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When the dawn breaks...
Level 88
...tonight will be just another memory.
I said it had an atmosphere, never said it was the best of them all.

Well done...

Lol, I hope your being sarcastic!

I know Building under the sea or in the mountains or any place else on Earth wont save the Human race should the Earth be destroyed...

So I guess getting Human life out in the Cosmos has to still be researched and one day achived... But talking about this now when its distant future is futile.

Futile? Or planning for a brighter tomorrow? lol. Nothing will be done if nothing is said first.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Futile? Or planning for a brighter tomorrow? lol. Nothing will be done if nothing is said first.

Yeah... But its a little To Total Recall for me... Mars a nice planet to visit but I wouldn't want to live...LOL

Its kind of Futile in away, I would imagine Sending millions of capsuals out into space contain the Human Geno string would work better than moving to Mars... The chances of alein life bringing humans back from the dead using the DNA would have more chance... (I am gunna get so slatted and slagged off for this one...LOL)

Or Building a Giant Space station or making ANTI comet missles is more plausable than us living on Mars... Heck even the film Amagedon has more chance of becoming a reality...LOL

Us living on Mars is a pipe dream at the mo... Its not going to happen for 100's of years. May be in our kids, kids, Kids life times (Thats 3 more generations for those of you who don't enjoy math).

Lol, I hope your being sarcastic!

 ;D ;D Yes I was being Sarcastic... or would it be funnier if I wasn't make your own decissions...LOL  ;8

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Level 88
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
LoS, I think you're slipping...?

What if we are the only intelligent forms of life in the entire universe? What do we do then, we're screwed. Nah moving to mars is the way forward...i'm sure there's more chance for it. Though your space station idea is more possible than the mars idea because it is closer.

Though, when you say we wouldn't be able to live on mars, maybe we will, we jumped from the age of pony and cart, to the age of lorries in about 60 years. I don't think it would be much harder to get further.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 91
What if we are the only intelligent forms of life in the entire universe? What do we do then, we're screwed. Nah moving to mars is the way forward...i'm sure there's more chance for it. Though your space station idea is more possible than the mars idea because it is closer.
It's a possibility. I don't see it as such a bad thing though, as in time we would slowly spread out into the entire universe, fill up a planet, then move on. Spreading humanity across the universe.

We'd all look different very quickly on a changed gravity. If you had a child on the moon, and raised it there, it would grow to 7-10feet in height. That's only first gen' too... If there aren't any aliens out there, we'll make 'em.

BTW Intelligent debate has been practically dead for the past two days... The fuck..?

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Delicious, shouldn't you be banned by now?

True people would grow very differently to how they do on earth, so perhaps we are the birth of universe? The only ones who can adapt far faster than any living creature. At least, that's what we've done so far.

Time, times and incredible thing you know, with time, everything is possible.

That's partly because I haven't been here the last few days, and everyone seems to desert it apart from me and you. Perhaps...perhaps thats a sign...
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 91

Perhaps...perhaps thats a sign...
Yes, that there is only a handful of people who have a brain on this site... gonorrhoea, LOS, sadly Jesus Hitler... Oh and you I guess... :P

Delicious, shouldn't you be banned by now?
I don't see why.

I don't think that anyone can really make a true point as to whether life, or intelligent life, exist out side of Terra or not. But we can say that in most likeliness, if it does exist, we won't be meeting them ( unless a shortcut technology is discovered to be real, hyperspace, a way of manipulating wormholes... ), I mean what? There will be a planet every 100 light-years that will be like earth, as  in the right distance from the sun, having a "Defender" planet like Jupiter, and having the right amounts of gasses.

While that seems like a lot, it really comes down to: What's the chance of life forming, what's the chance of complex life forming and what's the chance of that life becoming intelligent and self aware?

It's been proven that nature doesn't need intelligence to survive ( on a human level that is ) so if it's not needed, then is our own awareness just a cruel joke? If it is, why would it happen some were else?

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Whoa that's an entirely new issue!

I think you should copy and paste that to a new topic...What is the meaning of our existence...

O.o...I know it was a joke, but...you have -100 rep at least....could have sworn...neh ^^

But I do agree with you, you're right, there is little chance of life occuring anywhere else but here, because the conditions aren't right.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 91
Whoa that's an entirely new issue!

I think you should copy and paste that to a new topic...What is the meaning of our existence...

O.o...I know it was a joke, but...you have -100 rep at least....could have sworn...neh ^^

But I do agree with you, you're right, there is little chance of life occuring anywhere else but here, because the conditions aren't right.
Alrighty, made a new topic ^_^ .

I wonder how we can get back to the topic of Terraforming...? Any thing you want to discuss? I'm some what filled up with " Discovery channel " info' on the matter... Lol

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.

nope I think we've ran out of debate...bah.

Okay then...what if a planet has intelligent life, but they have resources, should we still go ahead and take the planet?
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 91

nope I think we've ran out of debate...bah.

Okay then...what if a planet has intelligent life, but they have resources, should we still go ahead and take the planet?
I think it depends on the situation. I say if it was an "Us or them" type of scenario, then yes, I would say that Humans come first. Otherwise no. But there are many factors to consider...

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
That is definately true, but, I still don't think it is right to take a planet just for ourselves, wouldn't that make us no better than the criminals we have tried to rid ourselves of?

Yet having said that, I agree, if it was us or them, it would definately be us.

