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[XP] 'Nocturne Gospel' (Abandoned)

Started by Karo Rushe, December 18, 2006, 02:04:11 AM

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Karo Rushe

FInally Updated the New Character's Pictures >D



Looks interesting, can't say I'm sure about using pictures for nearly every scene (you use a ton in your screenshots), but everyone needs to take a risk.

Karo Rushe

Fixed The Screenshots. (Not Gonna add anymore.)
Fixed Character's Bio
Fixed Credits
Added Current Arcs I'm writing.

Code Geass

This looks awesome  :tpg:

I love the look of this game. I'm going to read up on your topic when I get the chance, but for now, this just looks awesome.

I'm downloading 2.2 now, also, love the cg you use, fate/stay and eternity sword and both awsome games, can't wait to read the story more in detail.


well, I tried it, it was dissapointing, so I closed it. Guess I'll just have to wait for you to releasethe game like everyone else :P

Karo Rushe

First of - Where or what you mean by 2.2? The Last Demo released was a teaser, yet the storyline changed a lot from since then.

Code Geass

theres a mega link on your first page :P

Karo Rushe

 :mad: That's from the Old "Legend of Shanara: Shattered Blades"

Thou the last version of it is saved in the computer. (For fun reasons).

Karo Rushe

 :-X I question, why my Project is in the RM2k/2k3 Projects when it's made in RMXP >__>;;;

& Development has Gone Slow D: So, I am taking a bit longer on updates.

modern algebra

Karo Rushe

Updated ~ Screenshots, Characters, Features, Story Arcs . . .

The Shadow

DAS, if that's your artwork, then <3

Anyhow, I like the look of this game^^

Karo Rushe

The Artwork is from the game Seinarukana ~ Spirit Sword of Eternity 2 Game. I just got the stuff from a friend. >__>;; Everyone keeps sayings & pointing I made these when I gave credits to the original author & the character's pictures have his name on them >__<;;

The Shadow


*Checks back on credit list*


Code Geass


your also using a few spirit of eternity sword 1 character busts, we're going to have clashing characters :P

nah, j/k

still, it looks awesome XD

it really makes me want to make picture cutscenes >_> they look so nice :P

I know this might sound a bit noobish but what script do you use for the choices box to be out side the text box?

It's a neat feature that I'm really likening, and would love to use as well XD

Karo Rushe

Quote from: Black Shadow on January 30, 2008, 09:57:05 PM

*Checks back on credit list*


=X *Pats Head*

Quote from: monkeydlu on January 30, 2008, 10:18:47 PM

your also using a few spirit of eternity sword 1 character busts, we're going to have clashing characters :P

nah, j/k

still, it looks awesome XD

it really makes me want to make picture cutscenes >_> they look so nice :P

I know this might sound a bit noobish but what script do you use for the choices box to be out side the text box?

It's a neat feature that I'm really likening, and would love to use as well XD
It's Made by Events & playing around with Ccoa's Universal Message System

=X The Secret I shall not spoil, took me a lot of brain power to actually figure how to put the Images as I wanted them along with the Message >__<;; Sorry.

(I'd be guessing you'll like Ilumina >__>;; Bio Not posted here yet either wayz.)

Code Geass

ah, coco's message system....wish you people would've told me sooner >_>

my mapper told me the same thing after I started getting some trouble from dublex's, it was too late back then, and it's wayy to late now, lol.

well, idk, if I get stuck again I'll just take a dozen hours and edit all of my msg events :P

is Ilumia a rmxp game? well, link me either way, I like trying good games ^_^

Karo Rushe

Ilumina is not a Game, she's a Character, She looks like your Fukai Kazuko Except with Wings & a Spear =X

Code Geass

lol, I forgot my she had a last name, I need to go update my thread.

but actually, I was talking about this screenshot.

She's in my game as Souhu, though her bio's not posted

Ilumina......well, Fukai has wing''s kindof limited to her cg XD her wings doesn't show till quite a long while laters though......I've written down to much about her though,

it's a bit disappointing to hear that though :P

Karo Rushe

Quite funny how she ends ups having two different roles in different games =X <cough>

Now I understand a bit >__>;;

For what makes relation with Ilumina & Fukai?:

Spoilers due to, heck, Spoiilers to the Game itself; was too lazy to begging and look at the Wingly's Arc:


Code Geass

lol, thats a different character though, they only look similar XD

one question I've been wondering though, why don't you resize your back grounds into 640x480? using the originals, its always like tilted :P

it doesn't look bad though, just wondering, lol.

and I'm really wanting to use picture cutscenes now...>_> they look so much better  :tpg:

Karo Rushe

Let's just say I am too lazy to Change the Size D:

Karo Rushe

There might be a change of Plans for this . . . I got inspired to Change it more  :=: If my inspiration reaches High Masses, This Topic Will Die and I shall remake another one (Due to the old comments of the Past Failed Demos & Such, I still get this thing more and more Improvised).

Code Geass


well, I know the feeling of wanting to remake things, it's jsut that as you get better with the program, youw ant to make everything up to standard, I've changed so many same things over and over again, but it's well worth it imo.

major changes can be great refreshenings, as well as more inspiration. Good luck in what you decide to do, I can't wait to see your products ^_^