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Girl Issues.

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Level 88
Dude you have to realize, in the grand scheme of things, it's all meaningless. But, (long pause)........if you do want more than just sex with this girl, you know this already, BE HER FREIND, genuinely, be there for this human as it needs what all of us need, even if she may end up with the other guy, still be her freind. Relationships don't have to end because of sex, although some times it's the other way around. Strange how that works.

Level 88
I'm back :P
ok ill give you some wisdom i wasnt able to give you on msn
ok a few things about girls...
1. they are emotional
2. they dont change their minds as easily as guys do
3. they ALWAYS keep you guessing. girls are supposed to have a "mystique" about them, so guys are always saying wtf, just on purpose, they do things like that
4. girls around our age like guys theyre friends with because girls (usually) are looking for commitment in their relationship -except me, i date for fun. but girls usually want to get all serious about relationships. well not all girls, really depends on the girl.
5. girls flirt for fun. sometimes they do it unintentionally, aka me. but we also flirt with close friends, just to be cutesy, not always because we like you, but because we trust you not to think were soo in love with you.

and theres a lot more. but in all honestly dante darling, youre too cute to worry over this one girl. :P
and it doesnt mean you cant win her over, because the guy i liked originally liked someone else.
my tricks to make them love you<3:
1. be SOOO NICE that its disgusting. ok, not disgusting, but be very sweet. girls love that. but dont waste all your money on a girl who might not like you, thats stupid :P
2. give good hugs. OMG I HATE A GUY WHO CANT GIVE GOOD HUGS. like the more loveable you are, the more she'll love you :)
3. show interest in her interests
4. invite her out, or invite her to your house. the trick is to find a good reason, like to "study" or watever. and also check to see if she doesnt mind it being the 2 of you, only. like mention "who else should i invite, do you know anyone cool that i might know?" if she gives you a list of people, then she doesnt want it to be the two of you, of course >.<
5. keep her guessing. girls dont neccesarily like it when its soo obvious that you like them. sometimes its nice if they like you too, but if they dont, she might end up liking you because youre such a mystery :)

i know i have a lot to say, but i find not enough guys know the secrets on girls.
Im here to expose them :O
lol well i hope this helps!! <3

Level 91
ok ill give you some wisdom i wasnt able to give you on msn
ok a few things about girls...
1. they are emotional
2. they dont change their minds as easily as guys do
3. they ALWAYS keep you guessing. girls are supposed to have a "mystique" about them, so guys are always saying wtf, just on purpose, they do things like that
4. girls around our age like guys theyre friends with because girls (usually) are looking for commitment in their relationship -except me, i date for fun. but girls usually want to get all serious about relationships. well not all girls, really depends on the girl.
5. girls flirt for fun. sometimes they do it unintentionally, aka me. but we also flirt with close friends, just to be cutesy, not always because we like you, but because we trust you not to think were soo in love with you.

and theres a lot more. but in all honestly dante darling, youre too cute to worry over this one girl. :P
and it doesnt mean you cant win her over, because the guy i liked originally liked someone else.
my tricks to make them love you<3:
1. be SOOO NICE that its disgusting. ok, not disgusting, but be very sweet. girls love that. but dont waste all your money on a girl who might not like you, thats stupid :P
2. give good hugs. OMG I HATE A GUY WHO CANT GIVE GOOD HUGS. like the more loveable you are, the more she'll love you :)
3. show interest in her interests
4. invite her out, or invite her to your house. the trick is to find a good reason, like to "study" or watever. and also check to see if she doesnt mind it being the 2 of you, only. like mention "who else should i invite, do you know anyone cool that i might know?" if she gives you a list of people, then she doesnt want it to be the two of you, of course >.<
5. keep her guessing. girls dont neccesarily like it when its soo obvious that you like them. sometimes its nice if they like you too, but if they dont, she might end up liking you because youre such a mystery :)

i know i have a lot to say, but i find not enough guys know the secrets on girls.
Im here to expose them :O
lol well i hope this helps!! <3
Wow Christina, *Claps* that is THE ultimate guide on "How to be just friends with the girl you like". Bravo... :)

But perhaps we have different taste...

