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Door Making! (Screenshots) (XP)

Started by Irock, February 13, 2007, 12:10:04 AM

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Door Making
In this tutorial you will learn how to make a door that will send you to another place!

This tutorial will be using RPG Maker XP Postailty Knights Edition Enhanced.
This is one of the many ways to make a door.

What you will need
A version of RPG Maker XP
Basic Knowledge on RPG Maker
Two Maps

Okay. Lets start out on the map the door will be. You should have already made this map.
Select where you want the door to be. Right click the spot and go to "New Event"

Okay. Now you should get a nice screen like this. Lets go to graphic. Double click the little box.

Now select a door. You can use any kind you want. Just make sure it looks right.

Lets insert a new command. On page 2 go to "Move Event"

On the top left hand corner select "This Event" so the door will be the event moving. And put "Play SE '024-Door01', Face left, wait 1, face right, wait 1, face up.
It should look like...

Now we need to insert a proceed with movment command from page 2.

Next we will need a teleport command. This can also be found on page 2.

Now we must select the location by clicking the box under "Specific Location"

Now select the map you want the door to take you.

Finally select the location you want the door to take you. This should be on a wall.

Your event page should look like this.

Don't forget to make a teleport event leading you out of the room. Set it to "Hero Touch"


XD I was going to make one, but very nice job on this.  ;)
Mind if I link you in the tut index?
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun



Its a good tut, but how do you make it so that you have to walk through the door in order to teleport?
Ninja Nonsense! (3%) (feat. Many Naruto references!)


Lovely tut explaining how to create a door.
Great job Irock.

I find that doors pretty much depends on what you like.
I'll contribute two of my doors to this topic. I won't post a tut on how to use them though...
[spoiler=Usually preferred door][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Eccentric' ~Blizz][/spoiler]


Thank you for contributing. Now I make my doors differently, I add no transition and move the player up one after he enters. ;D


Demonic Blade

Quote from: Uchihafan05 on April 08, 2007, 01:12:44 AM
Its a good tut, but how do you make it so that you have to walk through the door in order to teleport?

Choose "Collision" instead of "Action Key"
I wonder how many of my-reps are there for a reason, and not just because some jackass wanted to show off in front of some other jackasses...?
Probably a lot of them - and those people sure as hell don't deserve my pity, let alone my disgust.
That's right, let's see some more -Rep'ing! BOOYEAH!!