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Pink Theme

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Level 88
I enjoy creating Character Sprites.....
Hey everyone, I'm currentyl using the pink theme for the website, but I can't go back to the normal one.
I don't like the pink, how do I swich back?
Make sure that the juice was worth the squeeze

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Wrong section...Go to your profile, click look and layout, there should be a button at the very top of themenu it brings up.

Level 88
I enjoy creating Character Sprites.....
Lol, thank you man.
The pink was killing me!!!
Make sure that the juice was worth the squeeze

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
NO problem at all Calintz.


PLEASE try at least a little harder to post in the right section...

And post more. If you are trying to feel people out, hit spam. READ the old topics, but only post in the newer ones.

Level 88
I enjoy creating Character Sprites.....
You know what!?
I think I can definitely work on those things for ya!!
Make sure that the juice was worth the squeeze

Level 91
Can someone ban him for not liking the pink theme please..? :police: