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Resource Maker
Level 91

I guess we have established its good for technology and advancements... it's good at fending off aggressors or keeping aggressors at bay.

What else is it good for ?

You're wrong, again. If someone invaded Britain, for example, would you merely move to Ireland or France? Or would you stay and fight,

I would only fight to protect my Family, not my country... I will protect my own blood and if protecting that meant moving then I would move... facing death to be bold or to keep possetions in my eyes is being stupid, they will kill you and take it any way... so what if you gave a good fight.  If My family was killed and I had nothing to live for then God help them, I wouldn't stop until a bullet was in my head I would kill every one and any one who played part in it.

Heh, LoS, we can't go helping every country in the world. Ain't you that fucker that was like 'WE MUST ALLOW THESE PEOPLE TO GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER WITHOUT US. IT'S THEIR SHIT TO GET TOGETHER, LET THEM DO IT!'? :|

Again... I don't disagree with you on all points, you raise one side of a debate so I raise the other even if it is a loosing side to choose... I like giving the other side of the coin to talk about.

Some countries should be left to thier own devices, others should be helped.


My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 88
I would only fight to protect my Family, not my country... I will protect my own blood and if protecting that meant moving then I would move... facing death to be bold or to keep possetions in my eyes is being stupid, they will kill you and take it any way... so what if you gave a good fight.
Psht, if some bastards invaded the States I'd become a guerilla.

Again... I don't disagree with you on all points, you raise one side of a debate so I raise the other even if it is a loosing side to choose... I like giving the other side of the coin to talk about.
Why don't you just choose your perspective and debate with that?

Some countries should be left to thier own devices, others should be helped.
If it profits the helper, the poor country should indeed be helped. It would be good, for instance, to see if we can help Mexico (within reasonable bounds, of course) to get themselves on their feet. Them being a border country and all. Similarly, if Ireland was in a pickle I would be surprised to see Britain NOT assisting the country in some way.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Psht, if some bastards invaded the States I'd become a guerilla.

It's Only land, why bother... You may see it as an attack on your WAY of life and an attack on your fellow country men.  Every one is made from the same stuff, we are all Mamals, Humans... Nobody owns the world, and no one person owns a country, unless you built it yourself, like Richie Sowa.

Why don't you just choose your perspective and debate with that?

Some times my perspective matches yours... Why would that be interesting, or intelligent to just go "Yeah what he just said"... I would much rather looking into the what if's and the under-dog point of view.  You learn much more trying to look at these debates from another perspective.

So on that note the perspective of the Under Dog... War, Amrs and Defence... WHATEVER...!!!!


Many countries don't have an army, are they being invaded, are they not still making new technologies... You don't need Wars to better the Human race.  Much of whats spent on Arms could be put to better use and help say the education systems within our countries to make people more likely to invent new technology.  Pile the money into Cancer research and we could have a cure by now...

Here's some info based on the UN's state of affairs:- http://arcuk.org/pages/who_will_benefit_from_arc.htm

But if you want my perspective

I don't like War, but it's needed more often than not... we are still in an era that needs War.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
It's Only land, why bother... You may see it as an attack on your WAY of life and an attack on your fellow country men.  Every one is made from the same stuff, we are all Mamals, Humans... Nobody owns the world, and no one person owns a country, unless you built it yourself, like Richie Sowa.
This is like, the perfect excuse to pussy out.

Some times my perspective matches yours... Why would that be interesting, or intelligent to just go "Yeah what he just said"... I would much rather looking into the what if's and the under-dog point of view.  You learn much more trying to look at these debates from another perspective.
Pick your viewpoint, stick with it, and don't start a debate if I happen to agree. It's simple, see?


Many countries don't have an army, are they being invaded, are they not still making new technologies... You don't need Wars to better the Human race.  Much of whats spent on Arms could be put to better use and help say the education systems within our countries to make people more likely to invent new technology.  Pile the money into Cancer research and we could have a cure by now...
You do realise if somebody invaded any of these countries they'd be counterattacked by one of those nation's allies, right? Say that Cuba decided to invade Grenada, will the US just leave 'em hanging?
Furthermore, much of the technology stimulated by war can't be stimulated in other ways, because it's initially used as a weapon (or defensive technology).

