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I love Firerain
Level 97
War actually brings destruction all around, but has some good points too.
It creates unity in people, people have courage to fight, they get the feeling to sacrifice themself for their country, the get feelings of helping, friendship etc.

Only if its a vs war

If its like a  country is shooting another country, and they both are big and war's happening at only 1 part, there are different feelings.
Arlen is hot.

Level 91
War actually brings destruction all around, but has some good points too.
It creates unity in people, people have courage to fight, they get the feeling to sacrifice themself for their country, the get feelings of helping, friendship etc.
"Hey Mac, what you doing today?"
" Just going to have a few beers then kill some guys, you in? "
" Damn fucking straight ! I love you man! ;8"
" Yeh let's never stop being friends! "

If its like a  country is shooting another country, and they both are big and war's happening at only 1 part, there are different feelings.
Are you talking about when a superpower invades a smaller country that has no real way to defend its self? That's something no one can really be decided on, it all comes down to circumstances. Even small countries with small armies can produce vast amounts of chemical weapons, enough to take out millions, just because they are physically weak does it mean no one should stop them? But in most cases, yes I think it's morally wrong.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Oh who cares about morals, let's just wipe them out and pretend they have chemical weapons! - Bush spoof.

War is just exercising the minds of leaders who have nothing better to do with their time.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 88
It's kind of linked to mortality I think... but I could be wrong.
Yes, if you add a 't'.

Anyway : War is useless. I really don't have much to add to it however

but it seems that the war has turned to a governmental edge. I don't like this 'War on Terror' Bush is only doing it because his Daddy couldn't do it when he was in office; really, his dad wanted to go to Iraq so that he could get the leader and overthrow him. The war on terror is a complete hoax. D< If he just stuck with the facts instead of galloping off in like practially the wrong direction... Oh well. Our elections are based quite nearly soully upon who was the richest person to stake up claims to run for president. Its not about having the wise-ist brain in your head, just enough to be a great talker up at the thing, er podium. (Brain fart, sorry. xD )
Ugh, tell me there's another thread that I can dice this TOTALLY IRRELEVANT shit up.

Quote from: Deliciously_Saucy
We've been over this. It exists as a cultural perception.
You're running in circles here.

As to all you Anti commies, I assume your American? Do you know how much negative propaganda was released about communism? The US was brainwashed.
We're as brainwashed as a Chinese kid. Seriously though, this is a moot point. Sure, there's propaganda in every government. But I'm quite able to analyse these things myself, as I haven't been brainwashed into being an anti-Communist. I can also look at its success thus far- oh, wait, what success? The USSR held up pretty well, eh? Nice peaceful place to live.
Oh, and by the way, just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I've been brainwashed. It just means you're wrong. :)

Quote from: Ravenica
Of course those are, all nearly dead cultures.
Aztec culture is alive and well, it's just that they don't sacrifice so much any more. Unfortunately. That'd be AWESOME.

Quote from: Deliciously_Saucy
"Hey Mac, what you doing today?"
" Just going to have a few beers then kill some guys, you in? "
" Damn fucking straight ! I love you man! ;8"
" Yeh let's never stop being friends! "
That's not what he's talking about, and I'd hope you realise what camaraderie he's referring to is. If not, wow. Just... wow.

Furthermore, will you all shut up about these morals? Morality is a cultural fabrication, sure, and it can vary from person to person and region to region. And you can't 'morally evolve', nor can you culturally evolve. Culture and with it the perception of morality changes over time in various places with various groups and subgroups. And even then, not everyone will conform to this set of morals, especially if they think they can get it away with. Hence, corrupt governments.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
I one hundred percent agree.

Man, if JH was a decent guy, and wasn't the huge asshole he was, he'd probably end up being you.

By the way, anyone wanna share the post that got him b&?

Level 88

Apparently he got banned for calling a thread emo. Don't know which, though.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
"Absoulty Nothing" is the rest of your Topic Title...

Every one wins some thing from a War... Like the German's they lost the War in history books, yet they have very few Jews in their home land... So a win in a sense.

War wouldn't happen if we could see past Skin colour, Creed, Culture, Faith and Land rights... All things that mean so little when compared to a Human life.

If we took a step back and looked at each and every other person as a Human as a Race rather than disecting our selves down to create an in-difference we would not have some many conflicts that spark wars.

