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Harvest Moon fangame

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Level 88
I'm lookin to make a fangame of Harvest Moon. I'll be working at it when I can, and if anyone has anything that would help, I would be thankful!


Level 88
I love harvest moon! What kind of stuff did you want to know?  Is there anything that is stumping you?
(PS. You caught on to the pokemon thing really fast ;D)

Level 88
LOL yeah, Togepi is my favorite.

Well... Lots of stuff is tough. I don't really do much with RPG maker XP, just the basics. I don't know how to make it so the character likes you more, plants grow... Start a new day. Yeah, I'm way in the woods on this.

Level 88
And hey, anyone got HM tilesets they want to hook me up with, that would be awsome!

Level 88
I don't know how to make it so the character likes you more, plants grow... Start a new day. Yeah, I'm way in the woods on this.
If you want I can help you out with some of it.  Do you have MSN? It's a little late for me to write a tutorial tonight, but if you are on tonight I can help you in person.
Or if you don't mind waiting I will write one up for you tomorrow when I get up.
Also, try taking a look at my Variables tutorial.  A lot of those things can be done with Variables.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 04:18:16 AM by Yami »

Level 88
I do have MSN tenshinoravu@hotmail.com  Look me up sometime.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
There was once a Harvest Moon like game developed by a guy on my forum. Maybe you can contact him and ask him about a few things. You can find the link to my forum in my profile.
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Level 88
Does he have a Tileset? That would tickle me if he did. If anyone does, I'd be happy.

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
For day and night, Blizzard has done a script.


Level 88
Hey, I'm going to open this up to a team project. I'm not looking for a ton of people, just a few people who want to work on a small game together. If you want to bring your skills to the game, let me know here, or sendme a message. Thanks.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88

I could help you out. I can give you a lot of tileset from:
Harvest Moon, Friends of Mineral Town.
Also, I can help you with other things. If you want to. Contact me:
Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies in the heart of humankind

pokeball KanOfflineMale
Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Mapping expert.
Hey, I'll join.
I don't know how well this will help, but, hey, it's a tileset.

Level 88
Well, please PM me with the ways you can help out. As in mapper, scripter, eventer, ect. Thanks.

Level 102
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Blizzards day and night system would be cool.