Here's some info based on the UN's state of affairs:- http://arcuk.org/pages/who_will_benefit_from_arc.htm
... :|

edit: Forgot to mention, as JH pointed out on IRC, 'THROWING MONEY AT A PROBLEM [ie, cancer] DOES NOT SOLVE IT.'
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 01:07:16 PM by gonorrhoea »
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
This is like, the perfect excuse to pussy out.

Nah... Killing is killing, so what if its under the Label War... I would only kill some one if they killed a member of my family... Simple.

Pick your viewpoint, stick with it, and don't start a debate if I happen to agree. It's simple, see?

It's more fun the way I am doing things at the mo...LOL, And please stop telling me what to do.  Freedom is a BIG word used in the USA, but boy do I feel dictated to some times.

You do realise if somebody invaded any of these countries they'd be counterattacked by one of those nation's allies, right? Say that Cuba decided to invade Grenada, will the US just leave 'em hanging?

Here you go here's a What If for ya... What if, all countries followed those with no Army inc the USA... Then there would be no Wars... Not being funny... But Why is War so brilliant in the eye's of Americans, the first soloution is Kill it... Or at least thats the view I am getting so far, every one seems so pro War.

Forgot to mention, as JH pointed out on IRC, 'THROWING MONEY AT A PROBLEM [ie, cancer] DOES NOT SOLVE IT.'

Shame you didn't forget completely...LOL Cancer research has only got as far as it has thanks to money being THROWN at it... Cancer research needs money to buy stuff and pay wages.  I think JH point is more open to things like Prisioners being re-abiltated or changing people... Medicine is greatly under funded.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Nah... Killing is killing, so what if its under the Label War... I would only kill some one if they killed a member of my family... Simple.
From that perspective, if someone killed your wife and you killed people from the group he's a part of- an invasion force, for example, it's still killing. Anyways, why would you allow people to take what you have? :/

It's more fun the way I am doing things at the mo...LOL, And please stop telling me what to do.  Freedom is a BIG word used in the USA, but boy do I feel dictated to some times.
. . .

Here you go here's a What If for ya... What if, all countries followed those with no Army inc the USA... Then there would be no Wars... Not being funny...
Then militias would form. AMAZING ISN'T IT?

But Why is War so brilliant in the eye's of Americans, the first soloution is Kill it... Or at least thats the view I am getting so far, every one seems so pro War.
No one who knows anything about war sees it as brilliant, not even me. Ever heard of a necessary evil?

Shame you didn't forget completely...LOL Cancer research has only got as far as it has thanks to money being THROWN at it... Cancer research needs money to buy stuff and pay wages.  I think JH point is more open to things like Prisioners being re-abiltated or changing people... Medicine is greatly under funded.
What he means, I believe (or at least this is how I see it), is that there's more than 'hey let's give them a few billion bucks to fix this little cancer problem'. That's going to take time and quite a bit of effort and more non-monetary assistance than monetary assistance (not, of course, to imply that this isn't also important). Nonetheless, medicine is rather boring so I don't know much about this particular situation.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
From that perspective, if someone killed your wife and you killed people from the group he's a part of- an invasion force, for example, it's still killing. Anyways

Vengence in my eyes is justice.  I don't call the police their shite, from previous experience... I handle things myself.  Also I wouldn't just stop at him, I would kill as many members of the group as I could.

why would you allow people to take what you have? :/

If it was one on one no weapons or equal weaponry Yeah I would stand my ground, but if an invasion force came I would move and protect my family... Protecting my next of Kin or Partner would come first over possesions, if it came to it I would Burn my home and possesions or Rig it to expload if some one entered it.  Again Vengence is justice.

Then militias would form. AMAZING ISN'T IT?

I meant if all Arms had been destroyed, no guns, no knives etc... States could still be policed.

Ever heard of a necessary evil?

