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War on Iran... Your Opinions


Should we go to War with Iran ?

3 (15.8%)
11 (57.9%)
Not Bothered
5 (26.3%)

Total Members Voted: 19

0 Members and 4 Guests are viewing this topic.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Attacking Iran would be MENTAL in my Opinion... We have more Muslim Faith holders in the UK than we do True Christian's, it will spark off riots and may be even a war at home, it will be classed as an unholy war, and all the terrorist factions supprted by Iran will clam together to help Iran:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6330353.st

So whats the news reporting in your countries on this ?

And please explain your answer to the poll... Even if you voted not Bothered, please.

I voted No - Why - Cuz if we do attack Iran then it could start fights in our own streets, it could upset some large countries that may aid Iran and attack us... It could be classed as an unjust War or an unholy War, it could be a loosing battle before it starts much like Iraq.  The main talks and disccusions I have read point at the USA considering Nuking Iran. 

Any US attack on Iran could be looked at by China as a direct threat to its economic strength. Any fighting in the Persian Gulf would slow the tankers running China's liquefied natural gas through the Channel of Hormuz... Should China decide to act in defence of Iran against the US to defend its oil and natural gas deal with Iran, the US would be faced with a Massive threat of a Gloabl War. This threat exists not merely on a military level, China holds a large amount of the American imports, and could up-set things majorly.

I still think much of this is based on oil and money rather than disarming or closing their Nucular capabilities, Iran are far from having a nuke...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 05:26:11 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 91
I still think much of this is based on oil and money rather than disarming or closing their Nucular capabilities, Iran are far from having a nuke...
I fully agree. This is getting out of hand, whether the oil is just a bonus or the direct cause of these wars, America is really getting quite insane.

If this is just an initiate of war for oil, then a mass lie cannot be stopped once it's taken as truth. Has Iran made nuclear weapons? No. Either way the country deserves both and stands no real threat to the US or any other major country. This is an outrage and looks to be a brink of America's domination of the world.

“This is a war against terrorism, and Iraq is just one campaign. The Bush Administration is looking at this as a huge war zone,”

This has lead me to believe with no doubt in my mind that the whole "War on Terror" is just a facade so that the US can dominate any country they feel like. If people think Iraq is now "Free" they are sorely mistaken. Iraq is now the Americas property, and it looks like they're doing the same to Iran. Who's next?

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
I think that currently, the U.S. shouldn't attack Iran as they dont have nuclear capabilities. However, once they have them, I don't think it'd be unjust. Their leader has claimed he would wipe Israel off the Earth, and whether you're Jewish or not, its still a country that contributes alot to the western world. I wouldn't say wait until the missiles are flying because then it'd be too late.

Resource Maker
Level 91
I think that currently, the U.S. shouldn't attack Iran as they dont have nuclear capabilities. However, once they have them, I don't think it'd be unjust. Their leader has claimed he would wipe Israel off the Earth, and whether you're Jewish or not, its still a country that contributes alot to the western world. I wouldn't say wait until the missiles are flying because then it'd be too late.

Israel has long range missiles that can hit any Arab State including Iran, Iran has seen Israel as being more of a base for and incurssion for years... Many in the Arab world view Israel as a terrorist state, and see the USA as the main backer.  Both side have a different view of who is the terrorists:- http://www.serendipity.li/zionism/israel_terr.htm

I know thats VERY extream... and hard to understand as we are based in the Western World but for those in the East Israel are seen very differently.

But I would much rather back Israel than an Arab state as Israel has the same value for human life as we do in the West, it's very easy to pick a side if your a Westener... And the bad thing is Bush and Blair know that they will have our backing to a degree.

I am in the same frame as mind as you, until we have HARD proof there is a threat we should do nothing.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 08:08:44 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
The U.S. hasn't done it yet, so I don't think we need to predict the ramifications of those actions. Well untill it does happen. Which could be who knows when. Still, I think as bad as it sounds, level all of the middle east. Even isreal, it's caused to many problems. I most likely sound heartless, but making that part of the world a smoking crater would only prevent problems.

By the way, fuck the geneva convention.

Level 91
The U.S. hasn't done it yet,
Actually many have stated that the people are just blind to the initiation of war and that the US HAS started the war on Iran already, they just haven't pulled out the guns, as of yet.

