the easiest way for me to break grounds on a forum is to get to know the community around it and what better than giving you what could be useful resources.

? Spoilers Below ?

Hellsing is about a Vampire of Sorts (if you believe the rumors he is the first) called Alucard. Alucard reversed is Dracula so it kinda fits, even though his name has been argued about I believe like 83.9% of the Hellsing community that his name is Alucard and it was always meant to be Alucard after he was defeated as Dracula and renamed byArthur Holmwood. Anyways I am getting off subject. Alucard is basically invisable to begin with. You don't have to swim about through episodes of him running through life trying to "get" stronger since he always has the ability to kick ass. The Animated Series and OVA's that have been released are both incomplete and with the coming of the 3rd OVA pretty soon it is the best time to get caught up on Hellsing. So the follow site is a link to all the movies, which you do not have to download and are in fairly nice quality settings.


Before you start watching please realize that there are two different animated versions of the storyline neither of with follow the manga closely for long.

The First is the TV Series which has 13 Episodes and leaves you hanging..and Then the OVA's which has 2 episodes and the 3rd was suppose to be Released on the 7th of Feb. this year but, has been held back for whatever reason.

What I am trying to say is you will be left hanging.. wanting more and you can't get more since the TV Series doesn't seem to be developing anymore and the OVA's are quite slow at releasing but, Hell it's a create anime.

Anyways sorry for my randomness in the post, I have a problem with typing what is on my mind.