Ying and Yang, there has to be an equal balance according to some faith's... If you have never came close or have taken some ones life I guess you wouldn't understand how complex a feeling it is to hold anothers life in the wind... Or to have your own placed in a fragile position.  Talking big about war and killing is one thing, trying to pull a trigger knowing your about to end some ones life is a little different...  Treat those how you wish to be treated... I would not rage war whillingly for sake of pride or country's honour, I would only fight if there is no other option, self defence and self preservation... Evil is necessary when facing Evil, but to go looking for it is some thing else.

What he means, I believe (or at least this is how I see it), is that there's more than 'hey let's give them a few billion bucks to fix this little cancer problem'. That's going to take time and quite a bit of effort and more non-monetary assistance than monetary assistance (not, of course, to imply that this isn't also important). Nonetheless, medicine is rather boring so I don't know much about this particular situation.

Money is what Cancer Research asks for, they have many charity's running through lack of funding, Cancer is a horrid way to die... Being eaten from indide out... Its not just funding to help treat cancer, that was just an example... The money could be used for all sorts, may be climate Control methods or some thing.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Vengence in my eyes is justice.  I don't call the police their shite, from previous experience... I handle things myself.  Also I wouldn't just stop at him, I would kill as many members of the group as I could.
Vigilantism. Wonderful. And you call /me/ crazy.

If it was one on one no weapons or equal weaponry Yeah I would stand my ground, but if an invasion force came I would move and protect my family... Protecting my next of Kin or Partner would come first over possesions, if it came to it I would Burn my home and possesions or Rig it to expload if some one entered it.  Again Vengence is justice.
Well, if you're part of a coordinated (or even not very coordinated) guerilla force, and you do indeed have a weapon or obtain one (surprisingly easy to do on battlegrounds, I've heard) then you'd be fine.

I meant if all Arms had been destroyed, no guns, no knives etc... States could still be policed.
I like black markets. Also, you can't do that. Not only since people use knives for utility purposes, but also because they're not that difficult to make at home.

Ying and Yang, there has to be an equal balance according to some faith's... If you have never came close or have taken some ones life I guess you wouldn't understand how complex a feeling it is to hold anothers life in the wind... Or to have your own placed in a fragile position.  Talking big about war and killing is one thing, trying to pull a trigger knowing your about to end some ones life is a little different...  Treat those how you wish to be treated... I would not rage war whillingly for sake of pride or country's honour, I would only fight if there is no other option, self defence and self preservation... Evil is necessary when facing Evil, but to go looking for it is some thing else.
Do you really think I'm that much of a warmonger?

Money is what Cancer Research asks for, they have many charity's running through lack of funding, Cancer is a horrid way to die... Being eaten from indide out... Its not just funding to help treat cancer, that was just an example... The money could be used for all sorts, may be climate Control methods or some thing.
Yet again, throwing a few billion at these things isn't going to solve them- it may help, but it won't solve shit.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Do you really think I'm that much of a warmonger?

Not just you... but the cabinet and Bush... oh and Mr Powell (or what ever his name is)

Vigilantism. Wonderful. And you call /me/ crazy.

Why is seeking your own personal retribution Crazy... Especially when most crimanals in England are being let out as our prisions are all full...LOL

Well, if you're part of a coordinated (or even not very coordinated) guerilla force, and you do indeed have a weapon or obtain one (surprisingly easy to do on battlegrounds, I've heard) then you'd be fine.

I very much doubt I would be there... I don't see the point in fighting against lower ranking soliders they will just get more... I would act alone and try and take at leaders or higher ranking members...

Yet again, throwing a few billion at these things isn't going to solve them- it may help, but it won't solve shit.

I guess throwing the money at funding War done no good in Iraq so I guess your right... May be we should just not fund sod all and use the money to stuff our pillows...LOL

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
It was a member of this site. And judging from the last time he got banned for a post he made, this last one must have been horrifyingly cruel and evil.

Also, according to silverline, that one post would have gotten pretty much anyone banned.
*Off-Topic* Was his banning permanent? I liked him... ;9

Well from what JH told me, it seems so.

