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Creating A Darkworld Map(Tileset)

Started by coolkid25344, January 03, 2007, 01:53:20 PM

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Ok this is my first tutorial so go easy on me, this tutorial will teach you had to make a darkworld like the one pictured below,

As you can see the whole tileset itself is in black and white, which can create a very cool effect for your game,

So now then lets get started

Step 1- Finding a Tileset

To make yourself A darkworld tileset your going to need one that has already been made. Really you can pick any that you want, it can be grassland, forest, ect. Now then what your going to need to do is go to your Materials Database, it is located in the upper right hand corner of the RPG Maker, and looks like a folder. View Picture Below

Step 2- Exporting Your Tileset

The next thing your going to need to do is export your tileset to another location. Preferably your desktop, but if you would like to place it in another location such as My Documents go ahead. To export your tileset to a location you must open the databse shown in step 1, and locate the tileset under the header Tilesets. View Picture Below

Once you have located your tileset by finding it under the header Tilesets (As shown in the Picture) click the export button (As shown in the picture as the red circled area) A box like the one in the picture below should come up.

Things in the black circles should correspond, meaning they should have the same name (dont worry we will be changing the name later) The red cirle is the area your saving too, I suggest saving to the desktop as shown in the picture, but if your desktop is crowded or full feel free to save it to a diffrent area, just make sure you know were it is.

Step 3- Altering Your Tileset

Now open up an empty paint program (that is the art program that comes as default with a windows system). Once opened go up to file in the upper left hand corner and click open. Now find the tileset that you saved earlier and open it into the pain program. You should now have the tileset open.

Step 4- Saving in Alternate Format

Now go to file again, but this time click save as, where you see the name of the tileset change it to a diffrent name, it could be similar or an entirley diffrent name it dosent matter. the important thing is the block below it the format that you save it in. Click that and a list of options should come up. See Picture Below

Click the option shown with the black circle (Monochrome Bitmap) and select yes to all of the questions it asks you (It is just telling you that it will change the color style) You now have a tileset that looks completly black and white. Cool huh?

Step 5- Importing Back

Almost done now all we need to do is Import it back and make a Panorama. So open back up your project and go to the  Materials Databse (Same as in step 1) and go once again back to the Tilesets section, now instead of exporting a tileset you will be importing. The button for it is right above the export one. Once clicked go to the location where you saved the newly made map, highlight it and click open. A box will come up asking you which colors you want to keep transparent rightclick and leftclick the white backround.

Step 6- Last Steps

Okay now then, go to your Regular Database located on the left hand side of the Materials Databse and click the tab named Tilesets. Give it a name, and where it self tileset graphic click the arrow and select your dark world tileset from the list that comes up. Now when you our done with that, you need to open up another paint program and make a large white screen, thats all you need to do with this paint. Click File and Save As and select the same area that you saved the map in. Now go back to your Materials Database and instead of selecting the catgory of Tilesets click Panoramas. Select Import and select the blank white screen paint file you saved earlier. Now go back to the Regular Database and back to your regular map, where it says Panorama Graphic click the arrow and select your white backround that you uploaded earlier. When everything is done the tileset should look like this. View Picture Below

The black circles represent areas that should be filled in.

Step 7- Your done...for the most part....

Ok so really all you have to do now is what you would do for any imported tileset, and that is creating the Passable and non-Passable objects, but I wont go into that in this tutorial because there are plenty of those already made. What you now have is your Dark World Tileset along with the White Panorama that will make it visible. So congrats for finishing this Tutorial and good luck in making your game great and now even better with the Dark World Tileset,
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


Looks cool but not sure if i could use it in my game. good job explaining it and stuff though! :)


Thanks, but I dont think its very good, I guess tutorial making isint my thing
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


Say if you export Forrest and turn it Dark... When you import it back in again in the last stage you could just make a Copy of Forrest, and change the Tile set to the dark version than you have all the priorities and passabilities set, and all the Auto Tiles... You can make better tile sets than this though by using Photoshop turning them grey scale rather than just BW...

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True about thing 1 you wont have to set passabilitys for object, but not everyone has photoshop A.K.A me (although with my new digital camera i did recently get ArcSoft PhotoStudio which is basically the same thing)
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


Should I just get rid of this? I mean is it just taking up dead space?
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