At the GMC, I was an avid Graphics Resource poster, until a moderator by the name of Fred Fredrickson came along, and I was put on mod preview for 3 weeks because I said "I don't really like your sprites, I think you could do better". I havn't gone back because the moderation is too strict and people are way to vague, someone will say they want a dog and when someone calls them dumb and tell them to read the pinned topics about how to request, they get in shit. In other words, the graphics board over there was WAY too strictly moderated against the spriters and pixel artists, and far to lenient to the people who didn't read the rules. I would like a graphics request board for this GM board once it becomes larger, because GM sprites and RMXP sprites are usually far different. GMRK, the Game Maker Resource Kit. sections for RMXP, RM2k3, and once GM gets big enough, it could be included in the list.