This is the XP.
I didn't want to flood the page with thousands of questions in each different topic so, I'm putting them all in 1.
1. Okay, I recently made a world map! Yay me. But, when I tested the game, I HAD to press CTRL while pressing the directional buttons to move. How can I stop that?
2. Still about the world map. When I walk with the CTRL method(:[) I walk over hills and water! They both are mainly to block the next towns. Let's say theres water in the middle between 2 islands. 'Something' is enabling me walk through water. Which goes to the next town without getting into the first town! I 'X'ed the tile in the tilesets at my database. But it still happens. How can I stop that?
3. Same as the other topic. I just don't know how to change the battle theme. I went to my database and went to system to change the battle theme. It says Battle01 for the battle BGM. But when I play, the battle theme is Negative05. No matter how I make new maps, the music is the same. I'm refering to this topic(It's still not resolved xD):,10704.0.html4. Can you run in this game? If so, then how? I made a 'buttons to play with' text document in the game folder so when people play in it, they would read it and see which buttons to use. (It's not like anyone will read it though... -.-)
5. How are you guys doing? X]
I'm fine. I'm learning the basics of this RSXP. I've learned all the noobie stuff and now I'm going onto tiles and making a good map.
Thanks for reading X]]