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Merge 2 Scripts Plz

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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Thanx, I hope u are able to find that problem, good luck!

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
bump! any ideas?

Level 88
Code: [Select]
def initialize_fow
  if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Menu)
    $old_fowswitch = $game_map.fow
    $game_map.fow = false
  elsif $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
    $game_map.fow = $old_fowswitch.nil?( true : $old_fowswitch)

Try that one. I did not look at the script, so I hope it works.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Oh sorry for not being more specific, but I meant the new script I edited, I already fixed the fow problem, I just drew the CMS on a higher z value. That way I don't have to play with the activation or deactivation of the fow. My doubt is about the CMS I modified so it can be compatible with the point spend level up system. I made a window for it, that would fit the ones in the CMS, what is supposed to happen is that when pressing button "A" while on the character selection after selecting status it opens the point spend window instead of the status window. I called it "level_window" I modified the CMS scene to make this happen, I added the window to the code too. The problem is when I open the meni in game it crashes and the only error message I get is ????????????
P.S. Since its not about the fow anymore should I put this in a new thread?

Level 88
Smarter than the average bear
Hey, tanx, I tried it, but nothing happend, I placed that in the scene_map just above the (Input::B). But nothing, should it be somewhere else?

Nah see the buttons on RMXP are all messed up. They make em weird...it should be in the help file of rmxp but heres a few I remember:

Keyboard Key | Game/Script Key
Z or SHIFT    =  A
C or ENTER    =  ENTER
X             =  B
W             =  R
Q             =  L         

OK so anyway when you put in input:B  when you press X it will do whatever, and when you put Input:L  when you press Q in-game it will do whatever etc etc

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Oh yeah, I know those are not the keys of the keyboard, but "buttons" already asigned, I also know those can be edited in a way when pressing F1 in the game.