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The thread of Life/ Intelligent life.

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Level 91
I don't think that anyone can really make a true point as to whether life, or intelligent life, exist out side of Terra or not. But we can say that in most likeliness, if it does exist, we won't be meeting them ( unless a shortcut technology is discovered to be real, hyperspace, a way of manipulating wormholes... ), I mean what? There will be a planet every 100 light-years that will be like earth, as  in the right distance from the sun, having a "Defender" planet like Jupiter, and having the right amounts of gasses.

While that seems like a lot, it really comes down to: What's the chance of life forming, what's the chance of complex life forming and what's the chance of that life becoming intelligent and self aware?

It's been proven that nature doesn't need intelligence to survive ( on a human level that is ) so if it's not needed, then is our own awareness just a cruel joke? If it is, why would it happen some were else?

Edit: This topic is for the discussion of all life and the theories surrounding it
« Last Edit: February 23, 2007, 11:45:09 AM by Deliciously_Saucy »

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
It'd be pretty evil if it was a joke, and you do have a point.

Humans have tried to decide our meaning for existing for years. That's what religion is all about, isn't it?

Perhaps, we aren't alone, but rather an experiment being viewed by outsiders. Who know everything about us, and yet...neh. Guess I'm rambling.

But the idea of other intelligent life is interesting, but perhaps they don't consider us intelligent, if they had wouldn't they have made contact already. That's a little of topic I know.

But, I think the meaning of our existence, is nothing. There is no meaning to our existence, we just occured and are bound by the strings of fate.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 91
But, I think the meaning of our existence, is nothing. There is no meaning to our existence, we just occured and are bound by the strings of fate.
Ditto. Excluding that fate part.

Although I have pondered the point of a higher life creating us ( Alien, NOT supernatural ). But it's some what pointless to use that as an excuses for life as something would have then inturn have needed to create them.

Has any one ever heard of SETI? I laugh every time I hear that word... Ugghh, it's not going to happen...

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.

If they wanted to respond, they would have done already.

I know a few people who are a member of SETI, and I to, am just not optimistic about its chances. As Stephen Hawkins has said, we should keep our head down and work hard.

As for the meaning of our existence...perhaps there is a purpose to us to fulfill, I know a lot of people think this way, that everyone has their purpose to fulfill and then they die.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
If they wanted to respond, they would have done already.

Why? If all these aliens can do is listen to radio waves like we do then they would have to be within 100 light years or so of Earth, and they would have to be listening for us as well. From Wikipedia I chose a star at random: HD 27894, which has an extrasolar planet (albeit a Jovian one that probably swept up any Earthlike planets that might have formed). That star system is over 138 light years away from Earth. Say some alien civilization has ships there, perhaps mining resources on asteroids or doing scientific research. What are the odds that they would 1) be there by the time our radio waves arrive there, 2) be listening? Even if they received and understood the infrequent turn-of-the-century radio signals right away, they still wouldn't get them until we are sending men to Mars, and we wouldn't get any sort of response for more than a century after that.

And that's for a nearby planet. The further they are, the longer it'll take.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2007, 05:56:26 PM by Jesus Hitler »

Level 88
There is no purpose. You make it along as you go. Nobody has any set destiny and there is no 'meaning of life'.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 91
There is no purpose. You make it along as you go. Nobody has any set destiny and there is no 'meaning of life'.
Acutely this is more of a discussion of life in general, as in it's formation, whether intelligent life exists ect... I already know life has no meaning.

Jesus: It's a hard thing to say if they would be listing or not, but yes, it is 100light year limit before we can hear any radio signals. But there are other technologies out there that work ( slightly ) better.

If we where to receive an alien signal, for all intensive purposes the culture could be well and truly dead when we receive it. With no way to reply instantaneously there would be no way to return the signal usefully. Pointless to some extent...

As to my quote earlier " I laugh every time I hear the word SETI ".

Level 88
Intents and purposes.
Also my last post was addressed to Ravenshade.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Jesus: It's a hard thing to say if they would be listing or not, but yes, it is 100light year limit before we can hear any radio signals. But there are other technologies out there that work ( slightly ) better.