I don't think Wars are good for much in a whole in modern times we should be looking at expanding and bettering the Human Race.  Back through the ages how ever Wars have been needed to stop invasions and over throwing of cultures and countries.

Each War through History has its Merits, so saying War is wrong is in it's self wrong.

A War to stop a Invasion is prevention of Forced occupation, there-fore justified, if a War would cut the amount of casulties of innocents compared to those fell by War then that too in my eyes was a just War.

I just think we as a Human race, by now should be better than we are, and War should be some thing in the past.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2007, 11:16:40 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
War wouldn't happen if we could see past Skin colour, Creed, Culture, Faith and Land rights... All things that mean so little when compared to a Human life.
It's more common for war to happen because of economic or political issues, and yes land rights. These cannot be ignored, so unless you devise a society with no economy, politics, or concept of property you will have war. And no shortage of it.

I don't think Wars are good for much in a whole in modern times we should be looking at expanding and bettering the Human Race.
It's been said that war stimulates the advancement of technology.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
I don't think Wars are good for much in a whole in modern times we should be looking at expanding and bettering the Human Race.
It's been said that war stimulates the advancement of technology.

*proven, a number of times

Level 88
LoS seems to have ignored that part of the thread.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
It's been said that war stimulates the advancement of technology.

It can also Hinder it.  If Each modern country spent all their funds they use for deffence or weapons for 5 years they could bring a 3rd world out of poverty changing the face of it forever.

It's more common for war to happen because of economic or political issues, and yes land rights. These cannot be ignored, so unless you devise a society with no economy, politics, or concept of property you will have war. And no shortage of it.

I suppose if we looked at things that the world is just a planet and the universe is full of them, but there is only one YOU then I guess it adds another factor to the equation.

I doubt we will see the true Value of Life when we are more concerned with what we own or call our own.  What do you leave behind when you die ?  (Your off spring, Life is more important than possesions, and if your off spring are killed in War for possesions, then it makes living worth very little more than what you own)

Until we move forward with our lines of thinking we wont move forward into gain what War is all about gaining Freedom and Peace... Both wont happen until we view each other as Human's all of equal pegging...

Based on all of the above is why I don't like War.  I don't see it as Evil, and I am not saying much of what we have today isn't thanks to Wars through-out history, I have a lot to thank War for.  I just hope one day there will be no fuel for a war to start from.

LoS seems to have ignored that part of the thread.

Your missing my point I am raising... I am saying I wish we could see past all the reasons for War, Not that I discredit a War, as a War puts right many wrongs in the Human nature that starts it.

And how could I ignore it when it has not been forementioned, and this is my first responce to your Quoted responce... I aint no Mystic...LOL

And I know we have War to thank for many technologies. But then we have it to thank for things like Dirty bombs and chemicals geared on killing... I think the pro's and the cons conteract each other.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2007, 12:01:36 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
It can also Hinder it.  If Each modern country spent all their funds they use for deffence or weapons for 5 years they could bring a 3rd world out of poverty changing the face of it forever.
I don't understand your meaning.

I suppose if we looked at things that the world is just a planet and the universe is full of them, but there is only one YOU then I guess it adds another factor to the equation.
Are you implying that I would change my stance if I may be the one dying? I plan on joining the military and I am fully aware of the possibility of dying there, and yet, this has not influenced my stance on war.

I doubt we will see the true Value of Life when we are more concerned with what we own or call our own.  What do you leave behind when you die ?  (Your off spring, Life is more important than possesions, and if your off spring are killed in War for possesions, then it makes living worth very little more than what you own)
You overvalue life. It is often necessary to eliminate some life in order to allow other life to blossom. Similarly, it is also often necessary to eliminate in this manner some life to hinder the progress of a certain ideology (ie, Communism, Fascism, capitalism, or whatever) or to help solve economic issues between countries. And again, using the 'What if it were YOU' argument is quite moronic.

And how could I ignore it when it has not been forementioned, and this is my first responce to your Quoted responce... I aint no Mystic...LOL
You mean the first few posts in the thread? :/

And I know we have War to thank for many technologies. But then we have it to thank for things like Dirty bombs and chemicals geared on killing... I think the pro's and the cons conteract each other.
I lawled. How about the jet engine, or the computer? Maybe our world would be better if we didn't have the Internet, but hey, at least we'd lack dirty bombs as well! How about the medical technology developed for the use in caring for wounded soldiers (and civilians, depending on if the involved military gives a shit), which is also used in civilian medicine? I can keep going if you like.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
I don't understand your meaning.

