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Question only a girl can anwser? Ask it here...

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Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
You know, the ass thing is not true. Girls at my school get their asses slapped all the time, and it doesn't mean anything.

Just like I said:

I actually am a pick-up artist myself by nature, but if a girl catches your ass, that doesn't mean anything. If a guy does that, yes that means he wants sex, but that doesn't go with girls.
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I love Firerain
Level 97
thse credit mASF type shitty names

You made him huh?


Arlen is hot.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
You know, the ass thing is not true. Girls at my school get their asses slapped all the time, and it doesn't mean anything.

Just like I said:

I actually am a pick-up artist myself by nature, but if a girl catches your ass, that doesn't mean anything. If a guy does that, yes that means he wants sex, but that doesn't go with girls.

Woops! Sorry. ;D

I love Firerain
Level 97
Psshh I don't care. :)besides I'm willing to bet I know a few people on rmxp who could get this place shut down because of the PK download.

LOL go ahead.



Okay, you know phoenix sux when

He starts interrupting us with his non-existing art(credit SHIT)
HE starts thinking himself to be a PUA (credit More shit)
He goes and spams others topics when his got locked(credit SMF FOOL)
Makes different credits for no friggin reason (Credit SUCK)
Threatens to close the site (Credit NAPHE)
Looses and goes away (Credit Looser)

Yeah, the last one is still left.


gets banned (Credit Naphe)
Arlen is hot.

Level 91
T_T.... Not that I'm not enjoying all this Phoenix bashing, but back to topic please...

On a final note, encase you haven't been informed, http://www.hbgames.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14561.

I'm RPGSUPERFUN BTW ( Page 2 )... If You are still around Phoenix, please go back to RMXP to avoid a stoning...

But, Back to Topic please...

I love Firerain
Level 97

Anyways, i wanna ask something-

Say I'm infront of this girl i like, and she's talking to me, and she has no damn idea that i like her, i wanna tell her but im all like A---a---a, and cant get words. Now what should i do in such a situation?
Arlen is hot.

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Well, if you're like a---a---a---a..... I'm pretty sure she either thinks you're shy, a complete moron, or you like her. :P

Not that I'm a girl oe anything. I've just talked to a lot of people and listened to others talk. ::)

Level 91

Anyways, i wanna ask something-

Say I'm infront of this girl i like, and she's talking to me, and she has no damn idea that i like her, i wanna tell her but im all like A---a---a, and cant get words. Now what should i do in such a situation?

That's so cute! ;8

Short Anwser: Just ask her out Knightwolf! It will be hard to say it, but the best way would be to get a short line prepared, and say it a few times in front of the mirror.

Long answer: With a cultural exchange that I'm not familiar with, it would be hard for me to give you any specific advice as in may clash with the current trend of your country. How long have you known the girl? How old is she? Have you *noticed* any of the signs that she likes you? We also have to ponder the down side to this brave feat you are about to do and whether the risks are indeed worth it.

I'm under the assumption that she is about your age, which would indeed give you an advantage, the only problem is I'm working with American/ Australian warped views where sexual maturity and understanding is meet at a younger age. Depending on how naive the girl is, and because of were you live, it would be difficult to make any assumptions about her at an in-depth level.

I'm afraid with out any further information I can only tell you advice using our culture as a reference. Get her alone, tell her that you really like her, and ask if she wants to be your boyfriend/ go out on a date with you. As to the difficulty with words, well it's there for a reason, without going into the full mechanisms of the human "Fight or Flight" activation, that feeling your getting, better know as "butterflies in your stomach" is your body trying to make a decision on whether you should go through with what you are currently planning or not, in both situations, and if controlled properly, it can be useful, you just must make the decision that you are asking this girl out full stop.

I love Firerain
Level 97
Its Nightwolf, stop calling me knightwolf.

Okay, thanks Ds, now i can ask zypher out.

yeah using the short way.
Arlen is hot.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Okay, this is good one. How do I break up with a chick and not be an asshole. Its really not working out with Kelso.... She called last night, uh yeah we aren't broken up YET.

Level 91
Okay, this is good one. How do I break up with a chick and not be an asshole. Its really not working out with Kelso.... She called last night, uh yeah we aren't broken up YET.
X_X... I'm afraid break-ups are always difficult.. There really is no right way to do it... There are wrong ways to do it, so don't get that confused...

Tell her you do have feelings for her, but you feel no real connection and that you don't see your relationship going any were.

Don't use old excuses ( it's me, not you ) as she will just feel insulted. If you don't mind, positive lying can help in a situation like this. Try to spare her feelings but be frank so that she knows the relation ship is over.

Don't break up with her over the phone, or sms. You really have to do this in person, unless she's violent or something...

Don't give her flowers or any presents... While that may sound odd, I've had a guy do that to me before, it's not a good thing.

No break-up sex either!

Just be kind and understanding, she may yell and get upset but just keep your cool and understand why she's upset and you should be fine.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Well I only know how to break up with a girl the asshole way.

