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This thread isn't interesting enough for LoS

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Level 88
<Jesus_Hitler> what would you think of nation where the indiviidual states elected their own presidents?
<Eddy> Would that really be one nation, though?
<Jesus_Hitler> and that the federal president could also run for president in individual states?
<Jesus_Hitler> hmm
<goneriku> That'd be more like a federation.
<Jesus_Hitler> well, the state presidents would be subservient to the federal president
<Jesus_Hitler> hmm
<goneriku> I wonder if that would work in the real world.
<Jesus_Hitler> well, say thee governments were corrupt
<Jesus_Hitler> it would be routine for a man to win the presidency in the majority of states
<Jesus_Hitler> oh, and only the federal president could win presidencies in multiple states
<Jesus_Hitler> ensuring that the federal government weilded more power than the states
(goneriku being me, Eddy being a guy we know that you don't)

« Last Edit: January 17, 2007, 03:11:55 PM by gonorrhoea »
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 88
I'm back :P
i think the thing thats really up for debate is that jesus hitler would think that much to make a somewhat intelligent conversation.

Level 91
God of Dicks
An interesting proposition.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
if we sub all the "presidents" in your plan and lets say...call then Governors, and called your "federal president" just President, whats the difference?
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
I'm back :P
if we sub all the "presidents" in your plan and lets say...call then Governors, and called your "federal president" just President, whats the difference?
agreed. or wud it be like a refferendum where the states all split into seperate countries? that wud be chaos. atleast i think so

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
i think the thing thats really up for debate is that jesus hitler would think that much to make a somewhat intelligent conversation.

Eat shit.

if we sub all the "presidents" in your plan and lets say...call then Governors, and called your "federal president" just President, whats the difference?

The president doesn't run for governor of each state as well.

agreed. or wud it be like a refferendum where the states all split into seperate countries? that wud be chaos. atleast i think so

I wasn't talking about the United States. This hypothetical country would be much smaller.

Level 88
i think the thing thats really up for debate is that jesus hitler would think that much to make a somewhat intelligent conversation.
Need we make this a personal attack? Also, insulting a person's intelligence and then saying 'wud' for 'would' tends to make the person insulted look more intelligent to others.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
You should change the Thread title, this sounded interesting from the outside...

I don't know enough on you you guys elect different heads of state, all I know is Arnold Schwarzenegger Runs California (To a degree, and from what i have read, he is not doing to bad), and he even has his own political office WEB site:- http://gov.ca.gov/

I think having Govenours of state is enough, they carry the influence of the people and can relay thoughts to higher parties.  May be having presidentcy of each state would be a good idea, but then you would have each of those presidents on the same level, and the amount of opposing opinions in passing laws would take forever, even if it was done on a majority vote you would be getting presidents knocking one and others decissions.  Its a nice idea but I don't think it would work with each person having an equal say, the final decission should be down to a higher person.

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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
You should change the Thread title, this sounded interesting from the outside...

Thanks for your input.

I don't know enough on you you guys elect different heads of state, all I know is Arnold Schwarzenegger Runs California (To a degree, and from what i have read, he is not doing to bad), and he even has his own political office WEB site:- http://gov.ca.gov/

Okay, so, like, can we nix the idea that people seem to have that I was talking about American states?

I think having Govenours of state is enough, they carry the influence of the people and can relay thoughts to higher parties.  May be having presidentcy of each state would be a good idea, but then you would have each of those presidents on the same level, and the amount of opposing opinions in passing laws would take forever, even if it was done on a majority vote you would be getting presidents knocking one and others decissions.  Its a nice idea but I don't think it would work with each person having an equal say, the final decission should be down to a higher person.

I don't remember saying "hey, this would be an ideal government!" While this sort of government might suffer from more inertia than the American or British governments, there is nothing that would keep it from working altogether. There is no real need for a nation to have a single official leader making decisions instead of a small group of people.

Level 88
You should change the Thread title, this sounded interesting from the outside...
Fine >:|
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Resource Maker
Level 91
LOL - Thats a much better title...

But its still dull...

Can we jazz it up a bit... Here I will start...LOL

AH... thats better...

What was the question of this thread again...?

