OMG, another girl! :=
And yeah, that sucks.
Once I've gotten drunk when I went out and a female friend of mine was trying to khook up that one guy. To be honest, it looked like she couldn't decide to pull whom: me or him. O_o
Anyways, I told her "My God, why don't you just try?" and she's like "I don't want to turn out to be a slut...". When I talked to that guy and when I told him he should pull her, he said "I'm not so sure if she's after me. It kinda looks to me as that she's after you.". Of course I was like "WTF?!". That was going on like an hour while the three of us were dancing. (-_-')
Anyways, she went to the bathroom and I was like "Should I...? Meh, who cares.". I sent her an SMS with the text "Would you be a slut if I pulled you?!". She didn't notice it until the next day. She sent me an SMS and wrote "What was that supposed to mean?" I was like "I have no idea. Must've been the alcohol. I don't remember.". I was playing dumb of course.
I WAS drunk, but I always remember stuff that happens. I'm such a badass liar... (-_-')