Based of the tv anime produced by Sunrise and directed by Goro Taniguchi.
Set several years after "The Great Uprising", a future geological phenomenon near Tokyo, some people have developed a power granting them the ability to deconstruct, reshape, and crystalize matter at a molecular level using only thought and willpower. These people have come to be known as "Alter users", and with only 1% of the newborn generations receiving such special power (though later in the series it is stated that the number has increased to 5% and steadily continuing to rise), some feel a superiority over normal humans.
The story starts Fives years after the crystal form of the other side entered the real world and was destroyed.
Kyoun is the daughter of Kanami Yuta, after she was born and at the age of 7 she was picked on for being a cry baby but after that day, that day when her alter power awoke her personallity changed to a stronger person.
Kyoun Yuta
Age: 17
Alter Power: Creates red and orange armor and gauntlents
floating above hands and shoulders (no pictures)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Grey/white
Personality: Strong, Kinda Rough, Hates to lose.
Other Characters Under Construction!
more to come this month