Level 88
I'm back :P
hmmm well, what are your views on it?
because im still skeptical if you are a girl or not.
but id still like to see your views on it.

edit: ok ive read some of your stuff, but genuinely if youre a good looking guy, and are nice, then you have a chance with her.
unless shes totally not into you that way, which i doubt.
cause usually girls are up for anything, atleast at this age they are

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
*takes notes quickly*

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
*takes notes quickly*

I'd like to watch you ask out a girl while constantly looking at note cards. :lol:

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Sad...I imagined myself doing that and LITERALLY laughed out loud. For almost a minute.

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
*takes notes quickly*

I'd like to watch you ask out a girl while constantly looking at note cards. :lol:

Ok, thats just fucking hilarious.

ok ill give you some wisdom i wasnt able to give you on msn
ok a few things about girls...
1. they are emotional
2. they dont change their minds as easily as guys do
3. they ALWAYS keep you guessing. girls are supposed to have a "mystique" about them, so guys are always saying wtf, just on purpose, they do things like that
4. girls around our age like guys theyre friends with because girls (usually) are looking for commitment in their relationship -except me, i date for fun. but girls usually want to get all serious about relationships. well not all girls, really depends on the girl.
5. girls flirt for fun. sometimes they do it unintentionally, aka me. but we also flirt with close friends, just to be cutesy, not always because we like you, but because we trust you not to think were soo in love with you.

and theres a lot more. but in all honestly dante darling, youre too cute to worry over this one girl. :P
and it doesnt mean you cant win her over, because the guy i liked originally liked someone else.
my tricks to make them love you<3:
1. be SOOO NICE that its disgusting. ok, not disgusting, but be very sweet. girls love that. but dont waste all your money on a girl who might not like you, thats stupid :P
2. give good hugs. OMG I HATE A GUY WHO CANT GIVE GOOD HUGS. like the more loveable you are, the more she'll love you :)
3. show interest in her interests
4. invite her out, or invite her to your house. the trick is to find a good reason, like to "study" or watever. and also check to see if she doesnt mind it being the 2 of you, only. like mention "who else should i invite, do you know anyone cool that i might know?" if she gives you a list of people, then she doesnt want it to be the two of you, of course >.<
5. keep her guessing. girls dont neccesarily like it when its soo obvious that you like them. sometimes its nice if they like you too, but if they dont, she might end up liking you because youre such a mystery :)

i know i have a lot to say, but i find not enough guys know the secrets on girls.
Im here to expose them :O
lol well i hope this helps!! <3

Thanks, but...I dont know. I think I won't TRY anything more with this girl, because we came to the conclusion that being a friend is good, and maybe something could happen, just not to rely on it.
So far, its going pretty well. I appreciate all of that though, because im sure it'll help.

Level 88
I'm back :P
*takes notes quickly*

I'd like to watch you ask out a girl while constantly looking at note cards. :lol:

Ok, thats just fucking hilarious.

ok ill give you some wisdom i wasnt able to give you on msn
ok a few things about girls...
1. they are emotional
2. they dont change their minds as easily as guys do
3. they ALWAYS keep you guessing. girls are supposed to have a "mystique" about them, so guys are always saying wtf, just on purpose, they do things like that
4. girls around our age like guys theyre friends with because girls (usually) are looking for commitment in their relationship -except me, i date for fun. but girls usually want to get all serious about relationships. well not all girls, really depends on the girl.
5. girls flirt for fun. sometimes they do it unintentionally, aka me. but we also flirt with close friends, just to be cutesy, not always because we like you, but because we trust you not to think were soo in love with you.

and theres a lot more. but in all honestly dante darling, youre too cute to worry over this one girl. :P
and it doesnt mean you cant win her over, because the guy i liked originally liked someone else.
my tricks to make them love you<3:
1. be SOOO NICE that its disgusting. ok, not disgusting, but be very sweet. girls love that. but dont waste all your money on a girl who might not like you, thats stupid :P
2. give good hugs. OMG I HATE A GUY WHO CANT GIVE GOOD HUGS. like the more loveable you are, the more she'll love you :)
3. show interest in her interests
4. invite her out, or invite her to your house. the trick is to find a good reason, like to "study" or watever. and also check to see if she doesnt mind it being the 2 of you, only. like mention "who else should i invite, do you know anyone cool that i might know?" if she gives you a list of people, then she doesnt want it to be the two of you, of course >.<
5. keep her guessing. girls dont neccesarily like it when its soo obvious that you like them. sometimes its nice if they like you too, but if they dont, she might end up liking you because youre such a mystery :)

i know i have a lot to say, but i find not enough guys know the secrets on girls.
Im here to expose them :O
lol well i hope this helps!! <3

