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Evolution contingent upon interference?

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Level 88
Does constant human interference affect the evolution of life?
Or by the same token, accelerate it's evolutionary process to accommodate it's harsh conditions for survival?

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
well, considering we are driving many species to extinction, I dont think that we help much, because although we would "accelerate it's evolutionary process to accommodate it's harsh conditions for survival", any evolving species will probably be dead before they can change.
ALthough, there is the endangered species list now, so i dont know.

Level 91
Animals kill other animals all of the time. Humans are just SMARTER animals. Yes we interfere, but it's only on a larger scale because we're the biggest/smartest species.

It affects evolution, largely so that it fits in with our own agenda ( take pets for one ), but we are the alpha species, we are at the top of the food chain. I say that gives us precedence, we are NOT equal with animals, PETA.

Level 88
In the event that we succeed in our search for life outside of our galaxy (or the moons of Jupiter) the concept of evolutionary interference scares me more so on another planet than here on earth. The process of evolution as it took place here on earth with humans may very well be a common occurrence elsewhere, however, if we step in and alter that process what'll become of those soon to be intellectuals? But even more so......who's to say our own evolution hadn't been altered by another intelligent species?

Level 91
But even more so......who's to say our own evolution hadn't been altered by another intelligent species?
Well rather then laughing at you, I do agree that there is no reason at all for humans to be self aware. But the idea that your speaking of could only have the answer of god. Because if they did it to us, who did it to them? And god really has no place in intelligent debate.

In the event that we succeed in our search for life outside of our galaxy (or the moons of Jupiter) the concept of evolutionary interference scares me more so on another planet than here on earth. The process of evolution as it took place here on earth with humans may very well be a common occurrence elsewhere, however, if we step in and alter that process what'll become of those soon to be intellectuals?
Darwinism is a simple format that works in all scenarios, scarce a few. Well your right, and the answer is simple: Just don't interfere with low evolved species, just like in start trek, you can make contact with them AFTER they have reached a certain point in technological advancement.

Level 88
I'm back :P
humans interfere with everything.
honestly, i find we're making the world worse in every possible way.
1. pollution
2. hunting causing extinction
3. destroying the environment
4. war - causing many things to die

Level 91

1. pollution

Cows and other animals cause more green house gasses then ALL cars, trucks, planes, bikes and others combined.

2. hunting causing extinction
Oh! That's right, other animals don't kill each other do they? We have more populus, there fore the number is bigger.

3. destroying the environment
It's not done in malice, and we're doing many things to stop it. Animals do it to, but because they're stupid, they just don't realise. Technology will bring on problems that we have to face, would it be better to just do away with it? Modern solutions for modern problems.

4. war - causing many things to die
Again, even animals fight each other, many do this in "Packs", we just happen to do it in larger "Packs".

Level 88
I'm back :P

1. pollution

Cows and other animals cause more green house gasses then ALL cars, trucks, planes, bikes and others combined.

2. hunting causing extinction
Oh! That's right, other animals don't kill each other do they? We have more populus, there fore the number is bigger.

3. destroying the environment
It's not done in malice, and we're doing many things to stop it. Animals do it to, but because they're stupid, they just don't realise. Technology will bring on problems that we have to face, would it be better to just do away with it? Modern solutions for modern problems.

4. war - causing many things to die
Again, even animals fight each other, many do this in "Packs", we just happen to do it in larger "Packs".

you cant really blame things on animals because the world was more peaceful than when humans came.
its called the food chain, and when humans are on top the screw it up.
and you cant compare wars with huge ass guns and many deadly weapons to innocent fights between animals. they dont have nuclear weapons that are un-natural to kill each other with.

Level 91
you cant really blame things on animals because the world was more peaceful than when humans came.
..... Really now... T_T.... Try going back to the prehistoric ages...

its called the food chain, and when humans are on top the screw it up.
and you cant compare wars with huge ass guns and many deadly weapons to innocent fights between animals. they don’t have nuclear weapons that are un-natural to kill each other with.
Can and did, just because they don't have guns, doesn't mean they wouldn't use them.

Did you know that gorillas form separate tribes? And that those separate tribes go out and Kill other members of the opposition with no apparent cause? They also use tools. Animals are doing EXACTLY what we're doing but just on a smaller scale.