First things first: my name is Jesus Hitler.

Second, there is no way to transmit information faster than the speed of light, which is how fast radio waves travel. Maybe someday we might find some magic way to instantaneously transmit information (I hear a lot of stuff about quantum mechanics, and most of it is undoubtedly horseshit) but don't depend on it.

If we where to receive an alien signal, for all intensive purposes the culture could be well and truly dead when we receive it. With no way to reply instantaneously there would be no way to return the signal usefully. Pointless to some extent...

As to my quote earlier " I laugh every time I hear the word SETI ".

As I understand it, SETI's primary mission is to detect intelligent life, not open up diplomatic relations. Whether or not the civilization still exists is of secondary importance. You don't think that knowing there are other intelligent species in the universe is important?

Also, it is "for all intents and purposes".

Level 91
You don't think that knowing there are other intelligent species in the universe is important?
Quite frankly, no. If it's not going to be anything more then a security blanket then it's a waste of time. If we got something out of it, then yeh why not. But I doubt we will.

Second, there is no way to transmit information faster than the speed of light, which is how fast radio waves travel. Maybe someday we might find some magic way to instantaneously transmit information (I hear a lot of stuff about quantum mechanics, and most of it is undoubtedly horseshit) but don't depend on it.
Sorry, there is. We already have. It came out corrupted and unusable but we have sent information faster then the speed of light. If I can find the link, I shall post it up... " The beam was at the starting line and finish with no direct movement. It seemed to be there before it started ".

SETI's primary mission is to detect intelligent life
Primary yes, but they are still trying to "diplomatic relations". Not that they shouldn't.

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Quite frankly, no. If it's not going to be anything more then a security blanket then it's a waste of time. If we got something out of it, then yeh why not. But I doubt we will.

I suppose archeology is a waste of time, too? Extraterrestrials are wild card. We don't know where they are, what they can do, what their motivations are, or if they even exist. How is ignoring such a thing in any way intelligent?

Sorry, there is. We already have. It came out corrupted and unusable but we have sent information faster then the speed of light. If I can find the link, I shall post it up... " The beam was at the starting line and finish with no direct movement. It seemed to be there before it started ".

Please do.

Level 91
Please do.
Ok... These aren't to what I was saying but they're the closest I'm finding right now..

I suppose archeology is a waste of time, too? Extraterrestrials are wild card. We don't know where they are, what they can do, what their motivations are, or if they even exist. How is ignoring such a thing in any way intelligent?
I didn't say ignore, I was going on what you said
You don't think that knowing there are other intelligent species in the universe is important?
I don't think that knowing about them would be anything more then a replacement for religion. Just away to cope with the idea of 'nothingness'. If we can't communicate with them, then there is no need. As long as SETI is only funded privately ( I believe they are ) I truly don't care what they do.

Life just sucks !!

hey D_S  your rep gone like WOOSH  up you went
Silverlines in luuuvvv with me! ;8
« Last Edit: January 29, 2007, 07:10:30 PM by Deliciously_Saucy »

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
There is no purpose. You make it along as you go. Nobody has any set destiny and there is no 'meaning of life'.

You might think that, but there are a helluva lot of people who think otherwise. I'm just here for the ride!
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 88
*zombies around*
First of all, here I am catching up: Existance - the meaning is to learn perfection.

In nature it has been proven that a creature does not have to have an evolved brain mass to survive, however what if the purpose of nature is, albeit this sound corny, but to grow? (In which point growing becomes learning.) There have been many creatures that we have found that are smart, having a self-image, and some of the psychological dealings that humans ride through. Wolves - can do basic/rudimentary math. Dolphins - have a certain higher thinking/self-awareness. (If I am correct the most complex understanding second or thrid to humans.)

Case of Instant transmissions - There really isn't anything that I could possibly add onto.

Oh, but reciently I heard on the news, We killed life on Mars. D: Or there are debates upon that. Something about disrupting something. Unfortunetly I caught the end of it but hopefully it is a hoax? I would hate to think that we killed so many little one celled beings. xD Perhaps a few two celled things, who knows. Bacteria is only the first step towards evolution, or well almost anyhow. It would be interesting to possibly predict what could have evolved or if perhaps Mars is a 'nature's mistake'? Basing my thoughts of growing/learning perfection.