I think that currently, the U.S. shouldn't attack Iran as they dont have nuclear capabilities. However, once they have them, I don't think it'd be unjust. Their leader has claimed he would wipe Israel off the Earth, and whether you're Jewish or not, its still a country that contributes alot to the western world. I wouldn't say wait until the missiles are flying because then it'd be too late.
I don't care what Iran has stated, this is just another unjust war. If Iran had said they where going to attack America then the US would have all the rights to initiate war, but Iran haven't.

This is just another Oil War, only this time America made up a less believable excuse.

Level 88
So whats the news reporting in your countries on this ?
What does it matter? You'll just assume I watch Fox News and that my news are all biased :D

I voted No

- Why - Cuz if we do attack Iran then it could start fights in our own streets, it could upset some large countries that may aid Iran and attack us... It could be classed as an unjust War or an unholy War, it could be a loosing battle before it starts much like Iraq.  The main talks and disccusions I have read point at the USA considering Nuking Iran.
Terrorist attacks would indeed be rampant in the US, and I'd assume also in Western Europe. That would be teh sux.

Any US attack on Iran could be looked at by China as a direct threat to its economic strength. Any fighting in the Persian Gulf would slow the tankers running China's liquefied natural gas through the Channel of Hormuz... Should China decide to act in defence of Iran against the US to defend its oil and natural gas deal with Iran, the US would be faced with a Massive threat of a Gloabl War. This threat exists not merely on a military level, China holds a large amount of the American imports, and could up-set things majorly.
We're more important to China's economy than Iran.

I still think much of this is based on oil and money rather than disarming or closing their Nucular capabilities, Iran are far from having a nuke...
I doubt that the US would go to a war in Iran, although I'm fairly confident it won't, for oil. It's a side benefit, but it's not that big of a deal.

Quote from: Dr_Sexalicious
Either way the country deserves both and stands no real threat to the US or any other major country.
Iran deserves nuclear capabilities? What the fuck?

Quote from: Lord_Dante
I think that currently, the U.S. shouldn't attack Iran as they dont have nuclear capabilities. However, once they have them, I don't think it'd be unjust.
The point is to stop it before it happens. Once Iran has the nuclear weapons, the situation's fucked.

Quote from: landofshadows
Israel has long range missiles that can hit any Arab State including Iran, Iran has seen Israel as being more of a base for and incurssion for years...
And? Israel doesn't want to wipe the Arab states off the map.

But I would much rather back Israel than an Arab state as Israel has the same value for human life as we do in the West, it's very easy to pick a side if your a Westener...
You and your regard for human life!

Quote from: SexualBubblegumX
Still, I think as bad as it sounds, level all of the middle east. Even isreal, it's caused to many problems. I most likely sound heartless, but making that part of the world a smoking crater would only prevent problems.
No! We should kill everyone but children under 6 and hot girls, which will undergo a Lebensborn-type programme and be raised under/married to the new settlers of the Middle East. We'll make it all one large colony. Might as well leave the Jews, too.
Btw- Dibs on the oil fields.

Quote from: Dr_Sexalicious
Actually many have stated that the people are just blind to the initiation of war and that the US HAS started the war on Iran already, they just haven't pulled out the guns, as of yet.
Wait... what?
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 91
Iran deserves nuclear capabilities? What the fuck?
All countries deserve nuclear defense. How can you be biased towards different ideas? I'm more then sure you would have no objection to the US's current Nuclear defense system. Tell me if you do..

Wait... what?
The attack on Iran has already started, just because the US doesn't have solders there killing people doesn't mean that war hasn't been initiated.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2007, 04:44:15 PM by Dr_Sexalicious »

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Unless you mean a cold war, then yes you're correct.

If you mean a normal war, then an attack (or attacks) is pretty much required.

