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Newb Questions/ Requests

Started by MICHAELSD, January 13, 2006, 10:56:41 PM

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Hello, I recently bought RPG Maker XP and am in need of a few scripts.

1. A script so you can cast spells on speical items (like press a button and then a spell comes out of the wand and hits, enemys, lifts objects, etc.

2. A script that plays movies (not CGI).

Thanks! P.S. Just because I'm a newB doesn't mean I'm a noob :wink: .
Current projects:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Jesse 015

1: im having a good guest to use animation, but im not sure weather you can just press a button for it
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker


Conditional Brach --> If Z pressed "show animation" etc


Quote from: dwarraConditional Brach --> If Z pressed "show animation" etc

Could you please give a tutorial how to get that into scri-pt with the script ready for copy & paste? Thanks!
Current projects:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


he was meaning use the event command conditional branch and set whatever button you want to be the spell casting one
"Existance cannot uphold peace. Ressurection
   is the first key, war is the second."

Jesse 015

Condition branch- so you can use buttons for animation, i could only use player touch.
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker