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Learning Skills through Use

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Ok, this is more a problem of efficiency than anything else, and I am not sure if this board is for technical troubleshooting or just problems of this sort, but I didn't know where else to post it. Essentially, what I want is that through repeated use of a skill, you work up towards getting another skill, say, after 50 uses and restricted by an intelligence requirement. That is simple enough: all that needs to be done is define a variable, say "Heal Exp", and have the skill Heal call a common event which does:
Code: [Select]
Control Variables: [0001: Heal Exp] += 1
Conditional Branch: [0001:Heal Exp] == 50
  Conditional Branch: [$game_actors[001].int >= 100]
    Play SE: '157-Skill01', 80, 100
    Change Skills: [Aluxes], + [Greater Heal]
    Text: Aluxes Learns Greater Heal!

I can even fit an entire string of skills in this common event by, for example, putting the above code into the else function of a similar common event that does the same thing that this one does, but for the Skill Greater Heal. The process is very easy and works very well. But ... for every new string of skills, like, fire, dark, ice, illusion, etc..., I would have to make a new common event, which, when you have many skill strings, I can forsee becoming tedious. I was just wondering if anyone can think of a more efficient way to do it, like maybe all in one common event or something like that. If not, it's okay. I doubt I'll run out of common events anytime ever, considering we have 999 of them, but still.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 04:13:38 AM by modern algebra »

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Mer, Shouldn't be to bad, yea, i would keep it like that :D