I am saying instead of Funding Wars why don't we try and better those countries less fortunate than our own.
Heh, LoS, we can't go helping every country in the world. Ain't you that fucker that was like 'WE MUST ALLOW THESE PEOPLE TO GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER WITHOUT US. IT'S THEIR SHIT TO GET TOGETHER, LET THEM DO IT!'? :|
Your twisting what I am saying to suite your needs... Your picking out all the parts that I put a negative towards being pro war, Many amazing things came from Wars technology wise.
No, but I may be misunderstanding. Your post kind of confused me.
Soliders are Hero's
Not all of them. How about an Einsatzgruppe?
and I am not implying nothing of the sort. I am saying your life is worth more than what makes you, you... If some one takes away your land, you move, if some one takes away your religion you find faith in some thing else... You can adapt... If you Die, your Dead. Thats what I am saying. Possesion are not worth dieing for neither are idea's or ideals.
You're wrong, again. If someone invaded Britain, for example, would you merely move to Ireland or France? Or would you stay and fight, even if you knew you were to die there, for your countrymen? Would you say we shouldn't assist allies of ours in a similar situation (ie, France and other countries in WWII, South Vietnam in Vietnam, etc)?
Who's to say if the whole world had one rule, one of say the 3 above, and we all sang from the same page why would the wrold be bad...? Who is to say whats right and wrong... Ideals are a state of mind, Freedom of choice is only an ideal in it's self... every leading party of state forces ideals of sorts on their people.
Are you suggesting that our whole world should be of one ideology or are you suggesting that that's what I'm saying? Furthermore, are we to sit around discussing what's right or wrong or should we act on our beliefs?
The Jet engine will soon be re-defined and invented to cope with the lowering levels of fuel...
Based on the initiative of the jet engine. Nonetheless, not only is this one of my examples but of all the initiatives resulting from the military initiatives, resulting from war.
IE:- The Approach of Defence:- "Oh, I know for Defence why don't we make some Nucular Stealth Bombers"... My Approach would be more like:- "For defence why don't we make a Feedback Force field that repells enemy fire back at the source"...
Nuclear weapons are used to discourage nuclear attack from an enemy source. Had the USA not used nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, millions more would have died in the inevitable invasion of Japan. Furthermore, if it destroyed its nuclear capabilities it surely would've been attacked by the USSR and its buddies.
As for defensive technology against nuclear weapons- we have them. They destroy any incoming missiles (that they can intercept, that is). However, not all nuclear weapons are brought by plane or missile- they can be smuggled in an SUV and detonated in Manhatten's financial district, in the middle of DC, or anywhere else.
My point is AGAIN... What is the most valuable thing to a living creature, be it man or beast ? LIFE.
Psht, speak for yourself.
War protects a WAY of life... But is a way of life worth many Lives, it has to be looked at, are the lives lost in a War higher than those lost without a War ?
Not always. But quite often. I'll cite examples- WWII, the American Civil War, the British Civil War, Russian Civil War, and many others.
For eample, if we did nothing in Iraq, Saddam would have contiuned killing his people at a fairly high rate... Us stepping in stopped that, but now I think their will be lives being lost for at least another Centry as of fall out from the conflict, much longer than Saddam's life span, and may be many more lives lost than should we have kept our distance.
Do you fap to Bush and Saddam slash erotica? I mean seriously, I asked that we not talk too much about that. I've already said in other threads that the invasion was pointless- but pulling out now could not only end more lives (you and your obsession with preserving as many lives as possible). Anyways, this is irrelevant to thread. Start another if you want to talk about Iraq.
Not all Wars are right...
I said war in general, not all wars.
I was going to join the RAF when I left school.
I was going to say something but I think I might be banned. If neither I nor JH are here, who shall take our mantle?