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Started by roxmysox, February 03, 2007, 10:49:06 PM

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i need 2 pics of an x button being pressed and one not being pressed
im gonna use it in my windowskins so it should be small.


Why don't you do it yourself, I here screen shots are really handy...
Kinsei kazoku no mottoo .

Seigi no mae no haamonii
heiwa no mae no barannsu
saigo no ha no mae no junjo ha kudaru


Kinsei Family Motto

Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before the last leaf falls


A quick way to make the button being pressed is to use liquefy in the disort section of photoshop. Or something like that. iunno though, I could quickly make one tomorrow when I have more time unless someone else has made one. But I'm not too sure if I'll remember...wanna give me an example of the X button? A circle or a square? What colour x? A picture EXAMPLE please?



A button -- Or what resembles a button.(Shut up...)

Click the pic!


Done! Modified version of the fart button  ;D

Hope you like it! Modifications will not be possiable due to loss of PDF file.
