X box 360: good graphics, great FPS, cheaper, already out with many games, business is secure, on-line better, has great potential, perfect for multiplayer freaks, big game companies (like Square Enix with thier Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest) are also appearing on the 360
PS3: great graphics, no big games, not many games out, expensive, business is not secure (Sony is questioning if they should continue with the gaming business), great potential, free on-line
Wii: Cheap, different, last gen-graphics, expensive for accessories (baton, controller, numchuck, memory card), slower, weaker, childish games, great for family fun, unique
So there you have it. I would choose X Box 360 because I am into tactical shooters and 360 has and will have a huge game library. The Wii may not be that powerfull, but the games and style are different. The Wii experience is unique, fun (especially for you obese boys and girls), and comes at a nice price. If you can't get a 360 because you are brown, chinese, black, or too damn cheap, get the Wii. If you are white or have a job, get them both. PS3 on the other hand seems to be a waste. When you get a Wii or 360 you will get; Brawl, GRAW, Rainbow Six, Zelda, Link, Gears of War and so on. PS3 comes with virtually nothing at its launch day, and the games that are going to come out are not that great. Sure the FF and MGS are great games, but you can get your Tekken when you play Soul Calibur on the 360 and Wii. Some will say they like hands flying around like in Tekken, and some will say they like blades clashing like in Soul Caliber. PS3 should have a made a good first impression and promise more than hardcore silicon hardware. Gaming today is not about how much silicon you can pack in a box, but how special the games are.
I was just wondering though, does the 360 only have 2 controller ports? Would that mean i would have to buy a multi-tap?
Also the guy who said this converstation was stupid, I beg to differ. Games are limited by the system and the company. You can't have the Gear of War expreince on a Wii. You can't have the Red Steel exprience on a PS3. The system does matter for it gives you an idea of what the games are going to be like.
Sry if i am lashing out on you PS3 hommies. I know it is too young to beat but I think Sony gave a bad first impression. If they were serious, you would offered quality in games in the start and not quantaty in silicon.