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Less activity RPG wise for me guys...

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Resource Maker
Level 91
I have put lots of time into making some half decent games and every time I get so far I loose interest.

I just can't finish a game.

May be I will continue with some thing I am doing, not any of the projects I have announced on here.  But if I do then its a bonus.

I have no WEB space at the MO to host my images or files on, and I can't afford to have any space thats half decent.  I will be on here though posting comments and that, or giving help.

As for Resource making my Photobucket account is full so I doubt I will be doing to much sprite work.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

I love Firerain
Level 97
No prob man, i still <3 you, you're cool, and also because you did so much for me before

Arlen is hot.

Level 91
God of Dicks
It's a shame you never finished a game. You had some cool looking projects.

Resource Maker
Level 91
I did finish one, but BlueXx completed it in about 45mins and it took me 3 whole days to make... it was lame.

I am making some thing rather cool at the mo... its by far the best game I have started on... But I have no space to show it, and I don't want to...

I am going to try and make it, if I do finish it as I say its a bonous if I don't then  no one will know what it was like.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Well if you need more webspace, you can get an account with file front. They give you unlimited space for free. But each file you upload can't be bigger that 1 gig.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Ah... I may just try that Fu... Ta Matey.

There used to be a WEB host called www.noip.com the gave a Free WEB host and redirect service now they only do the redirect.

I want to find some place I can put up a WEB page for free, made in Flash and HTML that I can picture link to with hardly any banners or pop up's...?

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
There's alot of places that let you run a little website for free. As in little, I don't mean sucky, just a site that isn't for a company or anything.

Level 88
I'm back :P
well if you find yourself loosing interest just make games that are supposed to be short :P

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Yeah, don't try to make  a 30 hour epic.

With DW, it was about 12-16 hours. By the end I was going out of my skull while I was making it.

Resource Maker
Level 91
I made a Game in 3 days, it used to be on Dwarra's site... Gilpieter...

It was Crap...LOL

Any chance of a few links to some of the better Free WEB site host Fu ?

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

I love Firerain
Level 97
I remember Gilipeter, i played it, it was not ALL that bad.

Arlen is hot.