Whats wrong with love? Its an awesome thing, Id choose the girl over the treasure any day, because im mature enough, confident enough, and alph enough to admit it.
And as for turning gambits off, what would that solve. then your battles will take 20 minutse each because the game freezes while you select attacks. and if you have it set to where enimies attack while you select moves then it gets too hard, because the game wasnt designed to be played that way (I tried it) There arer too many eniemies and your guys attack really fast once you got all the augments (which is like a few hours into the game if you know what your doing) its just flawed. its either deathly boring, or it takes fucking 8 minuts to battle a a couple groups of skelies, or it is insanly hard. theres no "fun" way to do it. and its boring, you havnt beat it yet play through it more, the dungeons are the worst part. well one of them. and dropping romance isnt good when you also drop character development. at the end the character i was closest to was balther, and if he died i probally would have shrigged and went on. In ten it KILLED me when tidus died, it was HORRIBLE when aries dies, why? CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!