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Changing over from program to program...

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Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Not for the newbies out there who are just tinkering with RpgMaker...this is for programmers who have experience with the following:

Visual Basic

What are the advantages and disadvantages of them. I am switching from RMRK to C++/Visual Basic, however, i'm completely thick at programming and what not. I'd just like to know. (I keep thinking that RpgMaker is slightly too easy...so i'm going to jump in the deep end)
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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The nice kind of alien~
Level 92
Martian - Occasionally kind

RMRK is a forum.
C++/Visual Basic are programming languages.

If you truely are completely thick at programming it would be a very unwise choice.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Sorry I meant RpgMaker
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The nice kind of alien~
Level 92
Martian - Occasionally kind
Rpgmaker is application with an engine, an editor, a resource pack and well... I hope you get the idea.
There are already many scripts made for you. You can use them, modify them or create your own.
Basically a load of stuff have already been made for you.

In the editor there is a scripting language called RGSS (Ruby-based)
It is interpreted unlike C++, which basically means you don't have to compile it.

You do not need to know nor change anything related to RGSS if you want to make a game.

If you switch to C++ or Visual Basic you will have to create a load of stuff yourself.
You can perhaps find some solution like RPG Maker that uses C++ or Visual Basic instead. I don't know.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Visual Basic hasn't worked out for me so far...(damn microsoft...) so i'm looking at a C++ compiler. (I didn't know there was a difference to begin with)

Did anyone know that it is damn complicated...

You see i'm after creating a 4D game, something you can interact with fully. (When I say 4D, I mean the x-dimension, y-dimension, z-dimension, w-dimension (time).)

Currently (probably just me) but I can't seem to get that to work in RPGmaker because I have literally no skill in programming, and i'd no doubt end up having conflicting messages here there and everwhere.

(Thus, i'm learning...alot)

Another reason why i'm doing this...is because i'm stupid...and forgot to back up my RPGmaker game onto disk...and formatted my computer (lost a game of roughly 70 maps which was turning out quite good)

So if anyone knows of any good tuts?
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The nice kind of alien~
Level 92
Martian - Occasionally kind
About the C++ compiler. You could try searching google for "Dev-C++". Blizzard mentioned it some time ago.
I would recommend you forgetting the w-dimension. It will come naturally of itself and will only create unwanted complexity if you take it into account. (I think so)
Besides if you get the engine programming using either DirectX or OpenGL you will in a sense still get the 4D.
Both DirectX and OpenGL uses homogeneous coordinates, which basically are (x,y,z,1)
Yup there's the little number 1 on the end. 4 coordinates = 4 dimensions.
The reason for this is for speed and simplicity. You don't really have to understand how it works unless you want to program the engine yourself.

Now that we come to programming...
Either you should gather a team of programmers and other members needed for such a project with being the leader or appointing a leader or you should find an already build engine.
I have never search for any of the options, so I can't help you nor do I know any good tuts, sorry.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
That's the compiler i'm using right now.

Yup (Get's rid of that silly idea)

Now then...once I start learning about C++ some more, i'll get right back here...(as it is, I barely even understand the Hello World C++ tut...heh

an already build engine...hmm...
I think i'll go with the team idea...but damn (that's a long way a way)
Harmony before Justice,
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Order before Finality

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Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
I also recommend what Zeriab said. Trying to add a w-dimension would only cause unneccesary complicity. If you need something like "time" in the game, just a simple counter of time, nothing else.
And also a team or an already built engine are the best choices you have. Sometimes it's better to code a new engine, since you will know it well.
I guess that's all I can say (actually repeat~).

BTW, Dev-C++ ownz! ;D
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Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Yeah I know. Much better than microsoft's visual...

still trying to figure out what most of the code means though.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 87
Hmm... You're just starting C++ and you want to make a 4-D game? Wow, unless you've learned that fast... WOW!

By the way, Visual Basic is a BAD language that takes 5 minutes to master (in my case, anyways). Ruby is a very good language to learn, as is Python, as is Perl. You might want to start with HTML, then CSS, then JavaScript.

Hehe VB is only good to toy around with... and of course write viruses with...........