Level 88
All countries deserve nuclear defense. How can you be biased towards different ideas? I'm more then sure you would have no objection to the US's current Nuclear defense system. Tell me if you do..
Problem is Iran's run by much nuttier fucks than those of the US, I can imagine them actually using them in a non-defensive manner- ie, striking targets in the US or Israel. It's really quite worrisome.
The attack on Iran has already started, just because the US doesn't have solders there killing people doesn't mean that war hasn't been initiated.
I got that much, I'm asking 'How so?'. It's quite obvious there's a cold war similar to that with the Russians we had for so many years, is that what you mean (as Fu says)? Or are you implying covert attacks or something?
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 91

Problem is Iran's run by much nuttier fucks than those of the US, I can imagine them actually using them in a non-defensive manner- ie, striking targets in the US or Israel. It's really quite worrisome.
An attack on the US? Lol, the Anti-missile defense system the the US came up with during the last days of the cold war is more then impressive. There is NO threat to the US from a country like Iran using nuclear weapons. If they want to grab another plane how ever... ::)

I got that much, I'm asking 'How so?'. It's quite obvious there's a cold war similar to that with the Russians we had for so many years, is that what you mean (as Fu says)? Or are you implying covert attacks or something?
No, not a covert attack, intelligence-gathering? Yes. What I'm implying is that people are still under the impression that the US is not at war with Iran, people just don't understand what the first signs of initiated war are. What I am saying is that the Americas have already started the war in Iran. It's not a decision left to be made, it has already happened.

It may not be classified as the exact terminologies of "war" if an attack hasn't been made. But there's a reason why "attempted murder" is illegal. The US has full intent to attack Iran and have made plans to do so and acted on many of these plans already.


Resource Maker
Level 91
Problem is Iran's run by much nuttier fucks than those of the US

To the people of Iran, their leaders are much less nuttier than those in the US... (But you know what I think of Bush...LOL)

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Problem is Iran's run by much nuttier fucks than those of the US

To the people of Iran, their leaders are much less nuttier than those in the US... (But you know what I think of Bush...LOL)

Gods damn it man. EVERY country is run by looneys.

Level 88
An attack on the US? Lol, the Anti-missile defense system the the US came up with during the last days of the cold war is more then impressive. There is NO threat to the US from a country like Iran using nuclear weapons. If they want to grab another plane how ever... ::)
I imagine the nuclear attack would be carried out by suicide bombers in a vehicle, such as a truck or SUV. Nuclear weapons can be really small.

No, not a covert attack, intelligence-gathering? Yes. What I'm implying is that people are still under the impression that the US is not at war with Iran, people just don't understand what the first signs of initiated war are. What I am saying is that the Americas have already started the war in Iran. It's not a decision left to be made, it has already happened.
I've just been hit by a big wad of idiocy. The US is using diplomacy with Iran, and when dealing with a country like that one must be tough and always hold the threat of conflict, whilst offering good rewards for cooperation. And yes, of course there's intelligence gathering. The US is and has been gathering intelligence pretty much everywhere it can, does this mean that it plans on conquering the world? :O It's a (so far) small-scale cold war, doesn't mean it's going to turn hot.

Quote from: landofshadows
To the people of Iran, their leaders are much less nuttier than those in the US... (But you know what I think of Bush...LOL)
Yes but as much as he sucks Bush doesn't threaten countries with nuclear weapons very often.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Yes but as much as he sucks Bush doesn't threaten countries with nuclear weapons very often.


And there has been talks held on Nuking Iran... CHENEY talks abbout it...


And so is Bush:- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/04/09/wbush09.xml&sSheet=/news/2006/04/09/ixnewstop.html

There is a Whole Website dedicated to Nuking Iran:- http://nukeiran.com/

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Ok, first off- Nukeiran.com is a parody site. It has an Arab with an exploding turban. You... took it seriously? :|
Furthermore, many in the US are considering bombing Iranian targets where nukes are being produced and the such, but that's hotly debated over for obvious reasons. Besides, we don't even know where everything is (only a few of the sites, which are well protected).
And there are no plans for nuking Iran, that would have serious repercussions. Can you imagine the terrroristic reprisals? Not to mention that we're hated enough already, if we nuke another country our foreign relations will be fucked.

http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/nuke_iran.html - Cheney only talks about a nuclear attack if Iran attacks first.

http://www.pww.org/article/view/772/1/64/ - We of course should always have plans on how to utilise our technology. Every military prepares for potential operations, be they invasions, counterattacks, nuclear strikes, etc. You can't wait until someone hits you to make these plans, they can take months or even years to formulate.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Actually, I'd be happy if they nuked iran.

Level 88
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Iran... or... Nucular hole...

Errmmm... I suppose we could fill the hole with water and may be the the nucular fall out would heat the water to make the biggest hot spring ever....??... Choice of that or Buttlins, I would go to Iran... So I am with Fu, Nuke it... I mean it's not really a War if they don't have a chance, it's always good to hit some one before they hit you even if they are an old ugly lady...