But yeah, she IS violent. She was arrested this week. Thats one of the reasons I want to break it off.

Level 91
Then that's a different story. If she's some type of narcissist, then approach this matter with cation. It sounds like we are talking about different types of girls here. I don't really know too much about that style of woman, perhaps your safety should come first in this matter over coming off as a jerk. After all, we wouldn't want anything  bad happening to our Fu :)

Perhaps on of the other girls can give off some more insight to this matter?

Oh maybe you should date good girls from now on... :police:

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
I don't know why I'm answering questions that only a girl can answer but anyway...

I know a few girls like the ones you're talking about. It all depends on how often you see her apart from dating. If you don't see her often, I suggest breaking up over the phone telling her that you don't like the way the relationship is going.

If you see her a lot and she is a violent person like you said. I'm not sure what to do. Maybe get plastic surgery? >.>

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Well, I blocked her on aim and I won't return her calls. so she'll quti calling soon.

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
I fear of being accused as a sexist, but is it true that:

1)teenage girls hit on older guys?  In correlation to this, is it also sexist to call a teenage girl a "Lolita," solely on the grounds she's hitting on an older guy (read: 18 & up)?  I've seen this scenario happen back in high school all too often.

2)older gals hit on younger men!?

3)Women keep on saying one thing, but they mean something else?

I love Firerain
Level 97
I don't know why I'm answering questions that only a girl can answer but anyway...

Arlen is hot.

Level 91
I fear of being accused as a sexist, but is it true that:

1)teenage girls hit on older guys?  In correlation to this, is it also sexist to call a teenage girl a "Lolita," solely on the grounds she's hitting on an older guy (read: 18 & up)?  I've seen this scenario happen back in high school all too often.

2)older gals hit on younger men!?

3)Women keep on saying one thing, but they mean something else?
1) Most young girls do want to date older men because boys their own age are often very immature. Lolita?? I've never heard of that slang being used, were do you live??

2) Not as much as guys, but yes, even women can have a shotacon complex...

3) Not in all cases. Most of the time men don't read between the lines enough.

If you want more detailed answers please make your questions more complex and explained.

Level 88
*zombies around*
Well I only know how to break up with a girl the asshole way.

But yeah, she IS violent. She was arrested this week. Thats one of the reasons I want to break it off.

Well, I blocked her on aim and I won't return her calls. so she'll quti calling soon.

Ah, I've known a few of those types of girls. Unfortunetly Doing what you are doing might get worse. I say might though. Because you say she is violent it would stand to reason that if you ignore her she could possibly get angry. (And therefore get violent.) So, just quickly break up with her, give a reason or two, although not yanked out of your buttocks about it. Be truthful at least.

And for safety's sake do it over the phone because it is better on hearing voices instead of aim/msn/yahoo/whatever where its a very... detached thing. And you can figure out if she might become angry instead of sad. She could very well get angry and if she does, then you might have a problem on your hands. As a last resort if there is violence comming at you, can pull out a restraining order or something like that, depending where you live and what you can do. ^^

Yeah Little re-hash on things but thats alright. Anything more indepth and I'd have to know more info.

I fear of being accused as a sexist, but is it true that:

1)teenage girls hit on older guys?  In correlation to this, is it also sexist to call a teenage girl a "Lolita," solely on the grounds she's hitting on an older guy (read: 18 & up)?  I've seen this scenario happen back in high school all too often.

2)older gals hit on younger men!?

3)Women keep on saying one thing, but they mean something else?

My question for you: Why do you fear of being accused as a sexist? If you fear then most likely you won't be accused. Perhaps just miss-informed. We'll help you.

1: Yes to DS's answer. I have an older boyfriend. It can be true.
2: Some do. Their own reasons why I can't fathom. Perhaps because they want to be frisky. I've only known it to happen if the woman is cheating on a husband or something. D:
3: Sadly, we sometimes do. It's some inner complcated way. I try to steer clear of this so as to not confuse my boyfriend. All it needs is reading between the lines. As rightly said: DS. Or picking up the sarcasm or tilt of the voice to pick up if something isn't right, or what have you.

Snailer <3

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
Wow, this thread's still going.



Level 88
*zombies around*
Of course it is! :D We supply truth! That is always in high demand.

Snailer <3

Level 91
God of Dicks
I often say one thing and mean another, and I'm a man. I rarely expect someone to get the meanings behind half of what I say.

Level 91
I often say one thing and mean another, and I'm a man. I rarely expect someone to get the meanings behind half of what I say.
Thank you for proving a valid point! You see it's not just women who do this, apparently children do it too.

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
I often say one thing and mean another, and I'm a man. I rarely expect someone to get the meanings behind half of what I say.
Thank you for proving a valid point! You see it's not just women who do this, apparently children do it too.

I lol'd ;8

Level 91
God of Dicks
oh boy DS, you're so hilarious