You FAIL you dingo fucking little mealy mouth moon bat sumbitch.
Wow, you're REALLY good at stringing together random adjectives! Boy, I bet THAT'S gonna stop me from mocking you. *snicker*
Go get raped with a rusty dagger you mental midget.
Rolling your head along your keyboard and hoping something ammusing or meaningful will come out isn't getting you anywhere
Good job dumbass, in case you havent noticed, people like me. Good job at becoming the new forum puntz. If you continue being a little faggot towards respected members, we WILL tell you off.
...oh really have NO idea who you're talking to, do you? Free cl00...that whole "flaming" thing...yeah I pretty much pioneered that back during teh Meow Wars back in the 90s. I know all the tricks, all the plays, all the moves...mostly cause, ya know, I INVENTED most of them. *rolls eyes*
Wow, thats a crock of bull shit.
Now quit being a fucking docuhe, or shut the fuck up. Because all you've done is FAIL. You're a fucking joke. Keep up your half assed crap. You're only making me look good you little whorebag.