Level 88
Not just you... but the cabinet and Bush... oh and Mr Powell (or what ever his name is)
I'm not a warmonger! >:

Why is seeking your own personal retribution Crazy... Especially when most crimanals in England are being let out as our prisions are all full...LOL
Seeing as you won't listen to me because of whatever, I'll just tell you to ask a Brit with common sense. Such as someone in law enforcement.

I very much doubt I would be there... I don't see the point in fighting against lower ranking soliders they will just get more... I would act alone and try and take at leaders or higher ranking members...
You assume you actually would know how to do this? Anyways, they get replaced just as easily.

I guess throwing the money at funding War done no good in Iraq so I guess your right... May be we should just not fund sod all and use the money to stuff our pillows...LOL
Does war = Second Persian Gulf War in your mind? Do you not have the capability of discussing any other conflict?
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

pokeball DoxOfflineMale
Level 88
RMRK Forum Idiot aka Blaze
So. What's war good for? I don't mean any specific war, and I ask that no one says 'omg us is imperialisstic n shud pul out uf irak n afgani-w/e n afrika n al taht' or something like that. I mean war in general, what benefits has war brought us in human's history? Not just 20th century conflicts either, some of the earliest wars as well.
I'll see to it, with JH's help I'm sure, that we dispel the notions any of you may have (I'm sure somebody on this forum does) that war is inherently evil and should in some way be abolished, because it is a purely negative force in the world and hinders human progress and has in the past.
If there was no war... there would be no peace in some areas. Because of dictators. If we don't fight negative with negative... there won't be a positive. So negative + negative = positive. Am I right...? Just think about it... with out war what do you think would happen... what would and wouldn't happen. We'd all probably be slaves for some countries. Thats why we need war. We fight against dictators. There is always gonna be war. Theres always going to be war because people want power. They want to control and rule what ever they can. To be feared and more. Theres people who fight against the power hungry. We fight against the people who do wrong. So that we can be safe...
Being a "Legend" isn't always a good thing... I'm a legend for the wrong reason... maybe I can change it all... If I give it all one last shot.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Seeing as you won't listen to me because of whatever, I'll just tell you to ask a Brit with common sense. Such as someone in law enforcement.

Actually it was a police officer who told me that should I want real justice to carry it out my-self... Here I will tell you a story... Once Upon a time in the real world of England the judges who brought infront of them a gang of youths of 12 strong for kicking in the face of one LOS and forcing him to eat from a liquidizer for four months all got set free apart from two, one was sentanced for 4 months but released for good behaviour and the other got community service.  The police put 6 months into the case... Lots of tax payers money was spent... I felt an injustice, they nearly killed me for no other reason than they had been doing gas... I took up Kung Fu and Philipino Stick fighting, got my-self some nice soild crome bars with grips, and the rest is history I don't want to repeat.

You assume you actually would know how to do this?

Maybe I would have some idea... You assume you know me.

they get replaced just as easily.

They do, and they die just the same too, and it takes them awhile to get their heads together, it knocks the regiment out of sync, it's how the American's beat the English all those many years ago.

Does war = Second Persian Gulf War in your mind? Do you not have the capability of discussing any other conflict?

Vietnam then... LOL

Hi Blaze
If there was no war... there would be no peace in some areas. Because of dictators. If we don't fight negative with negative... there won't be a positive. So negative + negative = positive. Am I right...? Just think about it... with out war what do you think would happen... what would and wouldn't happen. We'd all probably be slaves for some countries. Thats why we need war. We fight against dictators. There is always gonna be war. Theres always going to be war because people want power. They want to control and rule what ever they can. To be feared and more. Theres people who fight against the power hungry. We fight against the people who do wrong. So that we can be safe...

Fight fire with fire... a nice argueement.  I don't know, I just think War is a waste of life unless it provides a better outcome than if the War didn't happen.  I mean look at whats going on in Plastien at the moment... Or the Plans forming to attack Iran...