I am saying instead of Funding Wars why don't we try and better those countries less fortunate than our own.  And I am am also saying I would rather see my Taxes spent on some thing that is not killing people.

I can keep going if you like.

Your twisting what I am saying to suite your needs... Your picking out all the parts that I put a negative towards being pro war, Many amazing things came from Wars technology wise.

Are you implying that I would change my stance if I may be the one dying? I plan on joining the military and I am fully aware of the possibility of dying there, and yet, this has not influenced my stance on war.

Soliders are Hero's, and I am not implying nothing of the sort.  I am saying your life is worth more than what makes you, you... If some one takes away your land, you move, if some one takes away your religion you find faith in some thing else... You can adapt... If you Die, your Dead.  Thats what I am saying.  Possesion are not worth dieing for neither are idea's or ideals. 

(ie, Communism, Fascism, capitalism, or whatever)

Who's to say if the whole world had one rule, one of say the 3 above, and we all sang from the same page why would the wrold be bad...?  Who is to say whats right and wrong... Ideals are a state of mind, Freedom of choice is only an ideal in it's self... every leading party of state forces ideals of sorts on their people.

I lawled. How about the jet engine, or the computer? Maybe our world would be better if we didn't have the Internet, but hey, at least we'd lack dirty bombs as well! How about the medical technology developed for the use in caring for wounded soldiers (and civilians, depending on if the involved military gives a shit), which is also used in civilian medicine? I can keep going if you like.

The Jet engine will soon be re-defined and invented to cope with the lowering levels of fuel...

Like many things we gain technology through circumstance and adaption to our needs.  In War there was need for emprovement in certain area's I am not putting those aspects down, I did say we have loads to thank war for... but then there are other things made from War that go against creation and are made purely for destruction.  Some of the worst technology for ending life have come from projects into "Defence"... And thats just Mental...

IE:- The Approach of Defence:- "Oh, I know for Defence why don't we make some Nucular Stealth Bombers"... My Approach would be more like:- "For defence why don't we make a Feedback Force field that repells enemy fire back at the source"...

Right the above was an example... Don't quote me rolling around on the floor thinking thats how I think... Oh Sod it, do what you do best and twist my nipples...LOL

But In short

I have not disagreed with any thing you have said, your twisting what I am saying to show the ponits I my-Self have counter claimed in my own writtings.

My point is AGAIN... What is the most valuable thing to a living creature, be it man or beast ? LIFE.

War protects a WAY of life... But is a way of life worth many Lives, it has to be looked at, are the lives lost in a War higher than those lost without a War ?

For eample, if we did nothing in Iraq, Saddam would have contiuned killing his people at a fairly high rate... Us stepping in stopped that, but now I think their will be lives being lost for at least another Centry as of fall out from the conflict, much longer than Saddam's life span, and may be many more lives lost than should we have kept our distance. 

Not all Wars are right...

(Side note)
I was going to join the RAF when I left school.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2007, 01:32:54 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
I am saying instead of Funding Wars why don't we try and better those countries less fortunate than our own.
Heh, LoS, we can't go helping every country in the world. Ain't you that fucker that was like 'WE MUST ALLOW THESE PEOPLE TO GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER WITHOUT US. IT'S THEIR SHIT TO GET TOGETHER, LET THEM DO IT!'? :|

Your twisting what I am saying to suite your needs... Your picking out all the parts that I put a negative towards being pro war, Many amazing things came from Wars technology wise.
No, but I may be misunderstanding. Your post kind of confused me.

Soliders are Hero's
Not all of them. How about an Einsatzgruppe?

and I am not implying nothing of the sort.  I am saying your life is worth more than what makes you, you... If some one takes away your land, you move, if some one takes away your religion you find faith in some thing else... You can adapt... If you Die, your Dead.  Thats what I am saying.  Possesion are not worth dieing for neither are idea's or ideals.
You're wrong, again. If someone invaded Britain, for example, would you merely move to Ireland or France? Or would you stay and fight, even if you knew you were to die there, for your countrymen? Would you say we shouldn't assist allies of ours in a similar situation (ie, France and other countries in WWII, South Vietnam in Vietnam, etc)?