Kay, you're welcome to dice me up now. I'm just puttin my two cents in. Oh and the meaning to life is, putting all seriousness aside: 42 Hehe, can smack me for that one.

Snailer <3

Level 91
Actually, that was well done. Killing life on Mars how ever..? Even though there may have been life on Mars at one stage, I don't see it as haven survived, lack of water and all...

Level 88
*zombies around*
Oh actually DS they have found water, frozen yes, however microscopically there is life, I mean as we know it water is what is left of the primeordal soup we all came from if you believe in evolution. Of course basing intelligent life, you must have to admit it at least a little bit. Let me research if I can find that news piece about Mars....

Oh and here's a piece by CNN:


Snailer <3

Level 91
Oh actually DS they have found water, frozen yes, however microscopically there is life, I mean as we know it water is what is left of the primeordal soup we all came from if you believe in evolution. Of course basing intelligent life, you must have to admit it at least a little bit. Let me research if I can find that news piece about Mars....
Yer, I should of said "Liquid Water". Post up the links...

Level 88
*zombies around*
I just Googled it and there are several areas talking about it. I'm just going to post the googled findings:


Its basing the old twin pobes Viking I and II who landed on Mars like a few decades ago. An interesting read.

As this one is interesting as well:


A good theory on the live that might exist. You must think that the cells could possibly evolve, slowly to adapt.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2007, 01:42:25 AM by Revanica »

Snailer <3

Level 91
I just Googled it and there are several areas talking about it. I'm just going to post the googled findings:


Its basing the old twin pobes Viking I and II who landed on Mars like a few decades ago. An interesting read.

As this one is interesting as well:


A good theory on the live that might exist. You must think that the cells could possibly evolve, slowly to adapt.
Is adapting to ice really living, or is it just stasis? If the cells can't reproduce then there just waiting.... With out the chance of evolution, you can excuse me for not shedding a tear. I've also heard that it's possible the life on Mars came from Earth...

Level 88
*zombies around*
They speculate it is statsis, but I don't know, they could be swimming underneath the surface, with millions of years of evolution to help them. Thermal/Volcanic heat, heating certain pools and such. Gotta think: Life could actually depend on certain way of living we may think that something is totally corrosive but we might eventually find something that thrives in it!

 I really can't formulate better answers at the moment so when my brain is refreshed with sleep I shall continue the talk. :D Then again I might feel like stubbornly try to keep talking.

Snailer <3

Level 91
we may think that something is totally corrosive but we might eventually find something that thrives in it!
There are plenty of life that scurvies in corrosive areas, ever heard of yellow stone park? I found that to be so kool that life could survive in such harsh environments. :lol:

Nah, get some sleep, I've been up all night too.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
There are some cnidarians that survive in FORMALDEHYDE.

*distant, snorting nerd laughter*

Level 88
The basic principles for life are engineered to survive in any condition. A defender planet may not be a required condition, however, I do think that other solar systems are conprised on same make-up. With the collapse of a star particles are super heated to bond, there by creating planets throwing all other space debris to the furthest reaches of that system. The "whatever is left behind" concept, will ultimatly gather to form one massive "Junk Planet"

Level 91
The basic principles for life are engineered to survive in any condition. A defender planet may not be a required condition, however, I do think that other solar systems are conprised on same make-up. With the collapse of a star particles are super heated to bond, there by creating planets throwing all other space debris to the furthest reaches of that system. The "whatever is left behind" concept, will ultimatly gather to form one massive "Junk Planet"
If Earth didn't have Jupiter guarding it by it's great gravitational pull, this planet would have been destroyed by comet impacts a long time ago, possibly not completely, but enough to stop life.( Oh, don't take any of my comments as an attack on you, I just get fiery in debate :) )

Level 88
Of course, intelligence isn't just a "cruel joke" but one of many steps in our ultimate ascension into conscious awareness. Embrace and surpass it's [the mind] quest for knowledge. I wish I had the day off (I'm at work).