Why do I use the Inallagy Old Ugly Lady...?

Cuz thats what Iran is... Its one of them Ugly old Lady's nobody likes, not even their own grand kids.  It looks and sound nasty, and smells funny.  So obviously you want it out of the way, as long as there is some thing left in the whill aftewards...LOL... So you wait until the Old Fuddy says some thing like "If you don't back the F'CK up I am gunna give you you what for", Then you smack it first (Even though it was helpless) You can say "well it threatend me first what was I to do...?"

As you can see I am kind of being sarcastic and throwing all sorts of contradictions all over the place, but even still I make more sense than Bush's war on terror... ERRR MR Bush, did you ever find Bin-Larden...?

I bet Bin Larden has a council given flat in Northampton England with a better packet than me after all the benefits he can collect....

I don't like Extreamists in their own country, but what I hate more is them being in mine... and all these wars are doing is moving Terror closer to home...

So may be Terror has already won as so much more a real prospect of happening right here on our own door steps... I didn't fear terror attacks until we launched an attack on terror...

I know your going to say "We don't given into terror, you should not fear it"... So would you feel slightly off if a Muslim walked on to your bus with the words NEWYORK written on a jumper and carrying a Ruck sack...?

Are Muslims in your country now trying to say your country is now as Muslim state just cuz they have more people how ticked ballet boxes Musilm than any other religion ?...

I HATE THE WAR ON TERROR, its making England and most of Europe Shite.

I think the only way to win is as Fu pointed out... I hate War, but if its gunna be done its got to be done with no half measures.

I don't want to sound racist, cuz I aint, if any thing I hate our Goverment for letting som many extreamists into our country, and not giving enough support or information to muslims born in our country who have turned extreamist...

It's the Western world repression that has turned the East against us, they have the oil we don't... Its Black Gold and we want it at any cost.

In fact I hate the Western World as much as the extreamists...

I hate English Scum... (People that live off of my taxes doing BUGGER all).

Heck I would go as far as saying I hate the world as it is today...


You guys could be right... some times War is nessary...

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Errmmm... I suppose we could fill the hole with water and may be the the nucular fall out would heat the water to make the biggest hot spring ever....??... Choice of that or Buttlins, I would go to Iran... So I am with Fu, Nuke it... I mean it's not really a War if they don't have a chance, it's always good to hit some one before they hit you even if they are an old ugly lady...
You know we were kidding, right? You are tremendously stupid.

Cuz thats what Iran is... Its one of them Ugly old Lady's nobody likes, not even their own grand kids.  It looks and sound nasty, and smells funny.  So obviously you want it out of the way, as long as there is some thing left in the whill aftewards...LOL... So you wait until the Old Fuddy says some thing like "If you don't back the F'CK up I am gunna give you you what for", Then you smack it first (Even though it was helpless) You can say "well it threatend me first what was I to do...?"
Iran can fight. Its guerillas can fight even better. It's not a defenceless little old lady.

ERRR MR Bush, did you ever find Bin-Larden...?
Eugh, any fucker who says dumb shit like this should be shot and/or stabbed (depending on which nationality said fucker is). It's been a few years in a war that will take many years, an ongoing conflict  that's not going away anytime soon. Bin Laden isn't as important as al-Qaeda itself, anyhow.

I don't like Extreamists in their own country, but what I hate more is them being in mine... and all these wars are doing is moving Terror closer to home...

So may be Terror has already won as so much more a real prospect of happening right here on our own door steps... I didn't fear terror attacks until we launched an attack on terror...
I was going to note the variety of terror attacks from 1970-2001, but you'd probably dismiss them as governmental conspiracy.

I know your going to say "We don't given into terror, you should not fear it"... So would you feel slightly off if a Muslim walked on to your bus with the words NEWYORK written on a jumper and carrying a Ruck sack...?
Americans don't use buses unless they're hobos, silly. Seriously though, no, I wouldn't feel any more 'off' than when pretty much any of the other passengers get on (freaks use the bus, I say!).

Are Muslims in your country now trying to say your country is now as Muslim state just cuz they have more people how ticked ballet boxes Musilm than any other religion ?...
What the fuck?

I HATE THE WAR ON TERROR, its making England and most of Europe Shite.[/quotes]
Sunni all the way, bitches.

