So far JH has called me a Retard and a
twat and a few other things, sent me hate mail like a Black Gut being hung by the KKK... and now this... I hate the Word more than any other.
People that use it in my eye's in an offencive way are SCUM...
Don't mind a stand up comic using it or if its used as common slang...
But if its aimed at me or a mate in town in the same way JH just used it, there is usually a mass brawl...
__________(just to clear a few things up)____________Common Law = Common Law of Physics
Loinanqualtrual & the word Gono uses loads Lolarious are both made up words I a CUNT_____________I guess this threads been moved as the word JH used brought it down a peg and like any other thread he posts in he never adds to a debate he only subtracts from it. If we all kept refering to scinece and written facts then there would be very little to debate on this topic. We could have all done simular to JH. I learnt at school when I was 12 the centre of the Earth was Metal, but I asked the same questions I asked while on here "What we dug that far then "the teacher said "no, but Scientists know that its is Metal..." Just cuz I don't want to base my thoughts and way of thiking on other peoples conclutions does not make me a CUNT.
I have already said in this thread these are just idea's, not that I am saying they are FACTS, I know the facts, they have been forced into my head when I was a Kid... Know could that be a form of brain washing, yes it could, if school taught you the planet was flat back in the 14 hundreds you would have thaught it as Fact... things get disproven all the time. Scinetists are no more than modren day philospers in most cases.
I shouldn't have to justify myself as to why I posted what I have, I have said as this is mainly geared around fantasy then we may aswell fanatsize, and raise a few what iff's...
And the What iff's are interesting...
For example I could have answered, No the Earth is a big lump of Rock in space and then put loads of links showing thats all it is based on the common laws of Pyhisics.
But instead I ran with the idea, and based idea's on the debate to stregthen it to give it more meaning.
If any one is a CUNT, I would say its those who don't keep an open mind and contribute rather then slagg some one off for being free thinking. After all Freedom of thaught comes before a freedom of speach.
_______Could there be such a thing as Gaia ?______Type that or simular into Google "Earth Alive" you get many links showing argueements for and against:- stong backer of the Earth having its own Energy flow is the Wiccan faith. Some Wiccans hold the Goddess to be pre-eminent, since she contains and conceives all (Gaea or Mother Earth is one of her more commonly revered aspects)... Mother Earth or Gaea is also kown as Gaia:- Term Mother Earth suggests the World is alive and refered to and looked at as a higher power:- the above is backing up the argueemnet with written scripture and views and inner feelings of human life. Not Science...
Scinece tends to shred Faiths and religions and forces numbers and equations into peoples heads... Without faith we would have no rules or measures for Good and Bad, we wouldn't have made it as a race.
What I am saying in short is if some faiths and fictional writers have looked at this in away they thought remotely possible then who's to say it does not exsist... I mean whats the Cemical equation for Fire ?... Fire exsists, yet we can't stick it under a microscope and see what it is made from... Scince would say its a Chemical reaction rather than a Chemical it's self. Yet its has to have structure, we can see it, and even if it is a Gas a Gas is only Molecules moving faster than those of a soild... so what does soild Fire look like ?... (There is no such thing as Soild Fire... But what if we placed fire under the same constrictions as that of the Iron at the centre of the Earth, would it then become a soild...?) You can say the same with light, its an energy source we can convert it into power, so what is light, UV... Well yeah, but what is its chemical structure...? If ever thing has to be made out of atoms and moleclues then Fire, Light, Elecricity... etc all should follow the same rules as other elements like Water and Air... yet they don't... We all know Water is H2O... parts hydrogen and oxygen... there are many things that are puree speculation even when it comes to the simplest of elements so why should we just take for gospel whats on offer as commonly know facts proven by scince ?
All I am saying is Gaia could be another energy like pattern we can't see or put a chemical equation to, it could be like Micro waves or some thing... But as we can't harness it or use it to our needs we are just ignorant to it being there.