Who's to say if the whole world had one rule, one of say the 3 above, and we all sang from the same page why would the wrold be bad...?  Who is to say whats right and wrong... Ideals are a state of mind, Freedom of choice is only an ideal in it's self... every leading party of state forces ideals of sorts on their people.
Are you suggesting that our whole world should be of one ideology or are you suggesting that that's what I'm saying? Furthermore, are we to sit around discussing what's right or wrong or should we act on our beliefs?

The Jet engine will soon be re-defined and invented to cope with the lowering levels of fuel...
Based on the initiative of the jet engine. Nonetheless, not only is this one of my examples but of all the initiatives resulting from the military initiatives, resulting from war.

IE:- The Approach of Defence:- "Oh, I know for Defence why don't we make some Nucular Stealth Bombers"... My Approach would be more like:- "For defence why don't we make a Feedback Force field that repells enemy fire back at the source"...
Nuclear weapons are used to discourage nuclear attack from an enemy source. Had the USA not used nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, millions more would have died in the inevitable invasion of Japan. Furthermore, if it destroyed its nuclear capabilities it surely would've been attacked by the USSR and its buddies.
As for defensive technology against nuclear weapons- we have them. They destroy any incoming missiles (that they can intercept, that is). However, not all nuclear weapons are brought by plane or missile- they can be smuggled in an SUV and detonated in Manhatten's financial district, in the middle of DC, or anywhere else.

My point is AGAIN... What is the most valuable thing to a living creature, be it man or beast ? LIFE.
Psht, speak for yourself.

War protects a WAY of life... But is a way of life worth many Lives, it has to be looked at, are the lives lost in a War higher than those lost without a War ?
Not always. But quite often. I'll cite examples- WWII, the American Civil War, the British Civil War, Russian Civil War, and many others.

For eample, if we did nothing in Iraq, Saddam would have contiuned killing his people at a fairly high rate... Us stepping in stopped that, but now I think their will be lives being lost for at least another Centry as of fall out from the conflict, much longer than Saddam's life span, and may be many more lives lost than should we have kept our distance.
Do you fap to Bush and Saddam slash erotica? I mean seriously, I asked that we not talk too much about that. I've already said in other threads that the invasion was pointless- but pulling out now could not only end more lives (you and your obsession with preserving as many lives as possible). Anyways, this is irrelevant to thread. Start another if you want to talk about Iraq.

Not all Wars are right...
I said war in general, not all wars.

I was going to join the RAF when I left school.
I was going to say something but I think I might be banned. If neither I nor JH are here, who shall take our mantle? :(
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 91
and I am not implying nothing of the sort.  I am saying your life is worth more than what makes you, you... If some one takes away your land, you move, if some one takes away your religion you find faith in some thing else... You can adapt... If you Die, your Dead.  That’s what I am saying.  Possesion are not worth dieing for neither are idea's or ideals.
Perhaps England should of said that to Hitler.

I am saying instead of Funding Wars why don't we try and better those countries less fortunate than our own.
Countries should fix their own problems before butting into others.

are we to sit around discussing what's right or wrong or should we act on our beliefs?
There are to types of people in the world, those who melt into society and it's whims, and those who don't. They are both needed. A person doing what they want to, or following their own beliefs wouldn't be pumping my gas... Also, there are those who are there own person, most of these people end up living as hermits but many go on to take over the word ( non-literally... ).

It's been said that war stimulates the advancement of technology.
Yes, military advancement. I don't think the government would really be caring about space exploration during WW3.

That's not what he's talking about, and I'd hope you realise what camaraderie he's referring to is. If not, wow. Just... wow.
That was a joke... -_-

oh, wait, what success? The USSR held up pretty well, eh? Nice peaceful place to live.
Yes and I see Capitalism taking the world by storm... It failed because of MEN not because of the ideals of Communism its self.