I think the only way to win is as Fu pointed out... I hate War, but if its gunna be done its got to be done with no half measures.
...Seriously? :|

It's the Western world repression that has turned the East against us, they have the oil we don't... Its Black Gold and we want it at any cost.
FUCK IT. GOD. We have gone over this at least 10 times, oil is an aspect not a cause.

In fact I hate the Western World as much as the extreamists...

I hate English Scum... (People that live off of my taxes doing BUGGER all).
As much as I hate social welfare programmes, this isn't the place to bitch about it.

I'm imaging extremist and anti-Western Muslims throughout the Middle East pouring into Israel, Iraq, and Afghanistan to attack the Coalition and Israeli forces whilst there's an invasion of Iran; meanwhile, China, the US, and their allies engage in aerial and naval battles in the Pacific, and ground conflicts in Korea, Taiwan, and other Asian countries.

You guys could be right... some times War is nessary...
I'm always right.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
What the fuck?

Muslims are trying to say England is a Muslim state... They want to pass a law that all women have to wear face vails and all sorts... Watch this RUbbish:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOfU7wskFdg&eurl=  Or This one:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH_0SlaD4O4&NR

Some of the above video's show a clear haterd from young muslims to English people and England its-self... Its fairly worrying.

You know we were kidding, right? You are tremendously stupid.

Your joking but at the same time I bet you don't give a toss what happens to Iran.

Iran can fight. Its guerillas can fight even better. It's not a defenceless little old lady.

Ah, yes I forgot these guerillas can jump high into the air and punch Nukes away like no tomorrow.

Eugh, any fucker who says dumb shit like this should be shot and/or stabbed (depending on which nationality said fucker is). It's been a few years in a war that will take many years, an ongoing conflict  that's not going away anytime soon. Bin Laden isn't as important as al-Qaeda itself, anyhow.

You can find Saddam in a hole in the middle of no place... but you can't find a bloke in a complex of mountain caves... & al-Qaeda is world spread, we have tangents of them right here in England, and we can't do nothing about them supporting al-Qaeda until they are caught trying to detonate... Heck we even put Muslim Extreamists on TV to air their veiws, if we know they are extreamists, lock em up or deport them !!!... You will never beat al-Qaeda so consider your selves beaten.

I was going to note the variety of terror attacks from 1970-2001, but you'd probably dismiss them as governmental conspiracy.

So just how many Muslim attacks had been made against England before 2001 ?

Americans don't use buses unless they're hobos, silly. Seriously though, no, I wouldn't feel any more 'off' than when pretty much any of the other passengers get on (freaks use the bus, I say!).

We English do... and Tubes...

As much as I hate social welfare programmes, this isn't the place to bitch about it.

Just pointing out the World is shite, every country has it's bad elements... May be a War is about due... A BIG ONE !!!... Oh and not the place to Bitch about it... Who's threads this you numpty...?

I'm always right.

Well that's as wrong as wrong can get right there  ;D
« Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 02:34:54 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Ancient Mummy
Level 90
Someone needs to kill those Terrorist sometime..
So lets do it right away..
Not ?

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
I wasn't actually kidding about nukes... 0.o

I want to nuke france too.

Resource Maker
Level 91
SexualBubblegumX - LMAO

The French don't do much really do they... But it's not a bad place.

I am kind of Warming to the idea of a a War with Iran, but for all the wrong reasons... I hate the planet, the only countries I like are Canada, Austrillia, New-Z-land <-(I know I look as thick as Shite b4 some one points that out) And a couple of European countries like Amsterdam.  Any other country including England I don't give a rats bollox at this point and time if it's Nuked.

I have had some piss poor stuff happen in the last few weeks... and most of it is cuz of the last 10 years of goverment changes and acting in the best interest of the people... More like Politians Pockets...


Any ways... If a War on Iran will cause Chaos and one party remaining on top, the Shira Law or Western Law and the other being lost in history than thats fine with me... if the Muslims win, If you can't beat then join em... If Western Law wins then Fab-Tab a Dozzy it's a bonus....

If we Are going to start this war I hope we don't fanny about and call it a War on Terror, we should call it a War on Shira Law... Cuz that's what it is fundimentally...

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
You best damn like america! It's where the world's supply of Sexual Bubblegum comes from!