Thanks, but...I dont know. I think I won't TRY anything more with this girl, because we came to the conclusion that being a friend is good, and maybe something could happen, just not to rely on it.
So far, its going pretty well. I appreciate all of that though, because im sure it'll help.

well just give it time, you know. she might end up liking you,

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
thanks chrisite ^^

(i know, thats what im hoping for. -yet not relying on-)

Level 88
I'm back :P
thanks chrisite ^^

(i know, thats what im hoping for. -yet not relying on-)

thats ok, if she doesnt like you

then you still got me baby <3

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
thats ok, if she doesnt like you
then you still got me baby <3

Cheating on your new boyfriend already? :o

Level 88
I'm back :P
thats ok, if she doesnt like you
then you still got me baby <3

Cheating on your new boyfriend already? :o

lol too many times

Level 88
Keep on Baggin'
Well, lemme throw my two cents in.  I'm tall, and have fabulous curly hair so my opinion defiantly counts.

Basically, to be honest, you have hit a dead end. However, lemme say it's not that bad.  At this point your her Dr. Phil.  But girls treat all their friends-who-are-boys as Dr. Phils.  Just like any of us, they need a little validiation.  When she talks about it just take it with some humor, and you'll be fine.  Who knows?  I've seen people that have been friends for years suddenly get together.  You never know what could happen.  Lemme just say be a little bit greatful that u diddn't have to actually go through the whole dating thing.  First dates at whatever ur age is can be a bit harsh.  Botching one up badly (or a relationship if it all works out) could mean not talking to whoever for a while.  So u need to evaluate her as a friend.  Do you talk to her everyday?  or is she someone that you only talk too BECAUSE you want to nail her.  That should help u determine how risky you should be.

Maybe u liked her but I don't think there was much chemistry (on her part).  Maybe chemistry seems like a word to you, but someday, when you experience it, you will understand.. It's an incrediable attraction tahts right there out in the open thats real hard for both people to ignore, theres no talking around.  Someday u'll find someone with the right chemistry for you.

Anyway, some tips for you and everyone out there on how to get a slight edge at being her better-than friend.

1.) Be funny around her.  Girls love someone whos a bit silly, especially people who laugh out loud (with a good laugh of course)  This doesn't mean you need to alter your personality or anything, just know how to poke fun at others, and urself

2.) Take her places, not alone, but in a group.  It obviously eases tension and stops her from blabbing about her problems to you, she needs you in private to do that.  Go somewhere fun at night, and always have a nifty backup plan so you can improvise if something goes wrong.. girls love it when guys improvise great plans on the fly
   Some slightly romantic group ideas
-Local comedy clubs (improv is great to go to, especially drunk)
-Indie movie theatres (old rundown places with one screen that show strange foreign movies.  Great fun)
-someones house for a movie night/ drunken streaking escapade (best of Will Ferral is what u'll need)
3.) If I EVER saw any guy write a girl A NOTE I would personally take them outside and beat some goddamn sense into them.  Never ever write notes as they are VERY personal, and guys arn't personal.  I get goosebumps trying to phone people sometimes, I'd rather text.

anyway, there u go, and good luck.  Any more questions, I'm the love doctor.. 8)

Some friends mend.  Some friends depend.  Some friends lend.  Some friends send.  Friend.

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
lol, thanks dude. THats actually a big help, as I'm past that "OMFG Depression" stage and onto the action one, where i actually have to do something to make it work. I do talk to her every day, you know, just as a friend. I dont even know how I started becoming attracted to her. At first, it was just like "cool, this girl is talking to me and she seems nice", and all the sudden its like "I think I'll ask her out sometime", even though I haven't known her for a while.

Level 102
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thats ok, if she doesnt like you
then you still got me baby <3

Cheating on your new boyfriend already? :o

lol too many times
Thars always fun.