vice versa dante..
we hate him cause he is a moron.
hmm wait.. is that how you define "americanized"?
cause if that's so.. this place has always been americanized it's called "having politicians"
i mean really.. they should really rethink that whole uber democracy thingy.. the goverment falls every 2 years instead of 4 and hmm.. chaos = pwnage
what's more, it's not like there are any options
you can vote for morons A or morons B you end up with the same morons ruining everything and the other morons leeching money cause otherwise they will make the goverment fall -.-
great system... ><
and just for the fun of it, you know how politcians are supposed to er.. actually do something? let's just say that in israel if you see a politician not breaking the law or even let's get crazy and say, show up once a year then you are hella lucky -.-
and look on the bright side! our much loved arabics next door have finally made their first election ^^
they chose to kick out the old terrorists and got in a new group of even dumber terrorists!
and now they are running around with guns shooting each other ^^.
heh democracy at it's best form