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Censorship. Is it right for people to manipulate what you think?

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Level 91
People in situations of power tend to abuse their given abilities. Is it right for them to cover your eyes because they have personal predigests towards certain things ( sex, RELIGION, bad language )?

I personally think it's quite shameful for certain people to be telling others what to think when no one is above being 'human'. How can you determine what is right and wrong, and how can you then determine if YOU have the right to protect others from certain expressions because you don't want views other then your own coming out?

Is blocking a topic of debate really any different then a malice Dictatorship?

Edit: Lock this topic and your proving my point. ;)

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
I wonder what inspired this post.

Let me guess, me telling you that your idiotic ghost story was an insult to sentient beings amounted to censorship?

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
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I think he's more upset that this was locked.

If you look through the Intelligent Debate forum, you'll see you aren't the first one to try this topic. There was even another one, or maybe two, that happened that have since been deleted, or lost in the crash. And they've all ended in disaster. Your topic was locked because of many of the forums' members here obvious lack of ability to handle these topics maturely.

Not to mention you didn't really set it off to a great start.