Attacking Iran would be MENTAL... We have more Muslim Faith holders in the UK than we do True Christian's, it will spark off riots and may be even a war at home, it will be classed as an unholy war, and all the terrorist factions supprted by Iran will clam together to help Iran:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6330353.st

gonorrhoea - You wanting to be in the army could have you walking about in Iran with very little equipment and a half baked idea of training... I would strongly suggest a new carrer plan.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 08:43:55 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Actually it was a police officer who told me that should I want real justice to carry it out my-self... Here I will tell you a story... Once Upon a time in the real world of England the judges who brought infront of them a gang of youths of 12 strong for kicking in the face of one LOS and forcing him to eat from a liquidizer for four months all got set free apart from two, one was sentanced for 4 months but released for good behaviour and the other got community service.  The police put 6 months into the case... Lots of tax payers money was spent... I felt an injustice, they nearly killed me for no other reason than they had been doing gas... I took up Kung Fu and Philipino Stick fighting, got my-self some nice soild crome bars with grips, and the rest is history I don't want to repeat.
What the FUCK!?

Maybe I would have some idea... You assume you know me.
Well, you've said you've never been in the military.

They do, and they die just the same too, and it takes them awhile to get their heads together, it knocks the regiment out of sync, it's how the American's beat the English all those many years ago.
Saying the Americans defeated the Brits only because they targeted officers and other leaders is a vast oversimplification.

Vietnam then... LOL

Quote from: Dox
If there was no war... there would be no peace in some areas. Because of dictators. If we don't fight negative with negative... there won't be a positive. So negative + negative = positive. Am I right...? Just think about it... with out war what do you think would happen... what would and wouldn't happen. We'd all probably be slaves for some countries. Thats why we need war. We fight against dictators. There is always gonna be war. Theres always going to be war because people want power. They want to control and rule what ever they can. To be feared and more. Theres people who fight against the power hungry. We fight against the people who do wrong. So that we can be safe...

Quote from: landofshadows
I mean look at whats going on in Plastien at the moment...
In defence of the Israelis, the violence has often been instigated by the Palestinians, who aren't shy of civilian attacks and have waged a guerilla war for many years.

Or the Plans forming to attack Iran...
That's all they are. Plans. I doubt they would actually attack Iran in the near-future.

gonorrhoea - You wanting to be in the army could have you walking about in Iran with very little equipment and a half baked idea of training... I would strongly suggest a new carrer plan.
I was planning on joining Special Forces, actually. Thusly I would have plenty of equipment (in the Seals, for example, they generally have about 150 lbs of equipment IIRC) and wonderful training. And even in regular infantry, the US forces are some of the best trained in the world.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Well, you've said you've never been in the military.

Yeah and... Doesn't mean nothing.

Saying the Americans defeated the Brits only because they targeted officers and other leaders is a vast oversimplification.

It's the main factor... I know there was more to it, but thats what it boiled down to. And most of those that took to arms had been formed from militia (Normal people, no Army training).

In defence of the Israelis, the violence has often been instigated by the Palestinians, who aren't shy of civilian attacks and have waged a guerilla war for many years.


That's all they are. Plans. I doubt they would actually attack Iran in the near-future.

I guess you haven't seen the Palesteinians are at war with other Palestinians at the moment...?

Loads of blood shed and the peace talks now are bolloxed... And thats adding to the catalyst of Bush turning his troops with help from Israel to start a war on Iran, or at least thats one idea behind Bush sending more troops into Iraq, so he has as much ground presants as he can with out saying there invading Iran, some think Bushes approach to Iraq and the fact he ignored his generals is all part and parcel of a larger agender... IRAN...

I was planning on joining Special Forces, actually. Thusly I would have plenty of equipment (in the Seals, for example, they generally have about 150 lbs of equipment IIRC) and wonderful training. And even in regular infantry, the US forces are some of the best trained in the world.