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
you cant really blame things on animals because the world was more peaceful than when humans came.
..... Really now... T_T.... Try going back to the prehistoric ages...

its called the food chain, and when humans are on top the screw it up.
and you cant compare wars with huge ass guns and many deadly weapons to innocent fights between animals. they don’t have nuclear weapons that are un-natural to kill each other with.
Can and did, just because they don't have guns, doesn't mean they wouldn't use them.

Did you know that gorillas form separate tribes? And that those separate tribes go out and Kill other members of the opposition with no apparent cause? They also use tools. Animals are doing EXACTLY what we're doing but just on a smaller scale.

DS, you are being hypocritical in this thread. First, you say that the reason we are naturally on top is that we are consious and can think, when animals cannot. Then, you go on to say that we are just like them.
There is a flaw here, and it is that animals are driven by natural instinct while humans can choose right from wrong, left from right, etc., as is evidenced in our conflict of opinions, even in this very thread.

Level 88
I'm back :P
you cant really blame things on animals because the world was more peaceful than when humans came.
..... Really now... T_T.... Try going back to the prehistoric ages...

its called the food chain, and when humans are on top the screw it up.
and you cant compare wars with huge ass guns and many deadly weapons to innocent fights between animals. they don’t have nuclear weapons that are un-natural to kill each other with.
Can and did, just because they don't have guns, doesn't mean they wouldn't use them.

Did you know that gorillas form separate tribes? And that those separate tribes go out and Kill other members of the opposition with no apparent cause? They also use tools. Animals are doing EXACTLY what we're doing but just on a smaller scale.

DS, you are being hypocritical in this thread. First, you say that the reason we are naturally on top is that we are consious and can think, when animals cannot. Then, you go on to say that we are just like them.
There is a flaw here, and it is that animals are driven by natural instinct while humans can choose right from wrong, left from right, etc., as is evidenced in our conflict of opinions, even in this very thread.

i totally agree with you.
i think i was just trying to say before, what you just said.
jeez you smart people get outta here :P

Level 91
DS, you are being hypocritical in this thread. First, you say that the reason we are naturally on top is that we are consious and can think, when animals cannot. Then, you go on to say that we are just like them.
There is a flaw here, and it is that animals are driven by natural instinct while humans can choose right from wrong, left from right, etc., as is evidenced in our conflict of opinions, even in this very thread.
You point is invalid. We are at the top because we are the best, but that doesn’t mean that they aren't like us. Humans are just animals who are self aware, saying anything else is just Self deluding.

Just because they have no personal ideas of there stance on morality does not mean that they don't fight like us, and with the same reasons behind it.

They fight for food, as do we. They fight for land, they also fight for no reason at all in some cases, just like us. I truly don't see how what I was saying is hypocritical. I'm merely pointing out that humans aren't the only things to start war on this planet, we just do it on a larger level because there is more of us.

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
there are more of us, but animals dont start Wars, as wars are long conflicts that are usually solved by peaceful intervention, not always in this day and age by one side eliminating the other. Animals fight over nessecity, as you said, such as food and territory. However, animal territory is different. I haven't seen a dog ever go and claim territory in order to "rule the world", spread thier opinions, or for their god, have you?

Level 91
there are more of us, but animals dont start Wars, as wars are long conflicts that are usually solved by peaceful intervention, not always in this day and age by one side eliminating the other. Animals fight over nessecity, as you said, such as food and territory. However, animal territory is different. I haven't seen a dog ever go and claim territory in order to "rule the world", spread their opinions, or for their god, have you?
Give them a higher intellect and they would. How do you define a war? Not all wars are long and drawn out, a definition would be "Two or more opposing sides fighting because of a conflicting issue" Animals do this, but it's not ended in peace because they have unintelligent wars.

I haven't seen a dog ever go and claim territory in order to "rule the world", spread their opinions, or for their god, have you?
That was some real sarcastic BS. No I have not, but animals do NOT just "fight over necessity", take a look at my previous quotes about apes, they fight each other on many occasions, NOT out of food, NOT out of territory but simply because they are not on the same side. The kill and fight each other in large groups simply because they don't like one another. That is more then a definition of mans idea of war.

Level 88
I took too long to post.
This thread is hopelessly lost.
My brain aches.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 88
I took too long to post.
This thread is hopelessly lost.
My brain aches.
pretty kitty. *meow*