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Anti-aging! [A biology/Ethical/ Genetic discussion]

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Level 88
Many like myself, believed this as just science fiction, that age was just something everyone comes across, and becomes old, and then because of old age dies, and turns to dust.

What would it be like to have our life times extended by another Seventy years or perhaps longer, what would you give to be allowed this time appearing as youthful as you did when you are or were just twenty one years old.

Is this fact, or fiction.

Well...we have no idea about Humans just yet, but we can stop ageing in animals that share forty per cent of our Genetic make up.

Is is right that we should meddle with Genetics for our own means? Are we just playing God?

Well, take a look at the evidence gathered and have a look for yourself


I believe the Journal is online, however, I do not know how to find it.
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When the dawn breaks...
Level 88
...tonight will be just another memory.
Things like this happen because they are scared of death most of the time. Humans, like all living things, are suppose to die. Stopping it will likly result in some genetic disorder and mutation. I've done my biology A-levels. We actually had to do a debate on a similar topic. Like with all things that require ethical reasoning, one has to draw the line between right, and wrong. But where should this line go with something as delicate as the lengths of our own lifes? I would be happy to die at 80 knowing I have done everything I wanted to do in my life, and helping others in the process. Would you?


Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
Your right, humans are scared of dieing, no one really wants to. When people hear anti-aging, they become interested. As they don't want to die, of course. Some cultures also believe aging and dieing is just as important as being born, and they are offended by anti-aging.

Level 91
God of Dicks
The delicacy of our life is what allows us to appreciate it. It is a lesson countless stories have told, but few people seem to grasp. It is because we are mortal that we achieve so much, seek to live so fully. To extend life, I think, might take away from that.

Level 91
God of Dicks
How can you possibly say that things are not designed to die? It is through death that things may live. The death one thing gives life to another. Death is most certainly part of the "design."

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
That evidence is flawed.

All of those are still theories so you can't use them. I disagree, dying would be the greatest journey. Nothing else seems...worth while.
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Level 91
Who are you kidding? We are gods...

I for one, don't plan on dieing. I say that defying age is possible very soon, not though manipulating genetics, but with cybernetics. Nano-tech is hopefully around the corner, computers will be at their ( human ) peak within ~25 years and what Atheist isn't afraid of death?

Spiritualist have no problem saying death is 'meant' to happen, but let's put it this way = I'm not promised immortality after my lifes end. Your at peace because of your god or unbalanced mantel state, the fuck do you get off?

And Ravenshade: Gravity is just a theory. YOUR evidence is wrong, if not poorly said.

Level 88
I'm back :P
hmm if this is actually if true, and credible to work on humans, then fucking destroy it.
it is playing god, and its called the life cycle, dont mess with it.

Level 91
God of Dicks
and what Atheist isn't afraid of death?

Me. I have no fear of the inevitable. To worry about it would simply waste the time that I do have.

Level 102
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If atheists believe in dieing it's over and there is no second life why would you be afraid of  death? Going by that theory you won't know death when it happens.

If we have or will have the ability to add years to someone’s life span I do not think this is a good thing to do. Human lives are not to be fooled with. Who knows if the animals feel pain or what they are going through? I believe such experimenting will lead to Armageddon. The population will increase too high and that would not be good.

Level 91
I don't worry about it, I used to, but I now put it out of thought. I figured the only way to get past it all is to do the opposite and lose my fear of dangerous situations, like mixing E and beer.

That doesn't mean I won't try to deify death, however.

Whatever scenario I play, I can only see death as being indivertible, sadly.

What the fuck are you talking about Irockman? Ever been to a Doctor? The "Normal" life span of a human would be 25 if we weren't currently "Fooling with Human lifes". We are ALREADY manipulating the human life span. Think before you post.

Level 102
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I don't worry about it, I used to, but I now put it out of thought. I figured the only way to get past it all is to do the opposite and lose my fear of dangerous situations, like mixing E and beer.

That doesn't mean I won't try to deify death, however.

Whatever scenario I play, I can only see death as being indivertible, sadly.

What the fuck are you talking about Irockman? Ever been to a Doctor? The "Normal" life span of a human would be 25 if we weren't currently "Fooling with Human lifes". We are ALREADY manipulating the human life span. Think before you post.

You meen medicine so we don't die of horrible illnesses?

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Who are you kidding? We are gods...

I for one, don't plan on dieing. I say that defying age is possible very soon, not though manipulating genetics, but with cybernetics. Nano-tech is hopefully around the corner, computers will be at their ( human ) peak within ~25 years and what Atheist isn't afraid of death?

Spiritualist have no problem saying death is 'meant' to happen, but let's put it this way = I'm not promised immortality after my lifes end. Your at peace because of your god or unbalanced mantel state, the fuck do you get off?