Special force may mean you get your own Knife and a Back pack full of water, oh and a Gas mask to share with 8 others... ANd yes your right thats the best your getting...LOL. The only reason I wanted to go in the RAF is you get a Plane, you have loads of amo, and your at a distance you get given targets of importance not any thing that moves and looks remotely like the enemy, for one you don't have to worry about members of your own "Special opp's" group shooting you bu mistake.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

pokeball DoxOfflineMale
Level 88
RMRK Forum Idiot aka Blaze
I was also thinking of joining the force... I was thinking of Air Force or Navy Seals... but now I'm thinking about Under cover police officer.
Being a "Legend" isn't always a good thing... I'm a legend for the wrong reason... maybe I can change it all... If I give it all one last shot.

Resource Maker
Level 91
It's odd... I tried out for the police, but they said I had to large a medical record...LOL

They have the fatest buggers ever working for em, yet they would take me on as I have fallen from a few tree's, and been hit by more Cars than in a multi story car park... Whats with that... if any thing it proves I can take a good beating...LOL

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
I guess you haven't seen the Palesteinians are at war with other Palestinians at the moment...?
I can't say I'm surprised. Link to an article about it? I guess if all the Israelis move to Europe (and by Europe I mean Europe proper, the Americas, Australia, etc.), there won't be a stop to bloodshed- it's just that fewer Jews will be involved.

Loads of blood shed and the peace talks now are bolloxed... And thats adding to the catalyst of Bush turning his troops with help from Israel to start a war on Iran, or at least thats one idea behind Bush sending more troops into Iraq, so he has as much ground presants as he can with out saying there invading Iran, some think Bushes approach to Iraq and the fact he ignored his generals is all part and parcel of a larger agender... IRAN...
A ground invasion of Iran would require at least 300,000 American troops and tons more money and support than Bush has. Could you imagine trying to manage three Middle Eastern hellholes at the same time?

Special force may mean you get your own Knife and a Back pack full of water, oh and a Gas mask to share with 8 others... ANd yes your right thats the best your getting...LOL. The only reason I wanted to go in the RAF is you get a Plane, you have loads of amo, and your at a distance you get given targets of importance not any thing that moves and looks remotely like the enemy, for one you don't have to worry about members of your own "Special opp's" group shooting you bu mistake.
This just goes to show that you have no idea what you're talking about. Do you honestly think that US forces, particularly their tip of the spear forces, are so ill-equipped?
Besides- A SEAL could take down an enemy base singlehandedly with nothing but a 3" pocketknife. :D Well, ok, maybe not, but they're pretty badass.
Dox- Did BUD/S scare you off? :(
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Navy seals are alomost Viking Bad Ass. Although if a seal had a sword, that would be totally kick ass.

Every one knows that would be godly.

Resource Maker
Level 91
A ground invasion of Iran would require at least 300,000 American troops and tons more money and support than Bush has. Could you imagine trying to manage three Middle Eastern hellholes at the same time?

LOL... Your gunna need many more troops than 300,000...  Iran has two kinds of armed forces: the regular forces and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps totalling about 545,000... Thats not including reservists or NOrmal ground troops...

The regular armed forces has an estimated 420,000 troops in three branches Ground Forces, 350,000 troops, Navy 18,000 sailors and Air Force, 52,000 airmen. Iran also has a paramilitary volunteer force called the Basij, which includes about 90,000 full-time, active-duty uniformed Basij members, up to 300,000 reservists, and a further 11 million men and women who could be mobilized.

But America has more than enough power out there at the moment to cripple Iran... With the Israel army along with his own...

Israel has approx Equipment Number:-
Battle Tanks 3,657
APC 10,419
Artillery 5,432
Combat Aircraft 402
Helicopters 130
The Have Nukes but no official count known

Israel has some of the WORLDS Best technology when it comes to War... If Israel wanted to they could lever two shades of shite out of Iran. (Not without taking HEAVY damage them selves)

Link to an article about it?

