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Hi all!

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Hi all, Im new to this RPG Maker 2000 and I hope we can all get along.
Im not that skilled, but hopefully i will improve. I got all these ideas for a game but it never turns out the way i want. I loose track what I was supposed to do and it ends up bad.

Im trying to do a vampire game, like that german Vampries with Asgard, but i cant find a really cool skin for a vampire that I want. I want a design that inspires evil and menace. Those chars made by Roco is very cool but I am sad that she, assuming she is a girl, don't do that stuff anymore.

Anyway, this is me and I hope I can get some help :P

Level 91
Thanks For Coming
Welcome to the forum  :wink:

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Hey and thanks alot :)

Rep: +0/-0Level 92
Guess who's back
Post more =.=
And enjoy

Level 90
May I recommend you use XP, because if you make a game and post it here you wont get much of a response if it is made with RPG Maker 2000!
Just saying.  :)

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
May I recommend you use XP, because if you make a game and post it here you wont get much of a response if it is made with RPG Maker 2000!
Just saying.

What? I thought RPG Maker 2000 was just as fine to use as any other versions. Oh well

Level 90
Oh no. XP has much better graphics and features, you should download it and check it out.

Level 91
use rm2k3, using the illegal program of rmxp is very hated these days... these oh so dark times...
kill me

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Welcome to the forums, enjoy yourself.

Level 97
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Vampire games are cool.

Quote from: kenshin16
May I recommend you use XP, because if you make a game and post it here you wont get much of a response if it is made with RPG Maker 2000!
Just saying.

What? I thought RPG Maker 2000 was just as fine to use as any other versions. Oh well

As long as you make a quality game, it doesn't matter which maker you're using. I have yet to see more than one good XP game. Graphics are of a miniscule importance in a game. Just use whichever maker you want and don't let anyone here try to tell you otherwise. All RPG maker games are accepted, and as long as it at least LOOKS good, it will get downloaded.

Anywho... welcome to the forums.  :^^:

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
As long as you make a quality game, it doesn't matter which maker you're using. I have yet to see more than one good XP game. Graphics are of a miniscule importance in a game. Just use whichever maker you want and don't let anyone here try to tell you otherwise. All RPG maker games are accepted, and as long as it at least LOOKS good, it will get downloaded.

Anywho... welcome to the forums.

Hey thanks! Yeah i was thinking of going RPG Maker 2000. I like the feeling in it, not so complicated. XP is so huge and vast that i dont know where to start :D

Anyway, im going to make my game, even if it is by myself :P

Level 91
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
What can is say?
maybe welcome
maybe hello
or maybe: i bow to your would-come-giant-gameprodction
but no...im going to stick with enjoy n_n!
Chained by a broken hart, hoping for the key wich shatter my chains: Love

Untold Truth (RPG 2003) demo available!

Level 91
welcome to hell, were all your nightmears come true. :twisted:  (i love doing evil welcomes :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted: )

and a game from RM2K can be way better then a game from RMXP, its not about how it looks its about how it plays 8)

Rep: +0/-0Level 92
Guess who's back
You just scared him off.
Anyway welcome

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Weclome. Gongo and Halo make good points. Keep the Rm2k. Thatsmypie dont talk please.
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< Zelda Fan Club

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Hey, welcome  to the best rpg starter site ever.

Think you've got a killer game? Want it to be on the WWW?
Send me an e-mail of your game at Alex@flyingpoo.com

Level 89
Welcome to the forums of crankeye. Enjoy!
If we were meant to wear clothes we would of been born that way.

Level 89
Welcome to the forums!
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