Yea, I'm another big FF fan
My personal view, I <3 anti-heroes. Some people say they're getting overused now, but I still think they rock. So my favourite characters would have to be the reluctant heroes who kinda get thrown into the whole thing against their will and go through major changes - I love watching the character development.
As for other ideas I can't really say... because the idea that makes me think "wow, this is awesome!" would probably be something that I'd never think of.
I agree with you! AND OMG! You seem to love FVIII! YAY! Finally, someone who likes it as much as I do! <3
This is my preferred hierarchy in game elements, ordered from most important to less important, for all of them ARE:
Storyline, World & Characters <--> Gameplay (There must be a balance.)
Engine (Affects gameplay.)
Console (Not all consoles cost the same, not all consoles have the same amount of users. Not all consoles are good for certain game genres. PC is better for MMO's than game consoles, for example.)
Originality also counts, but I would say it is not an element.