I thik rather than the first title:- Weird Idea thing
Or this newer one, orignal as it is:- This thread isn't interesting enough for LoS
How about:- indiviidual states electing their own presidents (or is that to Obvious)

Well I am not American so I don't much care if your country is running State by State.  I just think you need ONE new president other than a member of Bushes Family or close chums.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2007, 05:30:02 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 King of RMRK2013 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest MemberFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]2011 Funniest Member2011 Best MusicianMost entertaining member on the IRC2010 Most Missed Member
Let's keep discussion of this topic about the content rather than the title.

Resource Maker
Level 91
I elect HaloOfTheSun... And he can have what ever state that will flood last in Global Warming

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Well I am not American so I don't much care if your country is running State by State.  I just think you need ONE new president other than a member of Bushes Family or close chums.

It's obvious that you don't read my posts, so why do you even come to Intelligent Debate?

Resource Maker
Level 91
<Jesus_Hitler> what would you think of nation where the indiviidual states elected their own presidents?
<Eddy> Would that really be one nation, though?
<Jesus_Hitler> and that the federal president could also run for president in individual states?

Is this an itelligent debate if its not real...?, any one could take this in any direction they like... say in this fictious world could the inhabitence be Octi-peds and all have magic swords with glowing jelly fish like pets ?... If so I agree full heartedly that yes they should have their own presidents for each state...

OK Seriously back on Topic
what would you think of nation where the indiviidual states elected their own presidents?

What would I think, I think I would run for office... May be get elected into power and have my self a little party, with a bouncey castle full of sheep, oh and a cow... Some jelly, a choclate coated sponge and some Dwarfs, why Dwarfs..? Why the heck not I am the President...

Depending on the fitious circumstances and the fictious peoples opinions depends on if it would work...

Try explaining the social levels of each state in your fictious world... paint, I dunno a couple of 1,000 years of histroy to each state and create a picture for us to work with... Or better yet... Don't...LOL

I don't remember saying "hey, this would be an ideal government!" While this sort of government might suffer from more inertia than the American or British governments, there is nothing that would keep it from working altogether. There is no real need for a nation to have a single official leader making decisions instead of a small group of people.

Again we have no bench mark to say if it would be ideal or not... What is the culture the back ground, give us an example...

For example... If Europes Islands all got sandwiched together, like France, England, Spain etc... Lets call it the USE for example (United states of Europe) - Then I think each "State" would be better run with elected president roles, and may be stil have a sort of final passing of law at some thing like a UN conferense with a majority win the laws be passed... That would work...

Other example Sandwich together Israel, Lebbanon, Korea (both sides), China, LA, Japan and England and it just wouldn't work... it would not be much different than it is now, to big a difference of opinion, to boig a culture and polictical gap from one state to another...

When you say "Fictious" give an example... Else who's to say much about much...
« Last Edit: January 18, 2007, 01:03:42 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Well I am not American so I don't much care if your country is running State by State.  I just think you need ONE new president other than a member of Bushes Family or close chums.

It's obvious that you don't read my posts, so why do you even come to Intelligent Debate?

LOS likes the attention.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Yep I love the Attention to detail in this topic... Amazing

Oh and its hard not to compare this Fictious Nation to the USA as no other place on Earth has States, they have Cities and Countries. (Or am I being retarded ?)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2007, 01:52:52 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Oh and its hard not to compare this Fictious Nation to the USA as no other place on Earth has States, they have Cities and Countries. (Or am I being retarded ?)

Bahaha. Australia has states too. I'm sure most places do. From you saying that a strange feeling came over me - Europe doesn't...

Level 88
The united kingdom has counties, which is very similar, and Europe as a whole is getting much like America.
Kinsei kazoku no mottoo .

Seigi no mae no haamonii
heiwa no mae no barannsu
saigo no ha no mae no junjo ha kudaru


Kinsei Family Motto

Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before the last leaf falls

Resource Maker
Level 91
I know of the Arab States, But they too are really seperate countries... I didn't know Austriallia had states ?... Oh well thats my education for the day...

Back to Topic

Well this thread is dead... It wasn't even a debate, there was nothing to debate... its a notion a statement of mind.

Like me saying If I made a Polyma of Extranaught (a Made up subsatnce by me) would it be better than Glass ?

(with out me exlaining what Extranaught is...)

Put this topic in Spam or Trash... Thats what I say !!!

Unless we can be given the X and Y or how are we to make Z...?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 08:30:31 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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