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Science V Religion. Who will Win? Heh... *Ding*


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Level 91
Hello Ladies and others!

An interesting topic came up when I was visiting my Pepe ( Grandfather ) the other day who is deeply, deeply Catholic. Recently he found out that I was an Atheist, which I felt he did not need to know because he is dying soon and I want his money.

I, being a man of Science find that the ideals of creationist to be quite... * rude comment *.... So my Pepe starts going on about his 'love' of science ( in a vain attempt to convert me ) and how that science and religion mould together to preform a beautiful unity. With his new love of science being discovered He then goes and tells me how the different races/dialects where created with the Tower of Babel story and that string theory must be a joke because you can't see it.

Do you feel that Science and Religion are separate?

How many religious types think science fit's in with their religion?

My Mother does not believe we have or have had the technology to land on the moon.

How many people of science believe in 'life after death'?

Will Science and Religion at some time settle down the fight, or will there be an ultimate battle?

Who do you think will win if so?   

I do not believe in God, god or gods. I find it insulting when religious types say that they believe in Science then dissect and only use the parts that fit in with their ‘flavour of the month’. I think it’s disgraceful how Religion manipulates the words of Science in a cheap Sucker Punch, exap:

Science tells us that we humans came from Monkeys! Monkeys? How ridicules!! Hahahaha stupid fools…
It was never stated that man evolved from ‘monkeys’ or ‘apes’, what is believed is that on man’s evolutionary path we were once quite similar to the simian family.

People of Science, how do you feel with scenarios like this one?

I became an Atheist NOT because of a tragedy in my life or a falling out with Yahweh. I became one because I fell in love with Science, and what Science taught me was to ask Questions.

Level 91
God of Dicks
I think religion and science are not entirely incompatable. Those who fight religion lack the empathy to understand that people need meaning to be satisfied with their lives. Even men of science must have faith in something. Yet those religious past the point of accepting fact for fact are truely mad. Science and Religion must be balanced.

Level 91
I don't have empathy for people, but I perfectly understand that Religion is needed to combat the fear of 'Nothingness'. Also humanity still needs supernatural punishment over their heads to stop them from doing bad things. I understand. But weening is necessary at some stage...

Edit: Faith in something? Other then myself, no.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 02:57:07 AM by Deliciously_Saucy »