I am making one that has nothing to do with the battle system they give you...
There are no battlers, but sprites with weapons, and you run around as one character until I find a way to make it switch, and it involves many variables, switches, and Conditional Branches as well as Random numbers.
If it goes well, it should work, but I have to make a whole seperate menu that comes in through the use of a different button...
*moans* Ah, it's a lot of work. But when it's done, I'll post the demo and an explanation of how I did it.
it's a nice challenge for those who want to use it. I am trying to develop an AI script that will make the other sprites try and attack teh enemies, but I don't think that's possible, so I have to sort of wing it.
If anyone has an idea of how this could work, let me know. I'll post the demo at a latter point.