And Ravenshade: Gravity is just a theory. YOUR evidence is wrong, if not poorly said.

Gravity was proven, or have you not heard about Isaac Newton lately? I have already read through the data that my sister provided. It barely even proves her point, only one theory has been slightly proved. That anti-oxidants can increase a worms life span.

Irockman, the fact is, atheists just do not want to be forgotten, they do not want to "return to the planet", they wish to exist.

Whether or not we should, scientists are still going to see if they can. Apparently, human life is worth everything, and anything, above all else.

Once the population increases too high, which is where Terraforming comes in, we will spread to another planet.

The Matrix: There is only one other organism just like you...humans. A virus. You consume all the resources, all the life in the air and then...you move on. > Mr Smith...some words are slightly wrong, as it has been a few years.

Mixing E and beer...lmfao!!!!

Unavoidable? Is it, perhaps so, everything with form, must eventually return to dust.

I thought it was thirty years was the average life span for a human, then again, genetics have also changed us, doctors aren't the only things, we have evolved naturally, and tripled our life span.

and Irockman, I think he means something like, being kept alive by artificial respirators, having life saving surgery, vacinations against diseases that would otherwise kill us.
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Resource Maker
Level 91
Anti Aging I think is cool, as long as it only effects your bones, Brain, skin and joints...

So your organs still age... then you can have the best of both worlds... You can stay fairly fit without getting any movement restricting alements.  I don't want wings under my arms, or a flappy neck... Call me vain if you like.  I don't want to loose my memory, forget my friends and family before I die.

I think people should die when their Heart chooses to stop beating, and I think until that day life should be enjoyed to its fullest. 

Heck if Scince said we can stop you aging, but at the age of 70 by law we have to give you another injection that slowly weakens your heart and you will die within 5 years of that injection... I would go for that.

Sod Natrual cycles and so fourth, I like being healthy.

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Level 88
I disagree that people are afraid to die... it's something people learn to accept as a part of life I'd presume. Not that I know this of course. I don't really like the idea... it's playing God. :/

Level 91

You meen medicine so we don't die of horrible illnesses?

Yes! Your against anti-aging and "playing god", but how can you define between what goes to far and what's acceptable? You can't have your cake and eat it to, it's all or nothing.

You can't turn down the idea of anti-aging while being pro surgery to save lives ( thereby EXTENDING them ) with out looking like a hypocrite. 

Resource Maker
Level 91
I am scared of loosing my memories and facing death thinking I am alone... Not Scared of death per say.

If it helps stops Alzheimer's Its got my full backing... it's a horrid way to die.

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Level 91
If it helps stops Alzheimer's Its got my full backing... it's a horrid way to die.
*Agrees*. Memories are my most important possession, after my money that is.

There's no difference in being killed ( Atheist POV ) and complete ( personal ) memory loss. Hell, it should be used instead of the chair once we learn to do it successfully.

Edit: Oh, and NOTHING HAS BEEN PROVEN. I'm a man of science, saying that the theory of gravity ( or anything ) has been proven is ignorant. There are no proven ideas, just theories we think are correct.

It will only take one person on Earth, once, to drop an apple and have it fall upwards to diss-prove the theory of gravity.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 12:39:34 PM by Deliciously_Saucy »

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Try making the apple fall upwards then...go ahead. People have tried, and failed.

Gravity happens because of the large clump of mass that we exist on.

If gravity didn't exist, then we wouldn't orbit the sun, or the moon wouldn't pull the oceans to raise the tides. Gravity has been accepted by scientists as a FACT, rather than a theory. I am a man with knowledge of science, although perhaps not to a great degree.

Scientist's don't think. They prove. That is the problem with many scientists, they are too busy with thinking about if they could do it and how soon, and doing it, rather than thinking if they should do it and if it isethically responsible.

Nothin on earth will ever fall upwards. An external force must be applied to get the object to move in another direction. That is the basis of Physics.
Harmony before Justice,
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Level 88
And Ravenshade totally misses the point.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
Im sorry Ravenshade...but I have to agree. Although, he is right that many scientists only work to prove.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Someone explain the point I missed.  I was working on Delicious's Edit, since I am of the opposite opinion to him. I kind of don't like how he saves that "he who says gravity is proven is ignorant"...I believe that's false, and that's the point I was getting at and his point that there is nothing proven, only what we want to believe. I'd like to believe I could walk through a wall, but it just isn't possible. Hence proven we cannot initially walk through objects...solid objects that is.

Besides, I'm of the view that we should extend our lives as much as we choose! We should create life extending methods. I think, it's time to evolve.
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