(ie, Communism, Fascism, capitalism, or whatever)

Who's to say if the whole world had one rule, one of say the 3 above, and we all sang from the same page why would the wrold be bad...?  Who is to say whats right and wrong... Ideals are a state of mind, Freedom of choice is only an ideal in it's self... every leading party of state forces ideals of sorts on their people.
That would be border line enslavement, for one ideal to work among all, you would have to wipe out all religion and expressionism and the such... Not that enslavement wouldn't stop wars, mind you...

Oh, Jesus Hitler got banned for making a comment on the "Girl Issues" Thread, I don't think his banning was deserved... But, then again...

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
The Jet engine will soon be re-defined and invented to cope with the lowering levels of fuel...
Based on the initiative of the jet engine. Nonetheless, not only is this one of my examples but of all the initiatives resulting from the military initiatives, resulting from war.

Just being a USAF nerd right now, but for all intents and purposes the jet engine has been replaced by "scramjet".

You can thank the military (more specifically the people who have been working the last few years on the up until recently top secret aurora project) for that.

Level 91
Post up a link for The Aurora project! Let's see if the conspiracy theorist were right! ;8

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2011 Most Unsung Member2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award

Apparently he got banned for calling a thread emo. Don't know which, though.

Yeah, just that one post was totally enough to ban somebody ;9
bringing sexy back

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Post up a link for The Aurora project! Let's see if the conspiracy theorist were right! ;8

Unfortunately, the REALLY JUICY stuff came from an official AF rag I don't have anymore...

But here's wikipedia, it may have been updated with the info by now.


Actually, the article still seems like a bunch of conspiracy theory to me...But I swear it's real now. I think the aircraft is going into production fairly soon. The project WAS NOT CANCELLED.



Level 91

Apparently he got banned for calling a thread emo. Don't know which, though.

Yeah, just that one post was totally enough to ban somebody ;9
It's not perma ban is it?

Arrow: That stuff is enough to make me drool in two places! ;)

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
...Another AF fan?

...:tpg: THERE IS A GOD

Level 88
Countries should fix their own problems before butting into others.
We'll never get over them. Then again, I'm not much into interventionalism to 'help people'. Perhaps to protect various interests, which is understandable.

Yes, military advancement. I don't think the government would really be caring about space exploration during WW3.
. . .
Uh, do you not realise that military advancement leads to the technological advancement of the civilian populace? Has it not been said enough?

Yes and I see Capitalism taking the world by storm... It failed because of MEN not because of the ideals of Communism its self.
Oh really now? I see more balanced economic models in the world. If a government model fails because of humanity it fails ultimately and it won't work, so advocating it and saying 'PEOPLE YOU SUCK FOR NOT MAKING IT WORK BY BEING PERFECT!' is a waste of your time and effort.

That would be border line enslavement, for one ideal to work among all, you would have to wipe out all religion and expressionism and the such... Not that enslavement wouldn't stop wars, mind you...
It has the potential to start so much violence.

Oh, Jesus Hitler got banned for making a comment on the "Girl Issues" Thread, I don't think his banning was deserved... But, then again...
What exactly did he say? :/

Ah, Arrow, I forgot about the scramjets. Yes, they are neat. But I'm more interested in things such as infantry and Special Forces than areoplanes. :)
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 91
It has the potential to start so much violence.
I was agreeing with you, that last part was a joke.

. . .
Uh, do you not realise that military advancement leads to the technological advancement of the civilian populace? Has it not been said enough?
Yes but it also retards other areas of development due to findings being placed else were.

What exactly did he say? :/
It was deleted VERY fast, but Dante was posting up issues about girl troubles, he also said something like " don't make fun of me, I'm not emo, just depressed" so JH bit the bait and said something rude, we can only guess that is was bad, but not THAT bad. I probably would of laughed...

Silver said it was not just this post that got him his banning but all of his recent ones too. JH (in alias) replied: Your just pissed about that "forget the name" video I posted up ( the video had this girl who was on web cam and stripped off, I THINK, it was a member of this site, if not a mod(?)).

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
It was a member of this site. And judging from the last time he got banned for a post he made, this last one must have been horrifyingly cruel and evil.

Also, according to silverline, that one post would have gotten pretty much anyone banned.

Level 91
It was a member of this site. And judging from the last time he got banned for a post he made, this last one must have been horrifyingly cruel and evil.

Also, according to silverline, that one post would have gotten pretty much anyone banned.
*Off-Topic* Was his banning permanent? I liked him... ;9