Iran is being very outspoken about getting revenge against about taking revenge for the attacks Israel have carried out thus far:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/6069456.stm

This just goes to show that you have no idea what you're talking about

Yeah I know very little about the Seals to be fair... But I do know reports in the latest conflict say the men out there are ill-Equiped and informed.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

pokeball DoxOfflineMale
Level 88
RMRK Forum Idiot aka Blaze
It's odd... I tried out for the police, but they said I had to large a medical record...LOL

They have the fatest buggers ever working for em, yet they would take me on as I have fallen from a few tree's, and been hit by more Cars than in a multi story car park... Whats with that... if any thing it proves I can take a good beating...LOL
Ahaha, Tell me about it... Either that or they think your dumb enough to get injured for no apparent reason on the job... or try and get sick days off... or make yourself get injured so you don't have to go to work. lol... But I seriously don't know what I'm gonna do... navy Seals or Under Cover Cop.
Being a "Legend" isn't always a good thing... I'm a legend for the wrong reason... maybe I can change it all... If I give it all one last shot.

Level 88
LOL... Your gunna need many more troops than 300,000...  Iran has two kinds of armed forces: the regular forces and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps totalling about 545,000... Thats not including reservists or NOrmal ground troops...
And? They're much more ill-equipped and trained than American forces. That's not my concern. They'd be wiped out within a few months by bombing and a series of battles, without high American casualty lists. You know that in 1988, the US Navy destroyed half of Iran's fleet in one afternoon? The Air Force would be crippled quickly, as well.
Lastly, Baseej are nothing but human wave attack forces. In the Iran-Iraq War, most were armed with nothing but a Koran. Quite ineffective against superior American airpower, I'd say.
I'm concerned about Iran's guerillas, and the terrorist attacks which would run rampant in the States. It'd be fucked up.

But America has more than enough power out there at the moment to cripple Iran... With the Israel army along with his own...
/The IDF is so motherfucking badass./ No seriously, the IDF could conquer the world.

And you're right, Fu. SEALs need swords. If I ever get to join the Navy SEALs, I am so going to get a sword to bring with me. :P
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Ancient Mummy
Level 90

If you get to much people in your country you just start a war and stop as soon the annoying people are gone..
But if there is a other reason its retarted,..
You start a war Go finish it yourself freaking morons..
We fight to protect what ? The president that started it ?
Go fuck your momma i would say.

Resource Maker
Level 91
If you get to much people in your country you just start a war and stop as soon the annoying people are gone..
But if there is a other reason its retarted,..
You start a war Go finish it yourself freaking morons..
We fight to protect what ? The president that started it ?
Go fuck your momma i would say.

I think I know what your saying...

Going to a War makes you the agressor... your no longer a defender but an attacker, and going to war on a faulse pretence as a defence on Terror is not a good enough reason, or justification for the conflict in Iraq.... I know your on about Iraq, as you reffer to the War being started but not finished.

If the War on Iraq was to stop now... one in eight Muslims in England respect and admire Terrorist factions for fighting the West already, I can see those numbers at least doubling.

Fighting further and may be even taking on Iran would make a War on the Muslim Faith or Shira Law rather than a War on Terror and spark an unholy war and an uprising... either way, the West will loose... Unless the West starts a trend of Ethnic cleansing... MENTAL... I can't belive I am typing this rubbish based on loose facts knocking about in the news and in my head... Why would the Media want us to see this, in this light ?

I don't whats going on... Not what's really going on...

But War, what it's good for is filling graves in the name of a Flag.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Going to a War makes you the agressor... your no longer a defender but an attacker, and going to war on a faulse pretence as a defence on Terror is not a good enough reason, or justification for the conflict in Iraq.... I know your on about Iraq, as you reffer to the War being started but not finished.
Although I don't agree with the Second Gulf War, often an aggressive war IS good and necessary- WWII will be my token example for this.

Fighting further and may be even taking on Iran would make a War on the Muslim Faith or Shira Law rather than a War on Terror and spark an unholy war and an uprising... either way, the West will loose... Unless the West starts a trend of Ethnic cleansing... MENTAL... I can't belive I am typing this rubbish based on loose facts knocking about in the news and in my head... Why would the Media want us to see this, in this light ?
You do realise that if we attacked Iran, it would not cause any more of a jihad than the invasion of Iraq. It's not like all of the Iranis hate us, it's not a very homogenous country, and not all Muslims like Iran very much anyways.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.