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How Many RPGs have you made?

Started by Irock, December 30, 2006, 08:25:34 PM

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How Many RPGs have you made in total?


Decadent Sympozium

Quote from: Blizzard on January 05, 2007, 11:45:58 AM
I think the more actual effort you put into your game, the more fun and addicting it will be. :)

I definitely agree. For example, while I'm making a game it happens to me that I come up with some event that could occur. Then when I start thinking about all the situations and reactions that should happen with that particular event, I realize I should make 10 more events, 10 switches and 6 pages for each to make it look really, really convincing...a lot of work but when I think that a player will actually like the fact he can walk around the village for an hour and do just stuff, investigate and entertain itself as much as it like, I believe it's all paid out.


I started my first one two days ago.

Click the pic!


Quote from: Blizzard on January 05, 2007, 11:45:58 AM
I think the more actual effort you put into your game, the more fun and addicting it will be. :)

Quite true. My first game took a month to make and..don't even get me started. But I'm makeing my first XP game now and it's looking great. Because I'm spending time on it.


I have never really tried to make a Rpg maker game, im not that big on rpg maker.  In GM I must have made over 50 not fully made games, because I would have THE BEST IDEA EVER and work for a week on it in a mad frenzy doing everything as best I could, then halfway through I would be spriting the same medeivel stuff, and go see a megaman tileset, and go OMG FUTURISTIC GAME, its this disease called ADD.  I swear I can never work on a project for more than three weeks until I think of a better one.


Same here...with Game Maker at least. Usually I end up switching because I really can't figure something out, or my DAMN DATA GETS CORRUPTED. I had perfected a working castlevania system, based on Richter Belmont, and the fucker got CORRUPTED! AFUAGFPINFWIBVP{BFYPWBFFUI!B!!! But yeah, same deal with me.


Quote from: arrowone on January 07, 2007, 05:27:24 AM
Same here...with Game Maker at least. Usually I end up switching because I really can't figure something out, or my DAMN DATA GETS CORRUPTED. I had perfected a working castlevania system, based on Richter Belmont, and the fucker got CORRUPTED! AFUAGFPINFWIBVP{BFYPWBFFUI!B!!! But yeah, same deal with me.

I have that problem, the secret is to back up your data everytime you save  :lol:


Quote from: arrowone on January 07, 2007, 05:27:24 AM
Same here...with Game Maker at least. Usually I end up switching because I really can't figure something out, or my DAMN DATA GETS CORRUPTED. I had perfected a working castlevania system, based on Richter Belmont, and the fucker got CORRUPTED! AFUAGFPINFWIBVP{BFYPWBFFUI!B!!! But yeah, same deal with me.
here is a trick, never add an mp3 into gamemaker, it always corrupts it for me.


Yeah, that ended up being the problem. It was a remix of the theme "Beggining" and it was a bit too large...WHY AM I SO DUMB?!



Yeah I never knew so many people abandoned there games..


66% of games are not completed or never made. Imagin if people didn't forget about them and made more.


  :o :o

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It's sad how many games arn't made or not finished.


I have started 6 games.  And I finished 2.
The problem about making a game is you get part of the way through and never finish because you end up not liking the story / game play / graphics.

I am thinking about starting ANOTHER game, I must be nuts lol.


Quote from: Renegade on January 10, 2007, 12:46:40 AM
I have started 6 games.  And I finished 2.
The problem about making a game is you get part of the way through and never finish because you end up not liking the story / game play / graphics.

I am thinking about starting ANOTHER game, I must be nuts lol.
Exactly. And I try not to start other hurts.


I always have tht problem. I get half-way through and decide I dont like the beginning storyline so start again... lol


I was working on the Broken Sheath project for a long ass time, slating it to be a massive open-ended game, but I realized early on that the idea was way too ambitious. So I'm working on another game, which may or may not use the Broken Sheath name, and I'm hoping the fresh idea I had for this one will stay fresh as I make it.


I wish everyone stuck to their projects. But people just get bored of working on them.


I've made about 3-4 or so (I started a lot more but never planned on finishing them, just trying out new techniques) but most of them were just short games except for one I made way back in RPG Maker 98.  I wish I had that one still but I'd probably just laugh at how bad I was at it when I made it  ;D


Quote from: Yami on January 13, 2007, 07:20:47 PM
I've made about 3-4 or so (I started a lot more but never planned on finishing them, just trying out new techniques) but most of them were just short games except for one I made way back in RPG Maker 98.  I wish I had that one still but I'd probably just laugh at how bad I was at it when I made it  ;D
Same here. My first game was awful.


most people here will quit their games...believe me its common....

hmmm..The game I am making right now is actually the first game I have ever attempted to I guess I'm still 1/1  ;D
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


What game are you working on now?


Quote from: Zypher on January 11, 2007, 12:53:36 AM
I was working on the Broken Sheath project for a long ass time, slating it to be a massive open-ended game, but I realized early on that the idea was way too ambitious. So I'm working on another game, which may or may not use the Broken Sheath name, and I'm hoping the fresh idea I had for this one will stay fresh as I make it.
how massively open ended?  May I suggets game maker *nudges and winks*
