Tommorow I have jury duty. I seriously pity the bastard whom's fate I'll have in my hands if I get picked.
I'm hoping I get sent home. Because I know I won't give shit. I'd probly be an asshole and try and make it a hung jury if I'm picked. I'd prolly be like, "Oh you guys think he's guilty? Fuck you, he's innocent." Or something along those line of assholery.
Anyhow if I get sent home all the better. I can do stupid shit like sleep or play RO or get drunk. Hmmm, getting drunk doesnt sound bad.
Any ways I'll fill peoples in later. If I remember right, if I divulge information if I'm picked I can be booted from the jury. So yeah, expect me to do so if I'm picked, and then I'll email who ever I need to so I can get booted from the damn jury.
Fuck jury duty, I seriously don't want to do this shit. I should be the LAST person who should be involved in any sort of legal matter.