Being Self aware is the starting Block to itelligence... A PC can do math, and spelling but is not self aware and there fore its not intelligent.
What I find amazing is Ants... They have such small heads and Brains but function so well... We can't make a Droid that small that does the same... Some things in life show an itelligence beyond understanding. I doubt we will ever make any thing as near perfect as nature does.
I guess intelligence, like in your first post to your topic is the only real answer, there is no right or wrong answer... If your limiting the debate towards people (Humans) and the measure of intelligence, I guess we can only be as intelligent as our minds will let us, and based on that basis we all have the same potential as each other and should not be compared with the likes of IQ scores... as they only measure lateral thinking and problem / puzzle solving.
No no, i'm not limiting anything.
as for HaloOfTheSun
Many respected psychologists dismiss the idea that IQ tests test intelligence at all, no matter what people try to say, though, that is not all psychologists, some do agree. If we're not measuring an individuals intelligence, but rather a group, isn't that a flaw to measure a sample, and wouldn't you still need an indepth Intelligence study of that group.
Age only plays a role, I think, if you don't compare with adults. I've seen IQ games out there, such as Chess, that do measure someone's intelligence, I think the World Chess Champion, is one of the most intelligent people on the planet since he has the ability to plan ahead, although s/he has unlocked the secret of the game.
Though I haven't done the premium PHD certified test on Tickle, I did the normal one. Didn't score so well, but that was because I didn't know what I was being asked, rather than being unable to understand it, which is why my IQ on tickle is 128 and 1 point below the needed number on HighIQsociety.
I think your view on children is quite right, but the fact is, they can absorb information 20x faster than anyone else in the world, and thus understand it alot faster.
My cousin passed his Law degree course last year with a 1st. He's 13. That makes me feel inferior. He doesn't score too well on IQ tests, but ask him anything about school or law and he'd recite a few books for you. He was home tutored by the way, which I also think plays a part in how intelligent you are. The most intelligent people on the planet are supposed to come from poor backgrounds, or sometimes middle class or even high class, but then there are the quiet ones, the ones who were home tutored and have the higher IQ's. On average in the UK, if you are Home tutored you do better in your studies, and have a higher IQ.
The True knowledge statement is a quote from some of the greatest thinkers in the known world, I think that does have a good point here.
You think that rituals and culture subtract from our intelligence? I think they show it! Do dogs, horses have culture or rituals, or even belief? No, they just have instinct. That seperates us from them. We can understand things far more. At least that is my belief.