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Davenport- Demon included

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Level 88


When Mathew, a young, used-to-be soldier, goes home for a visit, nothing goes as expected. Monsters apear near the town, with no known source to be found. His friend Johnathan, a family friend, goes to inform the king; while mathew goes and tries to figure out things by himself. Maker used- RPG Maker XP. Contains a HUD display (shows your HP, SP, EXP, and gold). Demo also contains two sidequests.


Class- Fighter
A young man, Mathew is 23 years old. He used to work for the army, but for reasons he hasn't told anyone, he left five years ago. One day he decides to go home for a visit, but everything goes horribly wrong...

Class- Cleric
33 years old, Johnathan is an old friend of Mathew's family. Not much is known about his past. He has allwys been there for Mathew, and they are best friends.

Class- Hunter
Age unknown. Mathew found James deep in the forest, and they have become somewhat of a team. But, can Mathew really trust him?


Mathew walking around in his home town of Navenbird.

Deep in a cave found in the forest...

Mathew walking around Navenbird Field.


HUD display-

Script by MeisMe
Graphics added by Peaches
Icons made by Joshie666 & Axerax

scripts for- attack goes up with level & defense goes up with level-


You can download the demo here-


This is the first time I'm going to acctualy make a complete game. I'l be releasing more and more info about it as it gets made. By the way- This is only a demo, with not much BETA testing behind it which means that there may be some things that don't work right. You will get through the story of the demo just fine, but sidequests and other things (like type-o's) may be a little wrong. If you find a mistake, please email me at- cartmanfromsp@yahoo.com

Sorry if this seems like a desperate cry for help- it's not. You don't have to send me anything, but help is accepted. And if you do help, Your name will be in the credits of this game under "special thanks."

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
I will downlaod this, test it, and give you my respose through email.

Level 88
 :P thanks.

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
The mapping, system and such seem well enough, but i suggest you find an alternate character set for your main character.
Also, Davenport is the name of an expensive hotel in the city I live in.

Level 102
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The mapping is okay.

The mapping, system and such seem well enough, but i suggest you find an alternate character set for your main character.
Also, Davenport is the name of an expensive hotel in the city I live in.

Davenport was the principle back when I was in the first grade. lol

Level 102
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Damn monkey boxes...

They anger me and now I'm going to quit....

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
I'll downloaded it later, and PM you some critical advice. Wasn't that professional.

Level 88
I'll downloaded it later, and PM you some critical advice. Wasn't that professional.

yea.. i know... XD

Level 102
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Is it possible to get past those boxes? lol I tryed a million times.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 02:26:34 AM by Irockman1 »

Level 88

Is it possible to get past those boxes? lol I tryed a million times.

haha, yea hold on..

Level 88

hope that helps

Level 88
You did a very nice job on the maps.  :)

Level 88
You did a very nice job on the maps.  :)

haha, thanks. I know i gotta work on presentation and story and stuff  ;D

Level 102
2014 Biggest Narcissist Award2014 Biggest Forum Potato2014 Best Non-RM Creator2013 Best Game Creator (Non-RM)2013 Best IRC ChatterboxParticipant - GIAW 112012 Most Successful Troll2012 Funniest Member2012 Best Use Of Avatar and Signature space2012 Best IRC ChatterboxSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for November 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2010 Most Successful Troll2010 Biggest Forum Couch Potato2010 Best IRC Chatterbox

hope that helps

Thanks. That's confusing. lol

Level 87
Great game, but change the guy to a different one (Arshes' sprite is annoying)