(now i've ran out)
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 89
Koopa Troopa!
The goverment need to play a more important role in this, for all the countries. All of the contients (Well almost all of them) Are producing WAY WAY WAY to my CO2. But, our goverment in England, rather than spending cash on helping reduce CO2, are spending £9 FREAKING BILLION ON THE NEW OLYMPIC STADIUM!!!!  >:(

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Someone's been in the closet lately...Mr Brown (No i'm not kidding) went and raised taxes on air travel to help cut down flights. (although it had helped their bank balance). This is currently being disputed.

England is doing well on pollution levels, but unlike other countries in the EU we don't have as much Hydro-electric power, unlike other countries such as Germany (one of the cleanest countries in Europe) we are against Nuclear power. So it isn't the government...it's us. The public who vote for those ass holes. (Is voting Conservatives)

However this is another topic...so to link it in.

If we put more money into environmental control it still causes no difference as China...the worlds biggest pollutant under America (despite their propaganda that they aren't the top pollutants) refuses to cooperate as they are developing still.

This makes me believe that the American's won't be the first to terraform a planet (heck they haven't even landed on the moon yet...(especially since it was filmed in a studio) so as far as I know only the russians have gotten there...and other countries in that general direction) I think the Chinese will be the first to terraform a planet because they have will have the technology and the money...and will probably be a UN Sanction because they along with India destroyed our planet.

So that's a more of "who will be the first nation" and "why" they will terraform a planet.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
This makes me believe that the American's won't be the first to terraform a planet (heck they haven't even landed on the moon yet...(especially since it was filmed in a studio) so as far as I know only the russians have gotten there...


Level 90
[First post here so I have no idea whats been said]

I'm against, like the point you stated before, we ruined out planet so why invade another? Will the cycle continue until we've reached out last resorts? We have to learn to take care of our planet, not everything can become clean in a matter 4-5 years, in the sate we're in, I estimate 10 years at least. If we have to come to this conclusion one day, I would rather die.


Level 91
[First post here so I have no idea whats been said]

I'm against, like the point you stated before, we ruined out planet so why invade another? Will the cycle continue until we've reached out last resorts? We have to learn to take care of our planet, not everything can become clean in a matter 4-5 years, in the sate we're in, I estimate 10 years at least. If we have to come to this conclusion one day, I would rather die.

K, then feel free to die. Who says we can't do both ( look after our planet AND make new homes )? It's not a simple matter of planet hopping, it has to do with spreading out the human race. Mass over population will be a certain threat in the near future, and I think having a terraformed planet is a better option then killing a bunch of children, don't you think?

Replacement has nothing to do with the main idea of terraforming a planet. How the fuck can you "invade" a planet that has no life? Leaving nature alone is a pathetic excuse not to do it as nothing would have truly evolved on any planet we would consider terraforming.

Loled at clip Saladin. I can see how committed they are to the lie.

Level 90
The life forms might be underdeveloped and live in a underground. And some planet (I think Mars) has bacteria living on the planets crust and in class we talks about that and some people said the bacteria might turn into a living thingy magigi and I dunno how cause I wasn't paying 100% attention.


Level 91
The life forms might be underdeveloped and live in a underground. And some planet (I think Mars) has bacteria living on the planets crust and in class we talks about that and some people said the bacteria might turn into a living thingy magigi and I dunno how cause I wasn't paying 100% attention.

Yeh, I'm just quoting that in case you try to change it later...


Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
It would take billions of years for a decent form of life to evolve on Mars...and our solar system should have been eradicated by our sun at that time and that's with our help by providing some resources. That planet is far more use to us than it is to them.

Basically, it would allow growth which is what life wants to do grow. It is a shame, but many things are pushed out, this is called Natural Selection.

(reasons to terraform mars)
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 90
The life forms might be underdeveloped and live in a underground. And some planet (I think Mars) has bacteria living on the planets crust and in class we talks about that and some people said the bacteria might turn into a living thingy magigi and I dunno how cause I wasn't paying 100% attention.

Yeh, I'm just quoting that in case you try to change it later...


Well I don't go back on my words, I say either I'm stupid or its a typo..usually a typo.

As for Mars, as long as we don't do what we did you Earth to make it uninhabitable.


Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
NASA has a very interesting page about space settlement. If people can adapt to this sort of lifestyle, the question of whether or not terrafoming a dead planet is moral would become moot.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
There is no real chance of life starting on most of the planets in our solar system.

I think there are so many avenues unexplored on our own planet like building Man Made Islands... Making Building on high Platforms like oil rigs but bigger in scale...

Whats to stop us all having Gardens on a roof's to improve oxygen levels and re-cyle carbon emissions ?

How about developing slates and bricks that are mini Solar panels to use the sun as energy, so our house is like one large battery...

All it takes is us to take a step back and think. We need to change with our world, rather than changing the world to suite us.

As for terraforming, I think one day with the current rate of growth in human population its some thing that needs exploring, we need more resources and ways of gaining them, and we need more land mass espically if the next Ice age is a few hundred years away, we should be planing for that now and how to sustain the human race.

False... Actually...

Europa has ice caps. And what are beneath ice caps? WATER! Weee, we have H2O. We can explore those depths, but the chances are slim. Take samples back we have a higher chance of finding life (Not intellegent life).

Theres plans of terraforming mars.... but it think we'd use more money and resources than ever.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
I think it's less how moral it is, and more how possible, aside from the fact that I think that any level of space exploration is probably going to raise our chance of death/enslavement by extraterrestrials, I just don't thin we could do it, I think we were scared off the moon, and with all the strange things noticed in Mars in the cydonia area, would the US government want us to go and find what they have ridiculed for the past years to be true?  Or worse yet, find it exists and they knew it exists?

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
i am also getting a bad feeling terraforming mars is not a good idea.