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Legacy: The Gatekeeper ; Demo 3.0 Now Downloadable

Started by coolkid25344, December 21, 2006, 11:13:15 PM

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Quote from: coolkid25344 on January 16, 2007, 10:00:02 PM
Quote from: Irockman1 on January 16, 2007, 09:45:38 PM
??? 'map notifier' ? 13??? RGSSError????????

failed to create btmap

Why does that always happen when I try to play the demo?

Im trying to get that fixed now, ill upload a special demo just for you

Hurray! lol



Quote from: Christina on January 16, 2007, 10:28:13 PM
hmmm i like the title screen
vary nice ;D

Thank Decadent Sympozium for my awesome titlescreen!
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable



It IS very cool but im not playing until the final release :P
Can you already say something about the gameplay time ?


For me about 5 hours so I hope more for you guys, some parts are very challenging too, if you get stuck I will have a launch website with a completed guide on Febuary 24th
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable



lol, and P.S. I like the new avatar its hlarious! :D
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable



Did you get the demo where I won't get that error message up?



You mean the error message I got? Can I have it too?



OMG I forgot about your demos!! Im so sorry i was so busy working with the game i forgot!!! Ok ok ill have it up later today, as for other news site is done and im thinking about launching it before the game, what do you guys think?
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


Ok im really sorry but ok well ive played a couple of other games on here and I think that if I launch the game febuary 24th it wont be at its maximum potential, so bad news game delayed good news there will be a demo 3.0 with alot more gameplay then the second demo.
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


Wow, thats one big tower...too...many...stairs  :o

Still, you need to improve some of the mapping, some of its like rough and harsh. If you know what I mean. But still looks good.


Thank you very much, 3.0 coming soon as I upload it, yeah its done just gota get it to a hosting site, any better suggestions than megaupload?
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


I can't think of any good ones, but don't use FileFront, IT SLOW!


Okay. I played the demo.
The mapping is a little less. But it has an interesting story.

EDIT: To tell you the truth in the first dungeon putting the same exact rocks together to maze a maze looks ugly. :-\ And everything is square.


Played 2.2 demo:
Lots of spelling/grammar errors....missing file! ...\BGM\danger, it quit! :( it was at the part where i was talking to the fairy after the forest.
"Facts are useless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true." Homer Jay Simpson

"I do not know what weapons WWIII will be fought with but i know WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones" Albert Einstein

"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." from In Memoriam, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

"all your base are belonging to us!" awful fantasy 3

"the grapes damb it, it's alway's the grapes!"

Funny anagrams:
Desperation=A rope ends it
Mother in law=Woman hitler
Lottery machine=Money lost in 'em
Election results=Lies lets recount
Dormitory=Dirty room
Snooze alarms=Alas! No more Z's
Eleven plus two=Twelve plus one
Cosmetic surgery="Yes, I correct mugs."
The IRS=Theirs!
Public relations=Crap, built on lies
Astronomer=Moon starer
Dementia="Detain me."
Internet chat rooms=The moron interacts
The eyes!=They see!

Currently making:,13132.0.html


Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


0/10..? how long did it take to make a map? a second? messed up everywhere
eventing 3/10 that fight was the fakest thing ever...also doors can use work, make him actaully walk in them...start of game is a fail at being professional.
Text 3/10.. "There in deep conversation,"
Gameplay 1/10 lol shop is a door open..
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Quote from: Nouman on March 17, 2007, 06:51:31 PM

0/10..? how long did it take to make a map? a second? messed up everywhere
eventing 3/10 that fight was the fakest thing ever...also doors can use work, make him actaully walk in them...start of game is a fail at being professional.
Text 3/10.. "There in deep conversation,"
Gameplay 1/10 lol shop is a door open..

wow did you really play the game that fast?, by the way nouman i still think your a fucking asshole for what you did earlier, noting that ill work on what you said, on another note how did you get kindest member, lol just kidding i guess your kind
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


yea...? not the whole thing..I don't think I would make it that far.  ;9
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Quote from: Nouman on March 17, 2007, 06:54:32 PM
yea...? not the whole thing..I don't think I would make it that far.  ;9
Lol what a pun that was so funny, and still, what did you mean by walking in the door?
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


I see its updated is it mainly finished now ??
I wanna play the game only untill the main game is complete :p